Inspector in Explore - Amazon Managed Grafana

Inspector in Explore

This documentation topic is designed for Grafana workspaces that support Grafana version 10.x.

For Grafana workspaces that support Grafana version 9.x, see Working in Grafana version 9.

For Grafana workspaces that support Grafana version 8.x, see Working in Grafana version 8.

The inspector helps you understand and troubleshoot your queries. You can inspect the raw data, export that data to a comma-separated values (CSV) file, export log results in TXT format, and view query requests.

Inspector UI

The inspector has the following tabs:

  • Stats tab – Shows how long your query takes and how much it returns.

  • Query tab – Shows you the requests to the server sent when Grafana queries the data source.

  • JSON tab – Allows you to view and copy the data JSON and data frame structure JSON.

  • Data tab – Shows the raw data returned by the query.

  • Error tab – Shows the error. Only visible when query returns error.

Inspector tasks

You can perform a variety of tasks in the Explore inspector.

Open the Inspector

After you run the query you would like to inspect, select the Inspector button.

The inspector pane opens on the bottom of the screen.

Inspect raw query results

You can view raw query results, that is the data returned by the query in a table.

In the Inspector tab, click the Data tab.

For multiple queries or for queries multiple nodes, there are additional options.

  • Show data frame: Select the result set data you want to view.

  • Series joined by time: View the raw data from all of your queries at once, one result set per column. You can click a column heading to sort the data.

Download raw query results as CSV

Grafana generates a CSV file in your default browser download location. You can open it in the viewer of your choice.

  1. In the Inspector tab, get raw query results by following the instructions above.

  2. Refine the query settings until you can see the raw data that you want to export.

  3. Choose Download CSV.

In order to download a CSV file specifically formatted for Excel, expand Data options and then turn on the Download for Excel toggle before you select the Download CSV option.

Download log results as TXT

You can generate a TXT file of the logs you are currently viewing, by selecting Download logs in the Inspectortab.

Download trace results

Based on the data source type, Grafana generates a JSON file for the trace results in one of the supported formats: Jaeger, Zipkin, or OTLP formats.

  1. Open the Inspector.

  2. Inspect the log query results. Refine the results until you see the raw logs that you want to export.

  3. Choose Download logs.

Inspect query performance

The Stats tab displays statistics that tell you how long your query takes, how many queries you send, and the number of rows returned. This information can help you troubleshoot your queries, especially if any of the numbers are unexpectedly high or low.

Statistics are displayed in read-only format.

View JSON model

You can explore and export data as well as data frame JSON models.

To view the JSON model
  1. In the Inspector panel, click the JSON tab.

  2. From the Select source dropdown, choose one of the following options:

    • Data – Displays a JSON object representing the data that was returned to Explore.

    • DataFrame structure – Displays the raw result set.

  3. You can expand or collapse portions of the JSON to view separate sections. You can also select the Copy to clipboard option to copy JSON body and paste it into another application.

View raw request and response to data source

As you are working with Explore and the Inspector tab, you can view the raw request and response data that you are generating with a query. In the Inspector, select the Query tab and choose Refresh to see the raw data.

Grafana sends the query to the server and displays the result. You can drill down on specific portions of the query, expand or collapse all of it, or copy the data to the clipboard to use in other applications.