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Allows a third-party analytical engine to retrieve unfiltered table metadata from the Data Catalog.
For IAM authorization, the public IAM action associated with this API is glue:GetTable
Example Syntax
Use a bare-bones client and the command you need to make an API call.
import { GlueClient, GetUnfilteredTableMetadataCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-glue"; // ES Modules import
// const { GlueClient, GetUnfilteredTableMetadataCommand } = require("@aws-sdk/client-glue"); // CommonJS import
const client = new GlueClient(config);
const input = { // GetUnfilteredTableMetadataRequest
CatalogId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
DatabaseName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
AuditContext: { // AuditContext
AdditionalAuditContext: "STRING_VALUE",
RequestedColumns: [ // AuditColumnNamesList
AllColumnsRequested: true || false,
SupportedPermissionTypes: [ // PermissionTypeList // required
ParentResourceArn: "STRING_VALUE",
RootResourceArn: "STRING_VALUE",
SupportedDialect: { // SupportedDialect
Dialect: "REDSHIFT" || "ATHENA" || "SPARK",
DialectVersion: "STRING_VALUE",
Permissions: [ // PermissionList
QuerySessionContext: { // QuerySessionContext
QueryStartTime: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
ClusterId: "STRING_VALUE",
QueryAuthorizationId: "STRING_VALUE",
AdditionalContext: { // AdditionalContextMap
"<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
const command = new GetUnfilteredTableMetadataCommand(input);
const response = await client.send(command);
// { // GetUnfilteredTableMetadataResponse
// Table: { // Table
// Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// DatabaseName: "STRING_VALUE",
// Description: "STRING_VALUE",
// Owner: "STRING_VALUE",
// CreateTime: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
// UpdateTime: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
// LastAccessTime: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
// LastAnalyzedTime: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
// Retention: Number("int"),
// StorageDescriptor: { // StorageDescriptor
// Columns: [ // ColumnList
// { // Column
// Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// Type: "STRING_VALUE",
// Comment: "STRING_VALUE",
// Parameters: { // ParametersMap
// "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// },
// ],
// Location: "STRING_VALUE",
// AdditionalLocations: [ // LocationStringList
// ],
// InputFormat: "STRING_VALUE",
// OutputFormat: "STRING_VALUE",
// Compressed: true || false,
// NumberOfBuckets: Number("int"),
// SerdeInfo: { // SerDeInfo
// Name: "STRING_VALUE",
// SerializationLibrary: "STRING_VALUE",
// Parameters: {
// "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// },
// BucketColumns: [ // NameStringList
// ],
// SortColumns: [ // OrderList
// { // Order
// Column: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// SortOrder: Number("int"), // required
// },
// ],
// Parameters: "<ParametersMap>",
// SkewedInfo: { // SkewedInfo
// SkewedColumnNames: [
// ],
// SkewedColumnValues: [ // ColumnValueStringList
// ],
// SkewedColumnValueLocationMaps: { // LocationMap
// "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// },
// StoredAsSubDirectories: true || false,
// SchemaReference: { // SchemaReference
// SchemaId: { // SchemaId
// SchemaArn: "STRING_VALUE",
// SchemaName: "STRING_VALUE",
// RegistryName: "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// SchemaVersionId: "STRING_VALUE",
// SchemaVersionNumber: Number("long"),
// },
// },
// PartitionKeys: [
// {
// Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// Type: "STRING_VALUE",
// Comment: "STRING_VALUE",
// Parameters: "<ParametersMap>",
// },
// ],
// ViewOriginalText: "STRING_VALUE",
// ViewExpandedText: "STRING_VALUE",
// TableType: "STRING_VALUE",
// Parameters: "<ParametersMap>",
// CreatedBy: "STRING_VALUE",
// IsRegisteredWithLakeFormation: true || false,
// TargetTable: { // TableIdentifier
// CatalogId: "STRING_VALUE",
// DatabaseName: "STRING_VALUE",
// Name: "STRING_VALUE",
// Region: "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// CatalogId: "STRING_VALUE",
// VersionId: "STRING_VALUE",
// FederatedTable: { // FederatedTable
// Identifier: "STRING_VALUE",
// DatabaseIdentifier: "STRING_VALUE",
// ConnectionName: "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// ViewDefinition: { // ViewDefinition
// IsProtected: true || false,
// Definer: "STRING_VALUE",
// SubObjects: [ // ViewSubObjectsList
// ],
// Representations: [ // ViewRepresentationList
// { // ViewRepresentation
