View the state and health of alert rules - Amazon Managed Grafana

View the state and health of alert rules

This documentation topic is designed for Grafana workspaces that support Grafana version 10.x.

For Grafana workspaces that support Grafana version 9.x, see Working in Grafana version 9.

For Grafana workspaces that support Grafana version 8.x, see Working in Grafana version 8.

The state and health of alert rules gives you several key status indicators about your alerts.

There are three components:

Although related, each component conveys subtly different information.

To view the state and health of your alert rules
  1. From your Grafana console, in the Grafana menu, choose Alerting.

  2. Choose Alert rules to view the list of existing alerts.

  3. Choose an alert rule to view its state and health.

Alert rule state

An alert rule can be in any of the following states:

State Description
Normal None of the time series returned by the evaluation engine is in a pending or firing state.
Pending At least one time series returned by the evaluation engine is pending.
Firing At least one time series returned by the evaluation engine is firing.

Alerts transition first to pending and then firing, thus it takes at least two evaluation cycles before an alert is fired.

Alert instance state

An alert instance can be in any of the following states:

State Description
Normal The state of an alert that is neither pending nor firing. Everything is working as expected.
Pending The state of an alert that has been active for less than the configured threshold duration.
Alerting The state of an alert that has been active for longer than the configured threshold duration.
No data No data has been received for the configured time window.
Alerting An error occurred when attempting to evaluate an alerting rule.

Keep last state

An alert rule can be configured to keep the last state when a NoData or Error state is encountered. This will both prevent alerts from firing, and from resolving and re-firing. Just like normal evaluation, the alert rule will transition from pending to firing after the pending period has elapsed.

Alert rule health

An alert rule can have one of the following health statuses.

State Description
Ok No errors when evaluating the alert rule.
Error An error occurred when evaluating the alert rule.
NoData The absence of data in at least one time series returned during a rule evaluation.
{status}, KeepLast The rule would have received another status, but was configured to keep the last state of the alert rule.

Special alerts for NoData and Error

When evaluation of an alert rule produces the state NoData or Error, Grafana alerting will generate alert instances that have the following additional labels.

Label Description
alertname Either DatasourceNoData or DatasourceError, depending on the state.
datasource_uid The UID of the data source that caused the state.

You will need to set the no data or error handling to NoData or Error in the alert rule, as described in the Configure Grafana managed alert rules topic, to generate the additional labels.

You can handle these alerts the same way as regular alerts, including adding silences, routing to a contact point, and so on.