Creates a resource group with the specified name and description. You can optionally include either a resource query or a service configuration. For more information about constructing a resource query, see Build queries and groups in AWS Resource Groups in the AWS Resource Groups User Guide. For more information about service-linked groups and service configurations, see Service configurations for Resource Groups.
Minimum permissions
To run this command, you must have the following permissions:
Request Syntax
POST /groups HTTP/1.1
Content-type: application/json
"Configuration": [
"Parameters": [
"Name": "string
"Values": [ "string
" ]
"Type": "string
"Criticality": number
"Description": "string
"DisplayName": "string
"Name": "string
"Owner": "string
"ResourceQuery": {
"Query": "string
"Type": "string
"Tags": {
" : "string
URI Request Parameters
The request does not use any URI parameters.
Request Body
The request accepts the following data in JSON format.
- Name
The name of the group, which is the identifier of the group in other operations. You can't change the name of a resource group after you create it. A resource group name can consist of letters, numbers, hyphens, periods, and underscores. The name cannot start with
, or any other possible capitalization; these are reserved. A resource group name must be unique within each AWS Region in your AWS account.Type: String
Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 300.
Required: Yes
- Configuration
A configuration associates the resource group with an AWS service and specifies how the service can interact with the resources in the group. A configuration is an array of GroupConfigurationItem elements. For details about the syntax of service configurations, see Service configurations for Resource Groups.
A resource group can contain either a
or aResourceQuery
, but not both.Type: Array of GroupConfigurationItem objects
Array Members: Maximum number of 2 items.
Required: No
- Criticality
The critical rank of the application group on a scale of 1 to 10, with a rank of 1 being the most critical, and a rank of 10 being least critical.
Type: Integer
Valid Range: Minimum value of 1. Maximum value of 10.
Required: No
- Description
The description of the resource group. Descriptions can consist of letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores, periods, and spaces.
Type: String
Length Constraints: Maximum length of 1024.
Required: No
- DisplayName
The name of the application group, which you can change at any time.
Type: String
Length Constraints: Minimum length of 0. Maximum length of 300.
Required: No
- Owner
A name, email address or other identifier for the person or group who is considered as the owner of this application group within your organization.
Type: String
Length Constraints: Minimum length of 0. Maximum length of 300.
Required: No
- ResourceQuery
The resource query that determines which AWS resources are members of this group. For more information about resource queries, see Create a tag-based group in Resource Groups.
A resource group can contain either a
or aConfiguration
, but not both.Type: ResourceQuery object
Required: No
- Tags
The tags to add to the group. A tag is key-value pair string.
Type: String to string map
Key Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 128.
Key Pattern:
Value Length Constraints: Minimum length of 0. Maximum length of 256.
Value Pattern:
Required: No
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-type: application/json
"Group": {
"ApplicationTag": {
"string" : "string"
"Criticality": number,
"Description": "string",
"DisplayName": "string",
"GroupArn": "string",
"Name": "string",
"Owner": "string"
"GroupConfiguration": {
"Configuration": [
"Parameters": [
"Name": "string",
"Values": [ "string" ]
"Type": "string"
"FailureReason": "string",
"ProposedConfiguration": [
"Parameters": [
"Name": "string",
"Values": [ "string" ]
"Type": "string"
"Status": "string"
"ResourceQuery": {
"Query": "string",
"Type": "string"
"Tags": {
"string" : "string"
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.
The following data is returned in JSON format by the service.
- Group
The description of the resource group.
Type: Group object
- GroupConfiguration
The service configuration associated with the resource group. For details about the syntax of a service configuration, see Service configurations for Resource Groups.
Type: GroupConfiguration object
- ResourceQuery
The resource query associated with the group. For more information about resource queries, see Create a tag-based group in Resource Groups.
Type: ResourceQuery object
- Tags
The tags associated with the group.
Type: String to string map
Key Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 128.
Key Pattern:
Value Length Constraints: Minimum length of 0. Maximum length of 256.
Value Pattern:
For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors.
- BadRequestException
The request includes one or more parameters that violate validation rules.
HTTP Status Code: 400
- ForbiddenException
The caller isn't authorized to make the request. Check permissions.
HTTP Status Code: 403
- InternalServerErrorException
An internal error occurred while processing the request. Try again later.
