DescribeAgents - AWS Application Discovery Service


Lists agents or collectors as specified by ID or other filters. All agents/collectors associated with your user can be listed if you call DescribeAgents as is without passing any parameters.

Request Syntax

{ "agentIds": [ "string" ], "filters": [ { "condition": "string", "name": "string", "values": [ "string" ] } ], "maxResults": number, "nextToken": "string" }

Request Parameters

For information about the parameters that are common to all actions, see Common Parameters.

The request accepts the following data in JSON format.


The agent or the collector IDs for which you want information. If you specify no IDs, the system returns information about all agents/collectors associated with your user.

Type: Array of strings

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 10. Maximum length of 20.

Pattern: \S+

Required: No


You can filter the request using various logical operators and a key-value format. For example:

{"key": "collectionStatus", "value": "STARTED"}

Type: Array of Filter objects

Required: No


The total number of agents/collectors to return in a single page of output. The maximum value is 100.

Type: Integer

Required: No


Token to retrieve the next set of results. For example, if you previously specified 100 IDs for DescribeAgentsRequest$agentIds but set DescribeAgentsRequest$maxResults to 10, you received a set of 10 results along with a token. Use that token in this query to get the next set of 10.

Type: String

Required: No

Response Syntax

{ "agentsInfo": [ { "agentId": "string", "agentNetworkInfoList": [ { "ipAddress": "string", "macAddress": "string" } ], "agentType": "string", "collectionStatus": "string", "connectorId": "string", "health": "string", "hostName": "string", "lastHealthPingTime": "string", "registeredTime": "string", "version": "string" } ], "nextToken": "string" }

Response Elements

If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in JSON format by the service.


Lists agents or the collector by ID or lists all agents/collectors associated with your user, if you did not specify an agent/collector ID. The output includes agent/collector IDs, IP addresses, media access control (MAC) addresses, agent/collector health, host name where the agent/collector resides, and the version number of each agent/collector.

Type: Array of AgentInfo objects


Token to retrieve the next set of results. For example, if you specified 100 IDs for DescribeAgentsRequest$agentIds but set DescribeAgentsRequest$maxResults to 10, you received a set of 10 results along with this token. Use this token in the next query to retrieve the next set of 10.

Type: String


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors.


The user does not have permission to perform the action. Check the IAM policy associated with this user.

HTTP Status Code: 400


The home Region is not set. Set the home Region to continue.

HTTP Status Code: 400


One or more parameters are not valid. Verify the parameters and try again.

HTTP Status Code: 400


The value of one or more parameters are either invalid or out of range. Verify the parameter values and try again.

HTTP Status Code: 400


The server experienced an internal error. Try again.

HTTP Status Code: 500


Describe agents that are running

The following example describes all agents that are currently running by passing object array values to the parameter filters where condition is "EQUALS", name is "health", and value is "RUNNING". This results in a descriptive response that lists all agents running in your account.

Sample Request

{ "filters": [ { "condition": "EQUALS", "name": "health", "values": [ "RUNNING" ] } ] }

Sample Response

{ "agentsInfo": [ { "agentId": "o-55vu6xeo8zs27b905", "hostName": "", "agentNetworkInfoList": [ { "ipAddress": "", "macAddress": "02:7C:B6:F7:82:C4" } ], "version": "2.0.1008.0", "health": "RUNNING", "lastHealthPingTime": "2018-03-19T22:48:25Z", "collectionStatus": "STARTED", "agentType": "ONPREMISES", "registeredTime": "2018-01-30T18:54:19Z" }, { "agentId": "o-5i6fq7z1fhgokgreg", "hostName": "win-gv9i8gpt9t1", "agentNetworkInfoList": [ { "ipAddress": "", "macAddress": "00:50:56:C0:00:01" }, { "ipAddress": "", "macAddress": "00:50:56:C0:00:08" }, { "ipAddress": "", "macAddress": "0A:84:BB:BF:88:8E" } ], "version": "2.0.1008.0", "health": "RUNNING", "lastHealthPingTime": "2018-03-19T22:29:33Z", "collectionStatus": "STARTED", "agentType": "ONPREMISES", "registeredTime": "2018-03-16T23:54:19Z" } ] }

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: