Amazon Aurora DSQL 2018-05-10
- Client: Aws\DSQL\DSQLClient
- Service ID: dsql
- Version: 2018-05-10
This page describes the parameters and results for the operations of the Amazon Aurora DSQL (2018-05-10), and shows how to use the Aws\DSQL\DSQLClient object to call the described operations. This documentation is specific to the 2018-05-10 API version of the service.
Operation Summary
Each of the following operations can be created from a client using
, where "CommandName" is the
name of one of the following operations. Note: a command is a value that
encapsulates an operation and the parameters used to create an HTTP request.
You can also create and send a command immediately using the magic methods
available on a client object: $client->commandName(/* parameters */)
You can send the command asynchronously (returning a promise) by appending the
word "Async" to the operation name: $client->commandNameAsync(/* parameters */)
- CreateCluster ( array $params = [] )
- Creates a cluster in Amazon Aurora DSQL.
- CreateMultiRegionClusters ( array $params = [] )
- Creates multi-Region clusters in Amazon Aurora DSQL.
- DeleteCluster ( array $params = [] )
- Deletes a cluster in Amazon Aurora DSQL.
- DeleteMultiRegionClusters ( array $params = [] )
- Deletes a multi-Region cluster in Amazon Aurora DSQL.
- GetCluster ( array $params = [] )
- Retrieves information about a cluster.
- ListClusters ( array $params = [] )
- Retrieves information about a list of clusters.
- ListTagsForResource ( array $params = [] )
- Lists all of the tags for a resource.
- TagResource ( array $params = [] )
- Tags a resource with a map of key and value pairs.
- UntagResource ( array $params = [] )
- Removes a tag from a resource.
- UpdateCluster ( array $params = [] )
- Updates a cluster.
Paginators handle automatically iterating over paginated API results. Paginators are associated with specific API operations, and they accept the parameters that the corresponding API operation accepts. You can get a paginator from a client class using getPaginator($paginatorName, $operationParameters). This client supports the following paginators:
Waiters allow you to poll a resource until it enters into a desired state. A waiter has a name used to describe what it does, and is associated with an API operation. When creating a waiter, you can provide the API operation parameters associated with the corresponding operation. Waiters can be accessed using the getWaiter($waiterName, $operationParameters) method of a client object. This client supports the following waiters:
Waiter name | API Operation | Delay | Max Attempts |
ClusterActive | GetCluster | 2 | 60 |
ClusterNotExists | GetCluster | 2 | 60 |
$result = $client->createCluster
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->createClusterAsync
([/* ... */]);
Creates a cluster in Amazon Aurora DSQL.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->createCluster([ 'clientToken' => '<string>', 'deletionProtectionEnabled' => true || false, 'tags' => ['<string>', ...], ]);
Parameter Details
- clientToken
- Type: string
A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. Idempotency ensures that an API request completes only once. With an idempotent request, if the original request completes successfully, the subsequent retries with the same client token return the result from the original successful request and they have no additional effect.
If you don't specify a client token, the Amazon Web Services SDK automatically generates one.
- deletionProtectionEnabled
- Type: boolean
If enabled, you can't delete your cluster. You must first disable this property before you can delete your cluster.
- tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (TagKey) to strings
A map of key and value pairs to use to tag your cluster.
Result Syntax
[ 'arn' => '<string>', 'creationTime' => <DateTime>, 'deletionProtectionEnabled' => true || false, 'identifier' => '<string>', 'status' => 'CREATING|ACTIVE|UPDATING|DELETING|DELETED|FAILED', ]
Result Details
- arn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ARN of the created cluster.
- creationTime
- Required: Yes
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The time of when created the cluster.
- deletionProtectionEnabled
- Required: Yes
- Type: boolean
Whether deletion protection is enabled on this cluster.
- identifier
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the created cluster.
- status
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The status of the created cluster.
- ServiceQuotaExceededException:
The service limit was exceeded.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ValidationException:
The input failed to satisfy the constraints specified by an Amazon Web Services service.
- InternalServerException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure.
- ConflictException:
The submitted action has conflicts.
