Configure service principal names (SPNs) for Kerberos - Amazon FSx for Windows File Server

Configure service principal names (SPNs) for Kerberos

We recommend that you use Kerberos-based authentication and encryption in transit with Amazon FSx. Kerberos provides the most secure authentication for clients that access your file system.

To enable Kerberos authentication for clients that access Amazon FSx using a DNS alias, you must add service principal names (SPNs) that correspond to the DNS alias on your Amazon FSx file system’s Active Directory computer object. An SPN can only be associated with a single Active Directory computer object at a time. If you have existing SPNs for the DNS name configured for your original file system's Active Directory computer object, you must delete them first.

There are two required SPNs for Kerberos authentication:

HOST/alias HOST/alias.domain

If the alias is, the following are the two required SPNs:

HOST/finance HOST/

You will need to delete any existing HOST SPNs that correspond to the DNS alias on the Active Directory computer object before you create new HOST SPNs for your Amazon FSx file system's Active Directory (AD) computer object. Attempts to set SPNs for your Amazon FSx file system will fail if an SPN for the DNS alias exists in the AD.

The following procedures describes how to do the following:

  • Find any existing DNS alias SPNs on the original file system's Active Directory computer object.

  • Delete the existing SPNs found, if any.

  • Create new DNS alias SPNs for your Amazon FSx file system's Active Directory computer object.

To install the required PowerShell Active Directory module
  1. Log on to a Windows instance joined to the Active Directory to which your Amazon FSx file system is joined.

  2. Open PowerShell as administrator.

  3. Install the PowerShell Active Directory module using the following command.

    Install-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-PowerShell
To find and delete existing DNS alias SPNs on the original file system's Active Directory computer object

If you have SPNs configured for the DNS alias that you've assigned to another file system on a computer object in your Active Directory, you must first remove those SPNs before adding SPNs to your file system’s computer object.

  1. Find any existing SPNs by using the following commands. Replace alias_fqdn with the DNS alias that you associated with the file system in Step 1.

    ## Find SPNs for original file system's AD computer object $ALIAS = "alias_fqdn" SetSPN /Q ("HOST/" + $ALIAS) SetSPN /Q ("HOST/" + $ALIAS.Split(".")[0])
  2. Delete the existing HOST SPNs returned in the previous step by using the following example script.

    • Replace alias_fqdn with the full DNS alias that you associated with the file system in Step 1.

    • Replace file_system_DNS_name with the original file system's DNS name.

    ## Delete SPNs for original file system's AD computer object $Alias = "alias_fqdn" $FileSystemDnsName = "file_system_dns_name" $FileSystemHost = (Resolve-DnsName ${FileSystemDnsName} | Where Type -eq 'A')[0].Name.Split(".")[0] $FSxAdComputer = (Get-AdComputer -Identity ${FileSystemHost}) SetSPN /D ("HOST/" + ${Alias}) ${FSxAdComputer}.Name SetSPN /D ("HOST/" + ${Alias}.Split(".")[0]) ${FSxAdComputer}.Name
  3. Repeat the previous steps for each DNS alias that you've associated with the file system in Step 1.

To set SPNs on your Amazon FSx file system’s Active Directory computer object
  1. Set new SPNs for your Amazon FSx file system by running the following commands.

    • Replace file_system_DNS_name with the DNS name that Amazon FSx assigned to the file system.

      To find your file system's DNS name on the Amazon FSx console, choose File systems, choose your file system, and then choose the Network & security pane on the file system details page.

      You can also get the DNS name in the response of the DescribeFileSystems API operation.

    • Replace alias_fqdn with the full DNS alias that you associated with the file system in Step 1.

    ## Set SPNs for FSx file system AD computer object $FSxDnsName = "file_system_DNS_name" $Alias = "alias_fqdn" $FileSystemHost = (Resolve-DnsName $FSxDnsName | Where Type -eq 'A')[0].Name.Split(".")[0] $FSxAdComputer = (Get-AdComputer -Identity $FileSystemHost) ##Use one of the following commands, not both: Set-AdComputer -Identity $FSxAdComputer -Add @{"msDS-AdditionalDnsHostname"="$Alias"} ##Or SetSpn /S ("HOST/" + $Alias.Split('.')[0]) $FSxAdComputer.Name SetSpn /S ("HOST/" + $Alias) $FSxAdComputer.Name

    Setting an SPN for your Amazon FSx file system will fail if an SPN for the DNS alias exists in the AD for the original file system's computer object. For information about finding and deleting existing SPNs, see To find and delete existing DNS alias SPNs on the original file system's Active Directory computer object.

  2. Verify that the new SPNs are configured for the DNS alias using the following example script. Ensure that the response includes two HOST SPNs, HOST/alias and HOST/alias_fqdn, as described previously in this procedure.

    Replace file_system_DNS_name with the DNS name that Amazon FSx assigned to your file system. To find your file system's DNS name on the Amazon FSx console, choose File systems, choose your file system, and then choose the Network & security pane on the file system details page.

    You can also get the DNS name in the response of the DescribeFileSystems API operation.

    ## Verify SPNs on FSx file system AD computer object $FileSystemDnsName = "file_system_dns_name" $FileSystemHost = (Resolve-DnsName ${FileSystemDnsName} | Where Type -eq 'A')[0].Name.Split(".")[0] $FSxAdComputer = (Get-AdComputer -Identity ${FileSystemHost}) SetSpn /L ${FSxAdComputer}.Name
  3. Repeat the previous steps for each DNS alias that you've associated with the file system in Step 1.