AWS HealthImaging endpoints and quotas - AWS General Reference

AWS HealthImaging endpoints and quotas

To connect programmatically to an AWS service, you use an endpoint. AWS services offer the following endpoint types in some or all of the AWS Regions that the service supports: IPv4 endpoints, dual-stack endpoints, and FIPS endpoints. Some services provide global endpoints. For more information, see AWS service endpoints.

Service quotas, also referred to as limits, are the maximum number of service resources or operations for your AWS account. For more information, see AWS service quotas.

The following are the service endpoints and service quotas for this service.

Service endpoints

Region Name Region Endpoint Protocol
US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1 HTTPS
US West (Oregon) us-west-2 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Sydney) ap-southeast-2 HTTPS
Europe (Ireland) eu-west-1 HTTPS

If you are using HTTP requests to call AWS HealthImaging API actions, you must use two different endpoints depending on the actions being called. The following menu lists the available service endpoints for HTTP requests and the actions they support.

Using HTTP requests, the following data store, import, and tagging actions are accessible via endpoint:

  • CreateDatastore

  • GetDatastore

  • ListDatastores

  • DeleteDatastore

  • StartDICOMImportJob

  • GetDICOMImportJob

  • ListDICOMImportJobs

  • TagResource

  • ListTagsForResource

  • UntagResource

Using HTTP requests, the following runtime actions are accessible via endpoint:

  • SearchImageSets

  • GetImageSet

  • GetImageSetMetadata

  • GetImageFrame

  • ListImageSetVersions

  • UpdateImageSetMetadata

  • CopyImageSet

  • DeleteImageSet

Service quotas

Name Default Adjustable Description
Maximum concurrent CopyImageSet requests per data store Each supported Region: 100 Yes The maximum concurrent CopyImageSet requests per data store in the current AWS Region
Maximum concurrent DeleteImageSet requests per data store Each supported Region: 100 Yes The maximum concurrent DeleteImageSet requests per data store in the current AWS Region
Maximum concurrent UpdateImageSetMetadata requests per data store Each supported Region: 100 Yes The maximum concurrent UpdateImageSetMetadata requests per data store in the current AWS Region
Maximum concurrent import jobs per data store

ap-southeast-2: 20

Each of the other supported Regions: 100

Yes The maximum number of concurrent import jobs per data store in the current AWS Region
Maximum data stores Each supported Region: 10 Yes The maximum number of active data stores in the current AWS Region
Maximum number of ImageFrames allowed to be copied per CopyImageSet request Each supported Region: 1,000 Yes The maximum number of ImageFrames allowed to be copied per CopyImageSet request in the current AWS Region
Maximum number of files in a DICOM import job Each supported Region: 5,000 Yes The maximum number of files in a DICOM import job in the current AWS Region
Maximum number of nested folders in a DICOM import job Each supported Region: 10,000 No The maximum number of nested folders in a DICOM import job in the current AWS Region
Maximum payload size limit (in KB) accepted by UpdateImageSetMetadata Each supported Region: 10 Kilobytes Yes The maximum payload size limit (in KB) accepted by UpdateImageSetMetadata in the current AWS Region
Maximum size (in GB) of all files in a DICOM import job Each supported Region: 10 Gigabytes No The maximum size (in GB) of all files in a DICOM import job in the current AWS Region
Maximum size (in GB) of each DICOM P10 file in a DICOM import job Each supported Region: 4 Gigabytes No The maximum size (in GB) of each DICOM P10 file in the DICOM import job in the current AWS Region
Maximum size limit (in MB) on ImageSetMetadata per Import, Copy, and UpdateImageSet Each supported Region: 50 Megabytes Yes The maximum size limit (in MB) on ImageSetMetadata per Import, Copy, and UpdateImageSet in the current AWS Region