Describe or Update Discoverer
HTTP methods
Operation ID: DescribeDiscoverer
Describes the discoverer.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
discovererId | String | True | The ID of the discoverer. |
Status code | Response model | Description |
200 | DiscovererOutput | 200 response |
400 | ErrorOutput | 400 response |
401 | ErrorOutput | 401 response |
403 | ErrorOutput | 403 response |
404 | ErrorOutput | 404 response |
500 | ErrorOutput | 500 response |
503 | ErrorOutput | 503 response |
Operation ID: UpdateDiscoverer
Updates the discoverer
Name | Type | Required | Description |
discovererId | String | True | The ID of the discoverer. |
Status code | Response model | Description |
200 | DiscovererOutput | 200 response |
400 | ErrorOutput | 400 response |
401 | ErrorOutput | 401 response |
403 | ErrorOutput | 403 response |
404 | ErrorOutput | 404 response |
500 | ErrorOutput | 500 response |
503 | ErrorOutput | 503 response |
Operation ID: DeleteDiscoverer
Deletes a discoverer.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
discovererId | String | True | The ID of the discoverer. |
Status code | Response model | Description |
204 | None | 204 response |
400 | ErrorOutput | 400 response |
401 | ErrorOutput | 401 response |
403 | ErrorOutput | 403 response |
404 | ErrorOutput | 404 response |
500 | ErrorOutput | 500 response |
503 | ErrorOutput | 503 response |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
discovererId | String | True | The ID of the discoverer. |
Status code | Response model | Description |
200 | None | 200 response |
Request bodies
"CrossAccount": boolean,
"Description": "string"
Response bodies
"DiscovererArn": "string",
"DiscovererId": "string",
"CrossAccount": boolean,
"Description": "string",
"SourceArn": "string",
"State": enum,
"tags": {
Property | Type | Required | Description |
CrossAccount | boolean | False | Whether cross-account events are discovered. |
Description | string | False | The description of the discoverer. |
DiscovererArn | string | False | The ARN of the discoverer. |
DiscovererId | string | False | The ID of the discoverer. |
SourceArn | string | False | The ARN of the event bus. |
State | False | The state of the discoverer. | |
tags | False | Tags associated with the resource. |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
Code | string | True | The error code. |
Message | string | True | The message string of the error output. |
Key-value pairs associated with a resource.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
| string | False |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
CrossAccount | boolean | False | |
Description | string MinLength: 0 MaxLength: 256 | False | The description of the discoverer to update. |