Working with contact points - Amazon Managed Grafana

Working with contact points

This documentation topic is designed for Grafana workspaces that support Grafana version 9.x.

For Grafana workspaces that support Grafana version 10.x, see Working in Grafana version 10.

For Grafana workspaces that support Grafana version 8.x, see Working in Grafana version 8.

Use contact points to define how your contacts are notified when an alert is initiated. A contact point can have one or more contact point integrations, for example, Amazon Simple Notification Service or Slack. When an alert is initiated, a notification is sent to all contact point integrations listed for a contact point. Optionally, use notification templates to customize the notification messages for the contact point types.


You can create and edit contact points for Grafana managed alerts. Contact points for Alertmanager alerts are read-only.

Working with contact points

The following procedures detail how to add, edit, test, and delete contact points.

To add a contact point
  1. From your Grafana console, in the Grafana menu, choose the Alerting (bell) icon to open the Alerting page.

  2. Choose Contact points, then Add contact point.

  3. From the Alertmanager dropdown, select an Alertmanager. The Grafana Alertmanager is selected by default.

  4. Enter a Name for the contact point.

  5. From Contact point integration, choose a type, and the mandatory fields based on that type. For example, if you choose Slack, enter the Slack channels and users who should be contacted.

  6. If available for the contact point you selected, choose any desired Optional settings to specify additional settings.

  7. Under Notification settings, optionally select Disable resolved message if you do not want to be notified when an alert resolves.

  8. If your contact point needs more contact points types, you can choose Add contact point integration and repeat the steps for each contact point type needed.

  9. Choose Save contact point to save your changes.

To edit a contact point
  1. Choose Contact points to see a list of existing contact points.

  2. Select the contact point to edit, then choose the Edit icon (pen).

  3. Make any necessary changes, and then choose Save contact point to save your changes.

After your contact point is created, you can send a test notification to verify that it is configured properly.

To send a test notification
  1. Choose Contact points to open the list of existing contact points.

  2. Select the contact point to test, then choose the Edit icon (pen).

  3. Select the Test icon (paper airplane).

  4. Choose whether to send a predefined test notification or choose Custom to add your own custom annotations and labels in the test notification.

  5. Choose Send test notification to test the alert with the given contact points.

You can delete contact points that are not in use by a notification policy.

To delete a contact point
  1. Choose Contact points to open the list of existing contact points.

  2. Select the contact point to delete, then choose the Delete icon (trash can).

  3. In the confirmation dialog box, choose Yes, delete.


If the contact point is in use by a notification policy, you must delete the notification policy or edit it to use a different contact point before deleting the contact point.

List of supported notifiers

Name Type
Amazon SNS sns
OpsGenie opsgenie
Pager Duty pagerduty
Slack slack
VictorOps victorops