Using the metric query option to query CloudWatch Metrics Insights data - Amazon Managed Grafana

Using the metric query option to query CloudWatch Metrics Insights data


Amazon CloudWatch Metrics Insights is in preview. CloudWatch Metrics Insights features are open to all AWS accounts. Features might be subject to change.

You can query CloudWatch Metrics Insights data by choosing the metric query mode in the Metric query editor.

CloudWatch Metrics Insights is a powerful high-performance SQL query engine that you can use to query your metrics at scale. It is a fast, flexible, SQL-based query engine that you can use to identify trends and patterns within all of your CloudWatch metrics in real time. It uses a dialect of SQL. For more information about the Metrics Insights query syntax, see Query syntax and keywords.

Query syntax and keywords

CloudWatch Metrics Insights uses a dialect of SQL. The following example shows the query syntax.

SELECT FUNCTION(metricName) FROM namespace | [ SCHEMA(namespace[, labelKey [, ...] ]) ] [ WHERE labelKey OPERATOR labelValue [AND|OR|([...])*] [, ...] ] [ GROUP BY labelKey [, ...]] [ ORDER BY FUNCTION() [DESC | ASC] ] [ LIMIT number]

Keywords are not case-sensitive, but the identifiers are case-sensitive. Identifiers include the names of metrics, namespaces, and dimensions.

The following table provides the query keywords and their descriptions.

Keyword Description
FUNCTION Required. Specifies the aggregate function to use, and also specifies the name of the metric to query. Valid values are AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN, and SUM.
MetricName Required. For example, CPUUtilization.
FROM Required. Specifies the source of the metric. You can specify either the metric namespace that contains the metric to query, or a SCHEMA table function. Some namespace examples are AWS/EC2 and AWS/Lambda.
SCHEMA (Optional) Filters the query results to show only the metrics that are an exact match, or the metrics that do not match.
WHERE (Optional) Filters the results to show only the metrics that match your specified expression. For example, WHERE InstanceType != 'c3.4xlarge'.
GROUP BY (Optional) Groups the query results into multiple time series. For example, GROUP BY ServiceName.
ORDER BY (Optional) Specifies the order of time series to return. Options are ASC and DESC.
LIMIT (Optional) Limits the number of time series to return.

The following are some examples:

  • SELECT AVG(CPUUtilization) FROM "AWS/EC2"

    Matches all CPUUtilization metrics in the AWS/EC2 namespace, ignoring their dimensions, and returns a single aggregated time series.


    Matches only the CPUUtilization metrics in the AWS/EC2 namespace that do not have any dimensions defined.

  • SELECT AVG(CPUUtilization) FROM SCHEMA("AWS/EC2", InstanceId)

    Matches only the CPUUtilizationmetrics that were reported to CloudWatch with exactly one dimension, InstanceId.

  • SELECT SUM(RequestCount) FROM SCHEMA("AWS/ApplicationELB", LoadBalancer, AvailabilityZone)

    Mtches only the RequestCount metrics that were reported to CloudWatch from AWS/ApplicationELB with exactly two dimensions, LoadBalancerand AvailabilityZone.

Label values must be enclosed by single quotation marks.

Escape characters

In a query, label values must always be surrounded with single quotation marks.   For example, SELECT MAX(CPUUtilization) FROM "AWS/EC2" WHERE AutoScalingGroupName = 'my-production-fleet'.

Metric namespaces, metric names, and label keys that contain characters other than letters, numbers, and underscores (_) must be surrounded by double quotation marks. For example, SELECT MAX("My.Metric"). If one of these contains a double quotation mark itself (such as Bytes"Input"), you must escape that double quotation mark with backslashes, as in SELECT AVG("Bytes\"Input\""). If a metric namespace, metric name, or label key, contains a word that is a reserved keyword in Metrics Insights, these must also be enclosed in double quotation marks. For example, if you have a metric named LIMIT, you would use SELECT AVG("LIMIT"). It is also valid to enclose any namespace, metric name, or label in double quotation marks even if it does not include a reserved keyword.

Builder mode and code mode

You can create a query in Builder mode or Code mode.

To create a query in Builder mode
  1. Browse and select a metric namespace, metric name, filter, group, and order options using information from the preceding table.

  2. For each of these options, choose from the list of possible options.

To create a query in Code mode
  1. Write your query in the code editor.

  2. To run the query, choose Run query in the code editor.

To create a query in the builder mode:

  • Browse and select a metric namespace, metric name, filter, group, and order options using information from the table above.

