AWS IoT Greengrass Version 1 entered the extended life phase on June 30, 2023. For more information, see the AWS IoT Greengrass V1 maintenance policy. After this date, AWS IoT Greengrass V1 won't release updates that provide features, enhancements, bug fixes, or security patches. Devices that run on AWS IoT Greengrass V1 won't be disrupted and will continue to operate and to connect to the cloud. We strongly recommend that you migrate to AWS IoT Greengrass Version 2, which adds significant new features and support for additional platforms.
Getting started with Greengrass connectors (CLI)
This feature is available for AWS IoT Greengrass Core v1.7 and later.
This tutorial shows how to use the AWS CLI to work with connectors.
Use connectors to accelerate your development life cycle. Connectors are prebuilt, reusable modules that can make it easier to interact with services, protocols, and resources. They can help you deploy business logic to Greengrass devices more quickly. For more information, see Integrate with services and protocols using Greengrass connectors.
In this tutorial, you configure and deploy the Twilio Notifications connector. The connector receives Twilio message information as input data, and then triggers a Twilio text message. The data flow is shown in following diagram.

After you configure the connector, you create a Lambda function and a subscription.
The function evaluates simulated data from a temperature sensor. It conditionally publishes the Twilio message information to an MQTT topic. This is the topic that the connector subscribes to.
The subscription allows the function to publish to the topic and the connector to receive data from the topic.
The Twilio Notifications connector requires a Twilio auth token to interact with the Twilio API. The token is a text type secret created in AWS Secrets Manager and referenced from a group resource. This enables AWS IoT Greengrass to create a local copy of the secret on the Greengrass core, where it is encrypted and made available to the connector. For more information, see Deploy secrets to the AWS IoT Greengrass core.
The tutorial contains the following high-level steps:
The tutorial should take about 30 minutes to complete.
Using the AWS IoT Greengrass API
It's helpful to understand the following patterns when you work with Greengrass groups and group components (for example, the connectors, functions, and resources in the group).
At the top of the hierarchy, a component has a definition object that is a container for version objects. In turn, a version is a container for the connectors, functions, or other component types.
When you deploy to the Greengrass core, you deploy a specific group version. A group version can contain one version of each type of component. A core is required, but the others are included as needed.
Versions are immutable, so you must create new versions when you want to make changes.
If you receive an error when you run an AWS CLI command, add the --debug
and then rerun the command to get more information about the error.
The AWS IoT Greengrass API lets you create multiple definitions for a component type. For example, you
can create a FunctionDefinition
object every time that you create a FunctionDefinitionVersion
, or you can add new
versions to an existing definition. This flexibility allows you to customize your version management system.
To complete this tutorial, you need:
A Greengrass group and a Greengrass core (v1.9.3 or later). To learn how to create a Greengrass group and core, see Getting started with AWS IoT Greengrass. The Getting Started tutorial also includes steps for installing the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software.
Python 3.7 installed on the AWS IoT Greengrass core device.
AWS IoT Greengrass must be configured to support local secrets, as described in Secrets Requirements.
This requirement includes allowing access to your Secrets Manager secrets. If you're using the default Greengrass service role, Greengrass has permission to get the values of secrets with names that start with greengrass-.
A Twilio account SID, auth token, and Twilio-enabled phone number. After you create a Twilio project, these values are available on the project dashboard.
You can use a Twilio trial account. If you're using a trial account, you must add non-Twilio recipient phone numbers to a list of verified phone numbers. For more information, see How to Work with your Free Twilio Trial Account
AWS CLI installed and configured on your computer. For more information, see Installing the AWS Command Line Interface and Configuring the AWS CLI in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.
The examples in this tutorial are written for Linux and other Unix-based systems. If you're using Windows, see Specifying parameter values for the AWS Command Line Interface to learn about differences in syntax.
If the command contains a JSON string, the tutorial provides an example that has the JSON on a single line. On some systems, it might be easier to edit and run commands using this format.
Step 1: Create a Secrets Manager secret
In this step, you use the AWS Secrets Manager API to create a secret for your Twilio auth token.
First, create the secret.
with your Twilio auth token.
aws secretsmanager create-secret --name greengrass-TwilioAuthToken --secret-string
By default, the Greengrass service role allows AWS IoT Greengrass to get the value of secrets with names that start with greengrass-. For more information, see secrets requirements.
Copy the
of the secret from the output. You use this to create the secret resource and to configure the Twilio Notifications connector.
Step 2: Create a resource definition and version
In this step, you use the AWS IoT Greengrass API to create a secret resource for your Secrets Manager secret.
Create a resource definition that includes an initial version.
with theARN
of the secret that you copied in the previous step.
Copy the
of the resource definition from the output. You use this value to add the resource definition version to the group version that you deploy to the core.
Step 3: Create a connector definition and version
In this step, you configure parameters for the Twilio Notifications connector.
Create a connector definition with an initial version.
with your Twilio account SID.Replace
with theARN
of your Secrets Manager secret. The connector uses this to get the value of the local secret.Replace
with your Twilio-enabled phone number. Twilio uses this to initiate the text message. This can be overridden in the input message payload. Use the following format:+19999999999
is the ID that you used in the previous step to create the secret resource. Copy the
of the connector definition from the output. You use this value to add the connector definition version to the group version that you deploy to the core.
Step 4: Create a Lambda function deployment package
To create a Lambda function, you must first create a Lambda function deployment package that contains the function code and dependencies. Greengrass Lambda functions require the AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK for tasks such as communicating with MQTT messages in the core environment and accessing local secrets. This tutorial creates a Python function, so you use the Python version of the SDK in the deployment package.
From the AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK downloads page, download the AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK for Python to your computer.
Unzip the downloaded package to get the SDK. The SDK is the
folder. -
Save the following Python code function in a local file named
.import greengrasssdk import json import random client = greengrasssdk.client('iot-data') # publish to the Twilio Notifications connector through the twilio/txt topic def function_handler(event, context): temp = event['temperature'] # check the temperature # if greater than 30C, send a notification if temp > 30: data = build_request(event) client.publish(topic='twilio/txt', payload=json.dumps(data)) print('published:' + str(data)) print('temperature:' + str(temp)) return # build the Twilio request from the input data def build_request(event): to_name = event['to_name'] to_number = event['to_number'] temp_report = 'temperature:' + str(event['temperature']) return { "request": { "recipient": { "name": to_name, "phone_number": to_number, "message": temp_report } }, "id": "request_" + str(random.randint(1,101)) }
Zip the following items into a file named
. When creating the ZIP file, include only the code and dependencies, not the containing folder.- App logic.
greengrasssdk. Required library for Python Greengrass Lambda functions that publish MQTT messages.
This is your Lambda function deployment package.
Step 5: Create a Lambda function
Now, create a Lambda function that uses the deployment package.
Create an IAM role so you can pass in the role ARN when you create the function.
AWS IoT Greengrass doesn't use this role because permissions for your Greengrass Lambda functions are specified in the Greengrass group role. For this tutorial, you create an empty role.
Copy the
from the output. -
Use the AWS Lambda API to create the TempMonitor function. The following command assumes that the zip file is in the current directory.
with theArn
that you copied.
aws lambda create-function \ --function-name TempMonitor \ --zip-file fileb:// \ --role
\ --handler temp_monitor.function_handler \ --runtime python3.7 -
Publish a version of the function.
aws lambda publish-version --function-name TempMonitor --description 'First version'
Create an alias for the published version.
Greengrass groups can reference a Lambda function by alias (recommended) or by version. Using an alias makes it easier to manage code updates because you don't have to change your subscription table or group definition when the function code is updated. Instead, you just point the alias to the new function version.
AWS IoT Greengrass doesn't support Lambda aliases for $LATEST versions.
aws lambda create-alias --function-name TempMonitor --name GG_TempMonitor --function-version 1
Copy the
from the output. You use this value when you configure the function for AWS IoT Greengrass and when you create a subscription.
Now you're ready to configure the function for AWS IoT Greengrass.
Step 6: Create a function definition and version
To use a Lambda function on an AWS IoT Greengrass core, you create a function definition version that references the Lambda function by alias and defines the group-level configuration. For more information, see Controlling execution of Greengrass Lambda functions by using group-specific configuration.
Create a function definition that includes an initial version.
with theAliasArn
that you copied when you created the alias.
Copy the
from the output. You use this value to add the function definition version to the group version that you deploy to the core.Copy the
from the output. You use this value later when you update the function.
Step 7: Create a subscription definition and version
In this step, you add a subscription that enables the Lambda function to send input data to the connector. The connector defines the MQTT topics that it subscribes to, so this subscription uses one of the topics. This is the same topic that the example function publishes to.
For this tutorial, you also create subscriptions that allow the function to receive simulated temperature readings from AWS IoT and allow AWS IoT to receive status information from the connector.
Create a subscription definition that contains an initial version that includes the subscriptions.
with theAliasArn
that you copied when you created the alias for the function. Use this ARN for both subscriptions that use it.
Copy the
from the output. You use this value to add the subscription definition version to the group version that you deploy to the core.
Step 8: Create a group version
Now, you're ready to create a group version that contains all of the items that you want to deploy. You do this by creating a group version that references the target version of each component type.
First, get the group ID and the ARN of the core definition version. These values are required to create the group version.
Get the ID of the group and latest group version:
Get the IDs of the target Greengrass group and group version. This procedure assumes that this is the latest group and group version. The following query returns the most recently created group.
aws greengrass list-groups --query "reverse(sort_by(Groups, &CreationTimestamp))[0]"
Or, you can query by name. Group names are not required to be unique, so multiple groups might be returned.
aws greengrass list-groups --query "Groups[?Name=='
You can also find these values in the AWS IoT console. The group ID is displayed on the group's Settings page. Group version IDs are displayed on the group's Deployments tab.
Copy the
of the target group from the output. You use this to get the core definition version and when you deploy the group. -
Copy the
from the output, which is the ID of the last version added to the group. You use this to get the core definition version.
Get the ARN of the core definition version:
Get the group version. For this step, we assume that the latest group version includes a core definition version.
with theId
that you copied for the group.Replace
with theLatestVersion
that you copied for the group.
aws greengrass get-group-version \ --group-id
\ --group-version-idgroup-version-id
Copy the
from the output.
Create a group version.
with theId
that you copied for the group.Replace
with theCoreDefinitionVersionArn
that you copied for the core definition version.Replace
with theLatestVersionArn
that you copied for the resource definition.Replace
with theLatestVersionArn
that you copied for the connector definition.Replace
with theLatestVersionArn
that you copied for the function definition.Replace
with theLatestVersionArn
that you copied for the subscription definition.
aws greengrass create-group-version \ --group-id
\ --core-definition-version-arncore-definition-version-arn
\ --resource-definition-version-arnresource-definition-version-arn
\ --connector-definition-version-arnconnector-definition-version-arn
\ --function-definition-version-arnfunction-definition-version-arn
\ --subscription-definition-version-arnsubscription-definition-version-arn
Copy the value of
from the output. This is the ID of the group version. You use this value to deploy the group version.
Step 9: Create a deployment
Deploy the group to the core device.
In a core device terminal, make sure that the AWS IoT Greengrass daemon is running.
To check whether the daemon is running:
ps aux | grep -E 'greengrass.*daemon'
If the output contains a
entry for/greengrass/ggc/packages/1.11.6/bin/daemon
, then the daemon is running.To start the daemon:
cd /greengrass/ggc/core/ sudo ./greengrassd start
Create a deployment.
with theId
that you copied for the group.Replace
with theVersion
that you copied for the new group version.
aws greengrass create-deployment \ --deployment-type NewDeployment \ --group-id
\ --group-version-idgroup-version-id
Copy the
from the output. -
Get the deployment status.
with theId
that you copied for the group.Replace
with theDeploymentId
that you copied for the deployment.
aws greengrass get-deployment-status \ --group-id
\ --deployment-iddeployment-id
If the status is
, the deployment was successful. For troubleshooting help, see Troubleshooting AWS IoT Greengrass.
Test the solution
On the AWS IoT console home page, choose Test.
For Subscribe to topic, use the following values, and then choose Subscribe. The Twilio Notifications connector publishes status information to this topic.
Subscription topic
MQTT payload display
Display payloads as strings
For Publish to topic, use the following values, and then choose Publish to invoke the function.
with a name andrecipient-phone-number
with the phone number of the text message recipient. Example:+12345000000
{ "to_name": "
", "to_number": "recipient-phone-number
", "temperature": 31 }If you're using a trial account, you must add non-Twilio recipient phone numbers to a list of verified phone numbers. For more information, see Verify your Personal Phone Number
. If successful, the recipient receives the text message and the console displays the
status from the output data.Now, change the
in the input message to29
and publish. Because this is less than 30, the TempMonitor function doesn't trigger a Twilio message.
See also
Integrate with services and protocols using Greengrass connectors
AWS Secrets Manager commands in the AWS CLI Command Reference
AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) commands in the AWS CLI Command Reference
AWS Lambda commands in the AWS CLI Command Reference
AWS IoT Greengrass commands in the AWS CLI Command Reference