DLR image classification - AWS IoT Greengrass

DLR image classification

The DLR image classification component (aws.greengrass.DLRImageClassification) contains sample inference code to perform image classification inference using Deep Learning Runtime and resnet-50 models. This component uses the variant DLR image classification model store and the DLR runtime components as dependencies to download DLR and the sample models.

To use this inference component with a custom-trained DLR model, create a custom version of the dependent model store component. To use your own custom inference code, you can use the recipe of this component as a template to create a custom inference component.


This component has the following versions:

  • 2.1.x

  • 2.0.x


This component is a generic component (aws.greengrass.generic). The Greengrass nucleus runs the component's lifecycle scripts.

For more information, see Component types.

Operating system

This component can be installed on core devices that run the following operating systems:

  • Linux

  • Windows


This component has the following requirements:

  • On Greengrass core devices running Amazon Linux 2 or Ubuntu 18.04, GNU C Library (glibc) version 2.27 or later installed on the device.

  • On Armv7l devices, such as Raspberry Pi, dependencies for OpenCV-Python installed on the device. Run the following command to install the dependencies.

    sudo apt-get install libopenjp2-7 libilmbase23 libopenexr-dev libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libv4l-dev libgtk-3-0 libwebp-dev
  • Raspberry Pi devices that run Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye must meet the following requirements:

    • NumPy 1.22.4 or later installed on the device. Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye includes an earlier version of NumPy, so you can run the following command to upgrade NumPy on the device.

      pip3 install --upgrade numpy
    • The legacy camera stack enabled on the device. Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye includes a new camera stack that is enabled by default and isn't compatible, so you must enable the legacy camera stack.

      To enable the legacy camera stack
      1. Run the following command to open the Raspberry Pi configuration tool.

        sudo raspi-config
      2. Select Interface Options.

      3. Select Legacy camera to enable the legacy camera stack.

      4. Reboot the Raspberry Pi.


When you deploy a component, AWS IoT Greengrass also deploys compatible versions of its dependencies. This means that you must meet the requirements for the component and all of its dependencies to successfully deploy the component. This section lists the dependencies for the released versions of this component and the semantic version constraints that define the component versions for each dependency. You can also view the dependencies for each version of the component in the AWS IoT Greengrass console. On the component details page, look for the Dependencies list.

2.1.13 and 2.1.14

The following table lists the dependencies for version 2.1.13 and 2.1.14 of this component.

Dependency Compatible versions Dependency type
Greengrass nucleus >=2.0.0 <2.13.0 Soft
DLR image classification model store ~2.1.0 Hard
DLR ~1.6.0 Hard

The following table lists the dependencies for version 2.1.12 of this component.

Dependency Compatible versions Dependency type
Greengrass nucleus >=2.0.0 <2.12.0 Soft
DLR image classification model store ~2.1.0 Hard
DLR ~1.6.0 Hard

The following table lists the dependencies for version 2.1.11 of this component.

Dependency Compatible versions Dependency type
Greengrass nucleus >=2.0.0 <2.11.0 Soft
DLR image classification model store ~2.1.0 Hard
DLR ~1.6.0 Hard

The following table lists the dependencies for version 2.1.10 of this component.

Dependency Compatible versions Dependency type
Greengrass nucleus >=2.0.0 <2.10.0 Soft
DLR image classification model store ~2.1.0 Hard
DLR ~1.6.0 Hard

The following table lists the dependencies for version 2.1.9 of this component.

Dependency Compatible versions Dependency type
Greengrass nucleus >=2.0.0 <2.9.0 Soft
DLR image classification model store ~2.1.0 Hard
DLR ~1.6.0 Hard

The following table lists the dependencies for version 2.1.8 of this component.

Dependency Compatible versions Dependency type
Greengrass nucleus >=2.0.0 <2.8.0 Soft
DLR image classification model store ~2.1.0 Hard
DLR ~1.6.0 Hard

The following table lists the dependencies for version 2.1.7 of this component.