  • For each of these options, choose from the list of possible options.

Grafana automatically constructs a SQL query based on your selections.

To create a query in the code mode:

  • Write your query in the code editor.

  • To run the query, choose the Run query on the code editor.

The code editor has a built-in autocomplete feature that gives suggestions for keywords, aggregations, namespaces, metrics, labels, and label values. The suggestions are shown when you enter a space, comma, or dollar sign. You can also use the keyboard combination CTRL+Space.

Code editor can autocomplete the query. However, use of template variables in the code editor might interfere with the autocompletion.

CloudWatch Metrics Insights examples


CloudWatch Metrics Insights is in open preview. The preview is open to all AWS accounts and you do not need to request access. Features might be added or changed before announcing General Availability.

This section contains examples of useful CloudWatch Metrics Insights queries that you can copy and use directly or copy and modify in query editor. Some of these examples are already available in the console, and you can access them by choosing Add query in the Metrics view.

EC2 examples

View CPU utilization per instance metrics


View the average CPU utilization across the entire fleet

SELECT AVG(CPUUtilization) FROM SCHEMA("AWS/EC2", InstanceId)

View the 10 instances with the highest average CPU utilization


View the 10 instances with the highest CPU utilization, ordered by the maximum, in descending order


In this case, the CloudWatch agent is collecting a CPUUtilization metric per application. This query filters the average of this metric for a specific application name.

SELECT AVG(CPUUtilization) FROM "AWS/CWAgent" WHERE ApplicationName = 'eCommerce' SELECT AVG(ConcurrentExecutions) FROM "AWS/Lambda"

View average execution time for the top 10 Lambda functions, ordered by the maximum, in descending order


View the maximum, average, and minimum of Lambda execution times

SELECT MAX(Duration) FROM "AWS/Lambda"

Application Load Balancer examples

View metrics that have the dimensions LoadBalancer and AvailabilityZone

SELECT SUM(RequestCount) FROM SCHEMA("AWS/ApplicationELB", LoadBalancer, AvailabilityZone)

View metrics with number of active concurrent TCP connections

SELECT AVG(ActiveConnectionCount) FROM "AWS/ApplicationELB"

Amazon EBS examples

View top 10 average write bytes per volume in descending order


View average Amazon EBS volume write time

SELECT AVG(VolumeTotalWriteTime) FROM "AWS/EBS"

View average Amazon EBS volume idle time

SELECT AVG(VolumeIdleTime) FROM "AWS/EBS" View average burst balance per volume SELECT AVG(BurstBalance) FROM "AWS/EBS" GROUP BY VolumeId View average read bytes across Amazon EBS volumes SELECT AVG(VolumeReadBytes) FROM "AWS/EBS"

View average write bytes across Amazon EBS volumes


Amazon Simple Storage Service examples

View average latency group by bucket name

SELECT AVG(TotalRequestLatency) FROM "AWS/S3" GROUP BY BucketName

View average number of objects per bucket across all Amazon S3 buckets

SELECT AVG(NumberOfObjects) FROM "AWS/S3" GROUP BY BucketName

Amazon Simple Notification Service examples


SELECT AVG(NumberOfMessagesPublished) FROM "AWS/SNS"

View average number of messages failed for each topic name

SELECT AVG(NumberOfNotificationsFailed) FROM "AWS/SNS" GROUP BY TopicName

AWS API usage examples

View top 20 AWS APIs by the number of calls in your account

SELECT COUNT(CallCount) FROM "AWS/Usage" WHERE "Type" = 'API' GROUP BY "Service", "Resource" ORDER BY SUM() DESC LIMIT 20

CloudWatch Metrics Insights limits

CloudWatch Metrics Insights currently has the following limits:

  • You can query only the most recent three hours of data.

  • A single query can process no more than 10,000 metrics. This means that if the SELECT, FROM, and WHERE clauses would match more than 10,000 metrics, only the first 10,000 of these metrics that are found will be processed by the query.

  • A single query can return no more than 500 time series. This means that if the query is processing more than 500 metrics, not all metrics will be returned in the query results. If you use an ORDER BY clause, then all the metrics being processed will be sorted and the 500 that have the highest or lowest values according to your ORDER BY clause will be returned. If you do not include an ORDER BY clause, you can't control which 500 matching metrics are returned.

  • Each GetMetricData operation can have only one query, but you can have multiple widgets in a dashboard that each include a query.