Example 1: Create Cluster
$result = $client->createCluster([ 'deletionProtectionEnabled' => , 'tags' => [ 'MyKey' => 'MyValue', ], ]);
$result = $client->createMultiRegionClusters
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->createMultiRegionClustersAsync
([/* ... */]);
Creates multi-Region clusters in Amazon Aurora DSQL. Multi-Region clusters require a linked Region list, which is an array of the Regions in which you want to create linked clusters. Multi-Region clusters require a witness Region, which participates in quorum in failure scenarios.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->createMultiRegionClusters([ 'clientToken' => '<string>', 'clusterProperties' => [ '<Region>' => [ 'deletionProtectionEnabled' => true || false, 'tags' => ['<string>', ...], ], // ... ], 'linkedRegionList' => ['<string>', ...], // REQUIRED 'witnessRegion' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- clientToken
- Type: string
A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. Idempotency ensures that an API request completes only once. With an idempotent request, if the original request completes successfully. The subsequent retries with the same client token return the result from the original successful request and they have no additional effect.
If you don't specify a client token, the Amazon Web Services SDK automatically generates one.
- clusterProperties
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (Region) to LinkedClusterProperties structures
A mapping of properties to use when creating linked clusters.
- linkedRegionList
- Required: Yes
- Type: Array of strings
An array of the Regions in which you want to create additional clusters.
- witnessRegion
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The witness Region of multi-Region clusters.
Result Syntax
[ 'linkedClusterArns' => ['<string>', ...], ]
Result Details
- linkedClusterArns
- Required: Yes
- Type: Array of strings
An array that contains the ARNs of all linked clusters.
- ServiceQuotaExceededException:
The service limit was exceeded.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ValidationException:
The input failed to satisfy the constraints specified by an Amazon Web Services service.
- InternalServerException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure.
- ConflictException:
The submitted action has conflicts.
Example 1: Create Multi Region Clusters
$result = $client->createMultiRegionClusters([ 'linkedRegionList' => [ 'us-east-1', 'us-east-2', ], 'witnessRegion' => 'us-west-2', ]);
Result syntax:
[ 'linkedClusterArns' => [ 'arn:aws:dsql:us-east-1:111122223333:cluster/abcdefghijklmnopqrst12345', 'arn:aws:dsql:us-east-2:111122223333:cluster/klmnopqrstuvwxyzabcd54321', ], ]
$result = $client->deleteCluster
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->deleteClusterAsync
([/* ... */]);
Deletes a cluster in Amazon Aurora DSQL.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->deleteCluster([ 'clientToken' => '<string>', 'identifier' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- clientToken
- Type: string
A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. Idempotency ensures that an API request completes only once. With an idempotent request, if the original request completes successfully. The subsequent retries with the same client token return the result from the original successful request and they have no additional effect.
If you don't specify a client token, the Amazon Web Services SDK automatically generates one.
- identifier
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the cluster to delete.
Result Syntax
[ 'arn' => '<string>', 'creationTime' => <DateTime>, 'deletionProtectionEnabled' => true || false, 'identifier' => '<string>', 'status' => 'CREATING|ACTIVE|UPDATING|DELETING|DELETED|FAILED', ]
Result Details
- arn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ARN of the deleted cluster.
- creationTime
- Required: Yes
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The time of when the cluster was created.
- deletionProtectionEnabled
- Required: Yes
- Type: boolean
Specifies whether deletion protection was enabled on the cluster.
- identifier
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the deleted cluster.
- status
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The status of the cluster.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ValidationException:
The input failed to satisfy the constraints specified by an Amazon Web Services service.
- InternalServerException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
The submitted action has conflicts.
Example 1: Delete Cluster
$result = $client->deleteCluster([ 'identifier' => 'kiqenqglxyl2snyvkvnj2c3s2e', ]);
$result = $client->deleteMultiRegionClusters
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->deleteMultiRegionClustersAsync
([/* ... */]);
Deletes a multi-Region cluster in Amazon Aurora DSQL.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->deleteMultiRegionClusters([ 'clientToken' => '<string>', 'linkedClusterArns' => ['<string>', ...], // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- clientToken
- Type: string
A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. Idempotency ensures that an API request completes only once. With an idempotent request, if the original request completes successfully. The subsequent retries with the same client token return the result from the original successful request and they have no additional effect.
If you don't specify a client token, the Amazon Web Services SDK automatically generates one.
- linkedClusterArns
- Required: Yes
- Type: Array of strings
The ARNs of the clusters linked to the cluster you want to delete. also deletes these clusters as part of the operation.
Result Syntax
Result Details
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ValidationException:
The input failed to satisfy the constraints specified by an Amazon Web Services service.