Dependency Compatible versions Dependency type
Greengrass nucleus >=2.0.0 <2.7.0 Soft
DLR image classification model store ~2.1.0 Hard
DLR ~1.6.0 Hard

The following table lists the dependencies for version 2.1.6 of this component.

Dependency Compatible versions Dependency type
Greengrass nucleus >=2.0.0 <2.6.0 Soft
DLR image classification model store ~2.1.0 Hard
DLR ~1.6.0 Hard
2.1.4 - 2.1.5

The following table lists the dependencies for versions 2.1.4 to 2.1.5 of this component.

Dependency Compatible versions Dependency type
Greengrass nucleus >=2.0.0 <2.5.0 Soft
DLR image classification model store ~2.1.0 Hard
DLR ~1.6.0 Hard

The following table lists the dependencies for version 2.1.3 of this component.

Dependency Compatible versions Dependency type
Greengrass nucleus >=2.0.0 <2.4.0 Soft
DLR image classification model store ~2.1.0 Hard
DLR ~1.6.0 Hard

The following table lists the dependencies for version 2.1.2 of this component.

Dependency Compatible versions Dependency type
Greengrass nucleus >=2.0.0 <2.3.0 Soft
DLR image classification model store ~2.1.0 Hard
DLR ~1.6.0 Hard

The following table lists the dependencies for version 2.1.1 of this component.

Dependency Compatible versions Dependency type
Greengrass nucleus >=2.0.0 <2.2.0 Soft
DLR image classification model store ~2.1.0 Hard
DLR ~1.6.0 Hard

The following table lists the dependencies for version 2.0.x of this component.

Dependency Compatible versions Dependency type
Greengrass nucleus ~2.0.0 Soft
DLR image classification model store ~2.0.0 Hard
DLR ~1.3.0 Soft


This component provides the following configuration parameters that you can customize when you deploy the component.


(Optional) The object that contains the authorization policy that allows the component to publish messages to the default notifications topic.


{ "aws.greengrass.ipc.mqttproxy": { "aws.greengrass.DLRImageClassification:mqttproxy:1": { "policyDescription": "Allows access to publish via topic ml/dlr/image-classification.", "operations": [ "aws.greengrass#PublishToIoTCore" ], "resources": [ "ml/dlr/image-classification" ] } } }

(Optional) The topic on which you want to publish the inference results. If you modify this value, then you must also modify the value of resources in the accessControl parameter to match your custom topic name.

Default: ml/dlr/image-classification


The accelerator that you want to use. Supported values are cpu and gpu.

The sample models in the dependent model component support only CPU acceleration. To use GPU acceleration with a different custom model, create a custom model component to override the public model component.

Default: cpu


(Optional) The path of the folder on the device where inference components read images. You can modify this value to any location on your device to which you have read/write access.

Default: /greengrass/v2/packages/artifacts-unarchived/component-name/image_classification/sample_images/


If you set the value of UseCamera to true, then this configuration parameter is ignored.


(Optional) The name of the image that the inference component uses as an input to a make prediction. The component looks for the image in the folder specified in ImageDirectory. By default, the component uses the sample image in the default image directory. AWS IoT Greengrass supports the following image formats: jpeg, jpg, png, and npy.

Default: cat.jpeg


If you set the value of UseCamera to true, then this configuration parameter is ignored.


(Optional) The time in seconds between each prediction made by the inference code. The sample inference code runs indefinitely and repeats its predictions at the specified time interval. For example, you can change this to a shorter interval if you want to use images taken by a camera for real-time prediction.

Default: 3600


(Optional) The models that are used in the dependent public model component. Modify this parameter only if you override the public model component with a custom component.


{ "armv7l": "DLR-resnet50-armv7l-cpu-ImageClassification", "aarch64": "DLR-resnet50-aarch64-cpu-ImageClassification", "x86_64": "DLR-resnet50-x86_64-cpu-ImageClassification", "windows": "DLR-resnet50-win-cpu-ImageClassification" }

(Optional) String value that defines whether to use images from a camera connected to the Greengrass core device. Supported values are true and false.

