Advertise the address range through AWS - AWS Global Accelerator

Advertise the address range through AWS

After the address range is provisioned, it's ready to be advertised. You must advertise the exact address range that you provisioned. You can't advertise only a portion of the provisioned address range. In addition, you must stop advertising your IP address range from other locations before you advertise it through AWS.

You must advertise (or stop advertising) your address range using the CLI or Global Accelerator API operations. This functionality is not available in the AWS console.


Make sure that your IP address range is advertised by AWS before you use an IP address from your pool with Global Accelerator.

To advertise the address range, use the following AdvertiseByoipCidr command.

aws globalaccelerator --region us-west-2 advertise-byoip-cidr --cidr address-range

The following is an example of requesting Global Accelerator to advertise an address range.

aws globalaccelerator --region us-west-2 advertise-byoip-cidr --cidr

To monitor the state of the address ranges that you've advertised, use the following ListByoipCidrs command.

aws globalaccelerator --region us-west-2 list-byoip-cidrs

When your IP address range is advertised, the State returned by list-byoip-cidrs is ADVERTISING. For example:

{ "ByoipCidrs": [ { "Cidr": "", "State": "ADVERTISING" } ] }

To stop advertising the address range, use the following withdraw-byoip-cidr command.


To stop advertising your address range, you first must remove any accelerators that have static IP addresses that are allocated from the address pool. To delete an accelerator using the console or using API operations, see Delete accelerator.

aws globalaccelerator --region us-west-2 withdraw-byoip-cidr --cidr address-range

The following is an example of requesting Global Accelerator to withdraw an address range.

aws globalaccelerator --region us-west-2 withdraw-byoip-cidr --cidr