- InternalServerException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
The submitted action has conflicts.
Example 1: Delete Multi Region Clusters
$result = $client->deleteMultiRegionClusters([ 'linkedClusterArns' => [ 'arn:aws:dsql:us-east-1:111122223333:cluster/abcdefghijklmnopqrst12345', 'arn:aws:dsql:us-east-2:111122223333:cluster/klmnopqrstuvwxyzabcd54321', ], ]);
$result = $client->getCluster
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getClusterAsync
([/* ... */]);
Retrieves information about a cluster.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getCluster([ 'identifier' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- identifier
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the cluster to retrieve.
Result Syntax
[ 'arn' => '<string>', 'creationTime' => <DateTime>, 'deletionProtectionEnabled' => true || false, 'identifier' => '<string>', 'linkedClusterArns' => ['<string>', ...], 'status' => 'CREATING|ACTIVE|UPDATING|DELETING|DELETED|FAILED', 'witnessRegion' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- arn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ARN of the retrieved cluster.
- creationTime
- Required: Yes
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The time of when the cluster was created.
- deletionProtectionEnabled
- Required: Yes
- Type: boolean
Whether deletion protection is enabled in this cluster.
- identifier
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the retrieved cluster.
- linkedClusterArns
- Type: Array of strings
The ARNs of the clusters linked to the retrieved cluster.
- status
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The status of the retrieved cluster.
- witnessRegion
- Type: string
The witness Region of the cluster. Applicable only for multi-Region clusters.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ValidationException:
The input failed to satisfy the constraints specified by an Amazon Web Services service.
- InternalServerException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The resource could not be found.
Example 1: Get Cluster
$result = $client->getCluster([ 'identifier' => 'kiqenqglxyl2snyvkvnj2c3s2e', ]);
$result = $client->listClusters
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->listClustersAsync
([/* ... */]);
Retrieves information about a list of clusters.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->listClusters([ 'maxResults' => <integer>, 'nextToken' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- maxResults
- Type: int
An optional parameter that specifies the maximum number of results to return. You can use nextToken to display the next page of results.
- nextToken
- Type: string
If your initial ListClusters operation returns a nextToken, you can include the returned nextToken in following ListClusters operations, which returns results in the next page.
Result Syntax
[ 'clusters' => [ [ 'arn' => '<string>', 'identifier' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'nextToken' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- clusters
- Required: Yes
- Type: Array of ClusterSummary structures
An array of the returned clusters.
- nextToken
- Type: string
If nextToken is returned, there are more results available. The value of nextToken is a unique pagination token for each page. To retrieve the next page, make the call again using the returned token.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ValidationException:
The input failed to satisfy the constraints specified by an Amazon Web Services service.
- InternalServerException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The resource could not be found.
Example 1: List Clusters
$result = $client->listClusters([ 'maxResults' => 20, ]);
$result = $client->listTagsForResource
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->listTagsForResourceAsync
([/* ... */]);
Lists all of the tags for a resource.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->listTagsForResource([ 'resourceArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- resourceArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ARN of the resource for which you want to list the tags.
Result Syntax
[ 'tags' => ['<string>', ...], ]
Result Details
- tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (TagKey) to strings
A map of key and value pairs that you used to tag your resource.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ValidationException:
The input failed to satisfy the constraints specified by an Amazon Web Services service.
- InternalServerException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The resource could not be found.
Example 1: List Tags For Resource
$result = $client->listTagsForResource([ 'resourceArn' => 'arn:aws:dsql:us-east-1:111111222222:cluster/kiqenqglxyl2snyvkvnj2c3s2e', ]);
$result = $client->tagResource
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->tagResourceAsync
([/* ... */]);
Tags a resource with a map of key and value pairs.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->tagResource([ 'resourceArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'tags' => ['<string>', ...], // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- resourceArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ARN of the resource that you want to tag.
- tags
- Required: Yes
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (TagKey) to strings
A map of key and value pairs to use to tag your resource.
Result Syntax
Result Details
- ServiceQuotaExceededException:
The service limit was exceeded.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ValidationException:
The input failed to satisfy the constraints specified by an Amazon Web Services service.
- InternalServerException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The resource could not be found.