When you set this value to true, the sample inference code accesses the camera on your device and runs inference locally on the captured image. The values of the ImageName and ImageDirectory parameters are ignored. Make sure that the user running this component has read/write access to the location where the camera stores captured images.

Default: false


When you view the recipe of this component, the UseCamera configuration parameter doesn't appear in the default configuration. However, you can modify the value of this parameter in a configuration merge update when you deploy the component.

When you set UseCamera to true, you must also create a symlink to enable the inference component to access your camera from the virtual environment that is created by the runtime component. For more information about using a camera with the sample inference components, see Update component configurations.


(Optional) The path of the folder on Linux core devices where inference components read images and write inference results. You can modify this value to any location on your device to which the user running this component has read/write access.

Default: /greengrass/v2/work/variant.DLR/greengrass_ml

Default: /greengrass/v2/work/variant.TensorFlowLite/greengrass_ml


The accelerator that you want to use. Supported values are cpu and gpu.

The sample models in the dependent model component support only CPU acceleration. To use GPU acceleration with a different custom model, create a custom model component to override the public model component.

Default: cpu


(Optional) The name of the image that the inference component uses as an input to a make prediction. The component looks for the image in the folder specified in ImageDirectory. The default location is MLRootPath/images. AWS IoT Greengrass supports the following image formats: jpeg, jpg, png, and npy.

Default: cat.jpeg


(Optional) The time in seconds between each prediction made by the inference code. The sample inference code runs indefinitely and repeats its predictions at the specified time interval. For example, you can change this to a shorter interval if you want to use images taken by a camera for real-time prediction.

Default: 3600


(Optional) The models that are used in the dependent public model component. Modify this parameter only if you override the public model component with a custom component.


armv7l: "DLR-resnet50-armv7l-cpu-ImageClassification" x86_64: "DLR-resnet50-x86_64-cpu-ImageClassification"

Local log file

This component uses the following log file.

To view this component's logs
  • Run the following command on the core device to view this component's log file in real time. Replace /greengrass/v2 or C:\greengrass\v2 with the path to the AWS IoT Greengrass root folder.

    sudo tail -f /greengrass/v2/logs/aws.greengrass.DLRImageClassification.log
    Windows (PowerShell)
    Get-Content C:\greengrass\v2\logs\aws.greengrass.DLRImageClassification.log -Tail 10 -Wait


The following table describes the changes in each version of the component.




Version updated for Greengrass nucleus 2.12.5 release.


Version updated for Greengrass nucleus version 2.12.0 release.


Version updated for Greengrass nucleus version 2.11.0 release.


Version updated for Greengrass nucleus version 2.10.0 release.


Version updated for Greengrass nucleus version 2.9.0 release.


Version updated for Greengrass nucleus version 2.8.0 release.


Version updated for Greengrass nucleus version 2.7.0 release.


Version updated for Greengrass nucleus version 2.6.0 release.


Version updated for Greengrass nucleus version 2.5.0 release.


Component released in all AWS Regions.


Version updated for Greengrass nucleus version 2.4.0 release.

This version isn't available in Europe (London) (eu-west-2).


Version updated for Greengrass nucleus version 2.3.0 release.


Version updated for Greengrass nucleus version 2.2.0 release.


New features
  • Use Deep Learning Runtime v1.6.0.

  • Add support for sample image classification on Armv8 (AArch64) platforms. This extends machine learning support for Greengrass core devices running NVIDIA Jetson, such as the Jetson Nano.

  • Enable camera integration for sample inference. Use the new UseCamera configuration parameter to enable the sample inference code to access the camera on your Greengrass core device and run inference locally on the captured image.

  • Add support for publishing inference results to the AWS Cloud. Use the new PublishResultsOnTopic configuration parameter to specify the topic on which you want to publish results.

  • Add the new ImageDirectory configuration parameter that enables you to specify a custom directory for the image on which you want to perform inference.

Bug fixes and improvements
  • Write inference results to the component log file instead of a separate inference file.

  • Use the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software logging module to log component output.

  • Use the AWS IoT Device SDK to read the component configuration and apply configuration changes.


Initial version.