HTTP Status Code: 500
- MethodNotAllowedException
The request uses an HTTP method that isn't allowed for the specified resource.
HTTP Status Code: 405
- TooManyRequestsException
You've exceeded throttling limits by making too many requests in a period of time.
HTTP Status Code: 429
The following example creates a resource group in the us-west-2
Region of the calling account. The resource group has a query that specifies
that any resources in the account that are tagged with the key
and a value of Test
are members of the
group. The group itself (not its members) is tagged with a key named
and a value of Finance
Sample Request
POST /groups HTTP/1.1
Accept-Encoding: identity
User-Agent: aws-cli/2.2.40 Python/3.8.8 Windows/10 exe/AMD64 prompt/off command/resource-groups.create-group
X-Amz-Date: 20220113T175008Z
X-Amz-Security-Token: <SECURITY-TOKEN>
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=<ACCESS-KEY>/20220113/us-west-2/resource-groups/aws4_request,SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-date;x-amz-security-token,Signature=<SIGV4-SIGNATURE>
Content-Length: 283
"Description": "Resources created for the testing stage.",
"Name": "QueryGroup",
"ResourceQuery": {
"Query": "{\"ResourceTypeFilters\":[\"AWS::AllSupported\"],\"TagFilters\":[{\"Key\":\"Stage\",\"Values\":[\"Test\"]}]}",
"Type": "TAG_FILTERS_1_0"
"Tags": {"Department": "Finance"}
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2022 17:50:08 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 384
x-amzn-RequestId: <VARIES>
x-amz-apigw-id: <VARIES>
X-Amzn-Trace-Id: Root=<VARIES>
Connection: keep-alive
"Description":"Resources created for the testing stage.",
The following example creates a resource group with a configuration that makes the group serve as a capacity reservation pool by Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. This group can contain only Amazon EC2 capacity reservations that you add by using the GroupResources operation.
Sample Request
POST /groups HTTP/1.1
Accept-Encoding: identity
User-Agent: aws-cli/2.2.40 Python/3.8.8 Windows/10 exe/AMD64 prompt/off command/resource-groups.create-group
X-Amz-Date: 20220113T180534Z
X-Amz-Security-Token: <SECURITY-TOKEN>
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=<ACCESS-KEY>/20220113/us-west-2/resource-groups/aws4_request,SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-date;x-amz-security-token,Signature=<SIGV4-SIGNATURE>Content-Length: 320
Content-Length: 320
"Name": "CRPGroup",
"Description": "Resource group for capacity reservations.",
"Configuration": [
"Type": "AWS::EC2::CapacityReservationPool"
"Type": "AWS::ResourceGroups::Generic",
"Parameters": [
"Name": "allowed-resource-types",
"Values": [
"Tags": {
"Department": "Finance"
Sample Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2022 18:05:34 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 561
x-amzn-RequestId: <VARIES>
x-amz-apigw-id: <VARIES>
X-Amzn-Trace-Id: Root=<VARIES>
Connection: keep-alive
"Description":"Resource group for capacity reservations.",
The following example creates a resource group that can contain only Amazon EC2 hosts. Each instance launched into the group is automatically configured to use any of the available core/socket based license configurations you have defined in AWS License Manager.
Sample Request
POST /groups HTTP/1.1
Accept-Encoding: identity
User-Agent: aws-cli/2.2.40 Python/3.8.8 Windows/10 exe/AMD64 prompt/off command/resource-groups.create-group
X-Amz-Date: 20220113T182832Z
X-Amz-Security-Token: <SECURITY-TOKEN>
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=<ACCESS-KEY>/20220113/us-west-2/resource-groups/aws4_request,SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-date;x-amz-security-token,Signature=<SIGV4-SIGNATURE>
Content-Length: 362
"Name": "HostManagementGroup",
"Configuration": [
"Type": "AWS::EC2::HostManagement",
"Parameters": [
"Name": "any-host-based-license-configuration",
"Values": [
"Type": "AWS::ResourceGroups::Generic",
"Parameters": [
"Name": "allowed-resource-types",
"Values": [
"Name": "deletion-protection",
"Values": [
role="response">HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2022 18:28:33 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 881
x-amzn-RequestId: <VARIES>
x-amz-apigw-id: <VARIES>
X-Amzn-Trace-Id: Root=<VARIES>
Connection: keep-alive
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: