To use cloud discovery, associate client devices with a core device so that they can discover the core device. Then, they can use the Greengrass discovery API to retrieve connectivity information and certificates for their associated core devices.
Likewise, disassociate client devices from a core device to stop them from discovering the core device.
Manage client device associations (console)
You can use the AWS IoT Greengrass console to view, add, and delete client device associations.
To view client device associations for a core device (console)
Choose Core devices.
Choose the core device to manage.
On the core device's details page, choose the Client devices tab.
In the Associated client devices section, you can see which client devices (AWS IoT things) are associated with the core device.
To associate client devices with a core device (console)
Choose Core devices.
Choose the core device to manage.
On the core device's details page, choose the Client devices tab.
In the Associated client devices section, choose Associate client devices.
In the Associate client devices with core device modal, do the following for each client device to associate:
Enter the name of the AWS IoT thing to associate as a client device.
Choose Add.
Choose Associate.
The client devices that you associated can now use the Greengrass discovery API to discover this core device.
To disassociate client devices from a core device (console)
Choose Core devices.
Choose the core device to manage.
On the core device's details page, choose the Client devices tab.
In the Associated client devices section, select each client device to disassociate.
Choose Disassociate.
In the confirmation modal, choose Disassociate.
The client devices that you disassociated can no longer use the Greengrass discovery API to discover this core device.
Manage client device associations
You can use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to manage client device associations for a core device.
To view client device associations for a core device (AWS CLI)
Use the following command: list-client-devices-associated-with-core-device.
To associate client devices with a core device (AWS CLI)
Use the following command: batch-associate-client-device-with-core-device.
To disassociate client devices from a core device (AWS CLI)
Use the following command: batch-disassociate-client-device-from-core-device.
Manage client device associations (API)
You can use the AWS API to manage client device associations for a core device.
To view client device associations for a core device (AWS API)
Use the following operation: ListClientDevicesAssociatedWithCoreDevice.
To associate client devices with a core device (AWS API)
Use the following operation: BatchAssociateClientDeviceWithCoreDevice.
To disassociate client devices from a core device (AWS API)
Use the following operation: BatchDisassociateClientDeviceFromCoreDevice.