The AWS Elemental MediaLive REST API includes the following resources.
- Batch action: delete
- Batch action: start
- Batch action: stop
- Channels
- Channels: channel ID
- Channels: class
- Channels: schedule
- Channels: start
- Channels: stop
- Input devices
- Input devices: accept device transfer
- Input devices: cancel device transfer
- Input devices: claim device
- Input devices: device ID
- Input devices: input device transfers
- Input devices: reboot
- Input devices: reject device transfer
- Input devices: thumbnail data
- Input devices: transfer device
- Input devices: update
- Input security groups
- Input security groups: group ID
- Inputs
- Inputs: input ID
- Inputs: partners
- Multiplex: describe program
- Multiplex: list programs
- Multiplex: start
- Multiplex: stop
- Multiplexes
- Multiplexes: multiplex ID
- Offerings: describe offering
- Offerings: list offerings
- Offerings: purchase offering
- Reservations: describe reservation
- Reservations: list reservations
- Tags: list tags
- Workflow monitor: CloudWatch alarm template groups
- Workflow monitor: CloudWatch alarm template groups ID
- Workflow monitor: CloudWatch alarm templates
- Workflow monitor: CloudWatch alarm templates ID
- Workflow monitor: EventBridge rule template groups
- Workflow monitor: EventBridge rule template groups ID
- Workflow monitor: EventBridge rule templates
- Workflow monitor: EventBridge rule templates ID
- Workflow monitor: Signal map monitor deployment
- Workflow monitor: Signal maps
- Workflow monitor: Signal maps ID