// Dialect: "REDSHIFT" || "ATHENA" || "SPARK",
// DialectVersion: "STRING_VALUE",
// ViewOriginalText: "STRING_VALUE",
// ViewExpandedText: "STRING_VALUE",
// ValidationConnection: "STRING_VALUE",
// IsStale: true || false,
// },
// ],
// },
// IsMultiDialectView: true || false,
// Status: { // TableStatus
// RequestedBy: "STRING_VALUE",
// UpdatedBy: "STRING_VALUE",
// RequestTime: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
// UpdateTime: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
// Action: "UPDATE" || "CREATE",
// State: "QUEUED" || "IN_PROGRESS" || "SUCCESS" || "STOPPED" || "FAILED",
// Error: { // ErrorDetail
// ErrorCode: "STRING_VALUE",
// ErrorMessage: "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// Details: { // StatusDetails
// RequestedChange: {
// Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// DatabaseName: "STRING_VALUE",
// Description: "STRING_VALUE",
// Owner: "STRING_VALUE",
// CreateTime: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
// UpdateTime: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
// LastAccessTime: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
// LastAnalyzedTime: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
// Retention: Number("int"),
// StorageDescriptor: {
// Columns: "<ColumnList>",
// Location: "STRING_VALUE",
// AdditionalLocations: [
// ],
// InputFormat: "STRING_VALUE",
// OutputFormat: "STRING_VALUE",
// Compressed: true || false,
// NumberOfBuckets: Number("int"),
// SerdeInfo: {
// Name: "STRING_VALUE",
// SerializationLibrary: "STRING_VALUE",
// Parameters: "<ParametersMap>",
// },
// BucketColumns: "<NameStringList>",
// SortColumns: [
// {
// Column: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// SortOrder: Number("int"), // required
// },
// ],
// Parameters: "<ParametersMap>",
// SkewedInfo: {
// SkewedColumnNames: "<NameStringList>",
// SkewedColumnValues: [
// ],
// SkewedColumnValueLocationMaps: {
// "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// },
// StoredAsSubDirectories: true || false,
// SchemaReference: {
// SchemaId: {
// SchemaArn: "STRING_VALUE",
// SchemaName: "STRING_VALUE",
// RegistryName: "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// SchemaVersionId: "STRING_VALUE",
// SchemaVersionNumber: Number("long"),
// },
// },
// PartitionKeys: "<ColumnList>",
// ViewOriginalText: "STRING_VALUE",
// ViewExpandedText: "STRING_VALUE",
// TableType: "STRING_VALUE",
// Parameters: "<ParametersMap>",
// CreatedBy: "STRING_VALUE",
// IsRegisteredWithLakeFormation: true || false,
// TargetTable: {
// CatalogId: "STRING_VALUE",
// DatabaseName: "STRING_VALUE",
// Name: "STRING_VALUE",
// Region: "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// CatalogId: "STRING_VALUE",
// VersionId: "STRING_VALUE",
// FederatedTable: {
// Identifier: "STRING_VALUE",
// DatabaseIdentifier: "STRING_VALUE",
// ConnectionName: "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// ViewDefinition: {
// IsProtected: true || false,
// Definer: "STRING_VALUE",
// SubObjects: [
// ],
// Representations: [
// {
// Dialect: "REDSHIFT" || "ATHENA" || "SPARK",
// DialectVersion: "STRING_VALUE",
// ViewOriginalText: "STRING_VALUE",
// ViewExpandedText: "STRING_VALUE",
// ValidationConnection: "STRING_VALUE",
// IsStale: true || false,
// },
// ],
// },
// IsMultiDialectView: true || false,
// Status: {
// RequestedBy: "STRING_VALUE",
// UpdatedBy: "STRING_VALUE",
// RequestTime: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
// UpdateTime: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
// Action: "UPDATE" || "CREATE",
// State: "QUEUED" || "IN_PROGRESS" || "SUCCESS" || "STOPPED" || "FAILED",
// Error: {
// ErrorCode: "STRING_VALUE",
// ErrorMessage: "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// Details: {
// RequestedChange: "<Table>",
// ViewValidations: [ // ViewValidationList
// { // ViewValidation
// Dialect: "REDSHIFT" || "ATHENA" || "SPARK",
// DialectVersion: "STRING_VALUE",
// ViewValidationText: "STRING_VALUE",
// UpdateTime: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
// State: "QUEUED" || "IN_PROGRESS" || "SUCCESS" || "STOPPED" || "FAILED",
// Error: "<ErrorDetail>",
// },
// ],
// },
// },
// },
// ViewValidations: [
// {
// Dialect: "REDSHIFT" || "ATHENA" || "SPARK",
// DialectVersion: "STRING_VALUE",
// ViewValidationText: "STRING_VALUE",
// UpdateTime: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
// State: "QUEUED" || "IN_PROGRESS" || "SUCCESS" || "STOPPED" || "FAILED",
// Error: "<ErrorDetail>",
// },
// ],
// },
// },
// },
// AuthorizedColumns: "<NameStringList>",
// IsRegisteredWithLakeFormation: true || false,
// CellFilters: [ // ColumnRowFilterList
// { // ColumnRowFilter
// ColumnName: "STRING_VALUE",
// RowFilterExpression: "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// ],
// QueryAuthorizationId: "STRING_VALUE",
// IsMultiDialectView: true || false,
// ResourceArn: "STRING_VALUE",
// IsProtected: true || false,
// Permissions: [ // PermissionList
// ],
// RowFilter: "STRING_VALUE",
// };
GetUnfilteredTableMetadataCommand Input
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
CatalogId Required | string | undefined | The catalog ID where the table resides. |
DatabaseName Required | string | undefined | (Required) Specifies the name of a database that contains the table. |
Name Required | string | undefined | (Required) Specifies the name of a table for which you are requesting metadata. |
SupportedPermissionTypes Required | PermissionType[] | undefined | Indicates the level of filtering a third-party analytical engine is capable of enforcing when calling the
Note: Each of these permission types follows a hierarchical order where each subsequent permission type includes all permission of the previous type. Important: If you provide a supported permission type that doesn't match the user's level of permissions on the table, then Lake Formation raises an exception. For example, if the third-party engine calling the |
AuditContext | AuditContext | undefined | A structure containing Lake Formation audit context information. |
ParentResourceArn | string | undefined | The resource ARN of the view. |
Permissions | Permission[] | undefined | The Lake Formation data permissions of the caller on the table. Used to authorize the call when no view context is found. |
QuerySessionContext | QuerySessionContext | undefined | A structure used as a protocol between query engines and Lake Formation or Glue. Contains both a Lake Formation generated authorization identifier and information from the request's authorization context. |
Region | string | undefined | Specified only if the base tables belong to a different Amazon Web Services Region. |
RootResourceArn | string | undefined | The resource ARN of the root view in a chain of nested views. |
SupportedDialect | SupportedDialect | undefined | A structure specifying the dialect and dialect version used by the query engine. |
GetUnfilteredTableMetadataCommand Output
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
$metadata Required | ResponseMetadata | Metadata pertaining to this request. |
AuthorizedColumns | string[] | undefined | A list of column names that the user has been granted access to. |
CellFilters | ColumnRowFilter[] | undefined | A list of column row filters. |
IsMultiDialectView | boolean | undefined | Specifies whether the view supports the SQL dialects of one or more different query engines and can therefore be read by those engines. |
IsProtected | boolean | undefined | A flag that instructs the engine not to push user-provided operations into the logical plan of the view during query planning. However, if set this flag does not guarantee that the engine will comply. Refer to the engine's documentation to understand the guarantees provided, if any. |
IsRegisteredWithLakeFormation | boolean | undefined | A Boolean value that indicates whether the partition location is registered with Lake Formation. |
Permissions | Permission[] | undefined | The Lake Formation data permissions of the caller on the table. Used to authorize the call when no view context is found. |
QueryAuthorizationId | string | undefined | A cryptographically generated query identifier generated by Glue or Lake Formation. |
ResourceArn | string | undefined | The resource ARN of the parent resource extracted from the request. |
RowFilter | string | undefined | The filter that applies to the table. For example when applying the filter in SQL, it would go in the |
Table | Table | undefined | A Table object containing the table metadata. |
Name | Fault | Details |
Name | Fault | Details |
EntityNotFoundException | client | A specified entity does not exist |
FederationSourceException | client | A federation source failed. |
FederationSourceRetryableException | client | A federation source failed, but the operation may be retried. |
GlueEncryptionException | client | An encryption operation failed. |
InternalServiceException | server | An internal service error occurred. |
InvalidInputException | client | The input provided was not valid. |
OperationTimeoutException | client | The operation timed out. |
PermissionTypeMismatchException | client | The operation timed out. |
GlueServiceException | Base exception class for all service exceptions from Glue service. |