Using FSx for Windows File Server with Amazon Kendra
Amazon Kendra is a highly accurate and intelligent search service. FSx for Windows File Server file systems can be used as data sources for Amazon Kendra, allowing you to index and intelligently search for information contained in documents stored on your file system.
For more information about Amazon Kendra, see What is Amazon Kendra in the Amazon Kendra Developer's Guide.
For more information about how to add your file system as an Amazon Kendra data source, see Getting started with an Amazon FSx data source (console) in the Amazon Kendra Developer's Guide.
For overview information about Amazon Kendra, see the Amazon Kendra website
. For a walkthrough of how to search your file system using Amazon Kendra, see Securely search unstructured data on Windows file systems with the Amazon Kendra connector for Amazon FSx for Windows File Server
on the AWS Machine Learning Blog.
File system performance
When you add an FSx for Windows File Server file system as a data source, Amazon Kendra crawls the files and folders on the file system on a regular sync frequency to create and maintain its search index. (You can select the sync frequency when you establish the integration.) This file access activity from Amazon Kendra will consume file system resources, similar to activity from your own workloads accessing the file system.
Ensure your file system is configured with sufficient resources such that your workload performance is not impacted. Specifically, if you are planning to index a large number of files, we recommend using a file system with SSD storage type, which provides higher maximum throughput and IOPS levels for requests that need to access the storage volumes. For more information about the Amazon FSx performance model, see FSx for Windows File Server performance.