Calculation types - Amazon Managed Grafana

Calculation types

This documentation topic is designed for Grafana workspaces that support Grafana version 9.x.

For Grafana workspaces that support Grafana version 10.x, see Working in Grafana version 10.

For Grafana workspaces that support Grafana version 8.x, see Working in Grafana version 8.

The following table contains a list of calculations you can perform in Grafana. You can find these calculations in the Transform tab and in the bar gauge, gauge, and stat visualizations.

Calculation Description
All nulls True when all values are null
All zeros True when all values are 0
Change count Number of times the field’s value changes
Count Number of values in a field
Delta Cumulative change in value, only counts increments
Difference Difference between first and last value of a field
Difference percent Percentage change between first and last value of a field
Distinct count Number of unique values in a field
First (not null) First, not null value in a field
Max Maximum value of a field
Mean Mean value of all values in a field
Variance Variance of all values in a field
StdDev Standard deviation of all values in a field
Min Minimum value of a field
Min (above zero) Minimum, positive value of a field
Range Difference between maximum and minimum values of a field
Step Minimal interval between values of a field
Total Sum of all values in a field