Example 1: Tag Resource
$result = $client->tagResource([ 'resourceArn' => 'arn:aws:dsql:us-east-1:111111222222:cluster/kiqenqglxyl2snyvkvnj2c3s2e', 'tags' => [ 'MyKey' => 'MyValue', ], ]);
$result = $client->untagResource
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->untagResourceAsync
([/* ... */]);
Removes a tag from a resource.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->untagResource([ 'resourceArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'tagKeys' => ['<string>', ...], // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- resourceArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ARN of the resource from which to remove tags.
- tagKeys
- Required: Yes
- Type: Array of strings
The array of keys of the tags that you want to remove.
Result Syntax
Result Details
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ValidationException:
The input failed to satisfy the constraints specified by an Amazon Web Services service.
- InternalServerException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The resource could not be found.
Example 1: Untag Resource
$result = $client->untagResource([ 'resourceArn' => 'arn:aws:dsql:us-east-1:111111222222:cluster/kiqenqglxyl2snyvkvnj2c3s2e', 'tagKeys' => [ 'MyKeyA', 'MyKeyB', ], ]);
$result = $client->updateCluster
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->updateClusterAsync
([/* ... */]);
Updates a cluster.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->updateCluster([ 'clientToken' => '<string>', 'deletionProtectionEnabled' => true || false, 'identifier' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- clientToken
- Type: string
A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. Idempotency ensures that an API request completes only once. With an idempotent request, if the original request completes successfully. The subsequent retries with the same client token return the result from the original successful request and they have no additional effect.
If you don't specify a client token, the Amazon Web Services SDK automatically generates one.
- deletionProtectionEnabled
- Type: boolean
Specifies whether to enable deletion protection in your cluster.
- identifier
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the cluster you want to update.
Result Syntax
[ 'arn' => '<string>', 'creationTime' => <DateTime>, 'deletionProtectionEnabled' => true || false, 'identifier' => '<string>', 'linkedClusterArns' => ['<string>', ...], 'status' => 'CREATING|ACTIVE|UPDATING|DELETING|DELETED|FAILED', 'witnessRegion' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- arn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ARN of the updated cluster.
- creationTime
- Required: Yes
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The time of when the cluster was created.
- deletionProtectionEnabled
- Required: Yes
- Type: boolean
Whether deletion protection is enabled for the updated cluster.
- identifier
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the cluster to update.
- linkedClusterArns
- Type: Array of strings
The ARNs of the clusters linked to the updated cluster. Applicable only for multi-Region clusters.
- status
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The status of the updated cluster.
- witnessRegion
- Type: string
The Region that receives all data you write to linked clusters.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ValidationException:
The input failed to satisfy the constraints specified by an Amazon Web Services service.
- InternalServerException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
The submitted action has conflicts.
Example 1: Update Cluster
$result = $client->updateCluster([ 'deletionProtectionEnabled' => , 'identifier' => 'kiqenqglxyl2snyvkvnj2c3s2e', ]);
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- message
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
A summary of the properties of a cluster.
- arn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ARN of the cluster.
- identifier
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the cluster.
The submitted action has conflicts.
- message
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- resourceId
- Type: string
Resource Id
- resourceType
- Type: string
Resource Type
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure.
- message
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- retryAfterSeconds
- Type: int
Retry after seconds.
Properties of linked clusters.
- deletionProtectionEnabled
- Type: boolean
Whether deletion protection is enabled.
- tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (TagKey) to strings
A map of key and value pairs the linked cluster is tagged with.
The resource could not be found.
- message
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- resourceId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Hypothetical identifier of the resource which does not exist
- resourceType
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Hypothetical type of the resource which does not exist
The service limit was exceeded.
- message
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Description of the error
- quotaCode
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Service Quotas requirement to identify originating quota
- resourceId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Identifier of the resource affected
- resourceType
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Type of the resource affected
- serviceCode
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Service Quotas requirement to identify originating service
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- message
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Description of the error
- quotaCode
- Type: string
Service Quotas requirement to identify originating quota
- retryAfterSeconds
- Type: int
Advice to clients on when the call can be safely retried
- serviceCode
- Type: string
Service Quotas requirement to identify originating service
The input failed to satisfy the constraints specified by an Amazon Web Services service.
- fieldList
- Type: Array of ValidationExceptionField structures
List of fields that caused the error
- message
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- reason
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Reason the request failed validation
Stores information about a field passed inside a request that resulted in an validation error.
- message
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
A message describing why this field failed validation.
- name
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The name of the field.