HarvestJobs provide details about the video on demand (VOD) assets that you want to harvest, or extract, from live content streams.
HTTP methods
Operation ID: ListHarvestJobs
Lists harvestJobs that match a set of filters that you define.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
includeStatus | String | False | Limits results to harvestJobs with the given status. Valid values are |
nextToken | String | False | Pagination token from the GET list request. Use the token to fetch the next page of results. |
maxResults | String | False | Upper bound on number of records to return. |
includeChannelId | String | False | Limits results to harvestJobs associated with the given channel ID. |
Status code | Response model | Description |
200 | HarvestJobList |
The list of harvestJobs is returned successfully. |
403 | None |
AWS Elemental MediaPackage cannot authorize the request, possibly due to insufficient authentication credentials. |
404 | None |
AWS Elemental MediaPackage did not find a representation of the target resource. |
422 | None |
AWS Elemental MediaPackage could not process the instructions in the body of the request. |
429 | None |
One of these two error conditions: Too many requests have been sent in a given amount of time. Your account has exceeded the quota allotted for the resource that you're creating. |
500 | None |
An unexpected condition prevented AWS Elemental MediaPackage from fulfilling the request. |
503 | None |
AWS Elemental MediaPackage can't currently complete the request, usually because of a temporary overload or maintenance. |
Operation ID: CreateHarvestJob
Creates a harvestJob to extract a video on demand (VOD) clip from the live stream.
Status code | Response model | Description |
200 | HarvestJob |
The harvestJob is created successfully. |
403 | None |
AWS Elemental MediaPackage cannot authorize the request, possibly due to insufficient authentication credentials. |
404 | None |
AWS Elemental MediaPackage did not find a representation of the target resource. |
422 | None |
AWS Elemental MediaPackage could not process the instructions in the body of the request. |
429 | None |
One of these two error conditions: Too many requests have been sent in a given amount of time. Your account has exceeded the quota allotted for the resource that you're creating. |
500 | None |
An unexpected condition prevented AWS Elemental MediaPackage from fulfilling the request. |
503 | None |
AWS Elemental MediaPackage can't currently complete the request, usually because of a temporary overload or maintenance. |
Enable CORS by returning correct headers.
Status code | Response model | Description |
200 | None | Default response for CORS method. |
Request bodies
{ "s3Destination": { "bucketName": "string", "manifestKey": "string", "roleArn": "string" }, "startTime": "string", "endTime": "string", "id": "string", "originEndpointId": "string" }
Response bodies
{ "harvestJobs": [ { "createdAt": "string", "s3Destination": { "bucketName": "string", "manifestKey": "string", "roleArn": "string" }, "startTime": "string", "endTime": "string", "id": "string", "originEndpointId": "string", "arn": "string", "channelId": "string", "status": enum } ], "nextToken": "string" }
{ "createdAt": "string", "s3Destination": { "bucketName": "string", "manifestKey": "string", "roleArn": "string" }, "startTime": "string", "endTime": "string", "id": "string", "originEndpointId": "string", "arn": "string", "channelId": "string", "status": enum }
HarvestJob configuration.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
arn | string | False | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that MediaPackage assigns to the harvestJob. |
channelId | string | False | The ID of the channel that the HarvestJob harvests from. |
createdAt | string | False | The time that you submitted the HarvestJob. |
endTime | string | False | The end time of the window for the live-to-VOD asset. |
id | string | False | Unique identifier for this harvestJob. The identifier can't be changed after the harvestJob is created. |
originEndpointId | string | False | The endpoint that MediaPackage harvests the live-to-VOD asset from. |
s3Destination | False | Parameters that define how MediaPackage accesses and saves the harvested asset to your Amazon S3 bucket. | |
startTime | string | False | The start time of the window for the live-to-VOD asset. |
status | string Values: | False | The current status of the harvestJob. We recommend that you configure a CloudWatch Event to notify you as harvestJobs complete or fail. For any failures, the CloudWatch Event explains why the harvestJob failed. For more information about CloudWatch Events, see Monitoring AWS Elemental MediaPackage with Amazon CloudWatch Events. |
HarvestJob configuration.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
endTime | string | True | The end time of the window for the live-to-VOD asset. The length of the asset can't exceed the startover window on the endpoint. If the startover window is five hours, the asset's end time can't be more than five hours from the asset's start time. |
id | string | True | Unique identifier for this harvestJob. The identifier can't be changed after the harvestJob is created. |
originEndpointId | string | True | The endpoint that MediaPackage harvests the live-to-VOD asset from. |
s3Destination | True | Parameters that define how MediaPackage accesses and saves the harvested asset to your Amazon S3 bucket. | |
startTime | string | True | The start time of the window for the live-to-VOD asset. This time must be at the same time or after the live event started, and must be within the startover window on the endpoint. If the endpoint has a startover window of five hours and the asset's start time is six hours ago, the harvestJob fails. |
Lists harvestJobs that match a set of filters that you define.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
harvestJobs | Array of type HarvestJob | False | List of harvestJobs that you created on this account. MediaPackage runs each harvestJob only once. After that, MediaPackage keeps a record of the job on your account for 90 days, for reference purposes only. |
nextToken | string | False | Pagination token from the GET list request. Use the token to fetch the next page of results. |
Defines how and where MediaPackage saves the live-to-VOD asset after it's been harvested from the live stream.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
bucketName | string | True | The name of the Amazon S3 bucket where MediaPackage stores the live-to-VOD asset. |
manifestKey | string | True | The path within the S3 bucket where MediaPackage stores the parent manifest of the harvested asset. |
roleArn | string | True | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the IAM role that provides MediaPackage access to read and write to the Amazon S3 bucket where the harvested live-to-VOD asset is stored. For more information about this role, see Allowing AWS Elemental MediaPackage to Access Amazon S3. |
See also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs and references, see the following: