Remove an endpoint group for a custom routing accelerator in Global Accelerator - AWS Global Accelerator

Remove an endpoint group for a custom routing accelerator in Global Accelerator

You work with an endpoint group for your custom routing accelerator on the AWS Global Accelerator console or by using an API operation.

This section explains how to remove endpoint groups for your custom routing accelerator on the AWS Global Accelerator console. To learn about using API operations with Global Accelerator, see the AWS Global Accelerator API Reference.

To remove a custom routing accelerator

  1. Open the Global Accelerator console at

  2. On the Accelerators page, choose an accelerator.

  3. In the Listeners section, choose a listener, and then choose Remove.

  4. In the Endpoint groups section, choose an endpoint group, and then choose Remove.

  5. On the confirmation dialog box, choose Remove.