Retrieve secret values - AWS IoT Greengrass

Retrieve secret values

Use the secret manager IPC service to retrieve secret values from secrets on the core device. You use the secret manager component to deploy encrypted secrets to core devices. Then, you can use an IPC operation to decrypt the secret and use its value in your custom components.

Minimum SDK versions

The following table lists the minimum versions of the AWS IoT Device SDK that you must use to retrieve secret values from secrets on the core device.


To use secret manager in a custom component, you must define authorization policies that allow your component to get the value of secrets that you store on the core device. For information about defining authorization policies, see Authorize components to perform IPC operations.

Authorization policies for secret manager have the following properties.

IPC service identifier: aws.greengrass.SecretManager

Operation Description Resources

aws.greengrass#GetSecretValue or *

Allows a component to get the value of secrets that are encrypted on the core device.

A Secrets Manager secret ARN, or * to allow access to all secrets.

Authorization policy examples

You can reference the following authorization policy example to help you configure authorization policies for your components.

Example authorization policy

The following example authorization policy allows a component to get the value of any secret on the core device.


We recommend that in a production environment, you reduce the scope of the authorization policy, so that the component retrieves only the secrets that it uses. You can change the * wildcard to a list of secret ARNs when you deploy the component.

{ "accessControl": { "aws.greengrass.SecretManager": { "com.example.MySecretComponent:secrets:1": { "policyDescription": "Allows access to a secret.", "operations": [ "aws.greengrass#GetSecretValue" ], "resources": [ "*" ] } } } }


Gets the value of a secret that you store on the core device.

This operation is similar to the Secrets Manager operation that you can use to get the value of a secret in the AWS Cloud. For more information, see GetSecretValue in the AWS Secrets Manager API Reference.


This operation's request has the following parameters:

refresh (Python: refresh)

(optional): Whether to sync the requested secret with its latest value from AWS Secrets Manager service.

When set to true, secret manager will request the AWS Secrets Manager service for the latest value of the specified secret label and returns that value as a response. Otherwise, the secret value that was stored locally will be returned.

This parameter will not work in conjunction with versionId parameter in the request. This parameter works when used in conjunction with Nucleus 2.13.0 and above.

secretId (Python: secret_id)

The name of the secret to get. You can specify either the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) or the friendly name of the secret.

versionId (Python: version_id)

(Optional) The ID of the version to get.

You can specify either versionId or versionStage.

If you don't specify versionId or versionStage, this operation defaults to the version with the AWSCURRENT label.

versionStage (Python: version_stage)

(Optional) The staging label of the version to get.

You can specify either versionId or versionStage.

If you don't specify versionId or versionStage, this operation defaults to the version with the AWSCURRENT label.


This operation's response has the following information:

secretId (Python: secret_id)

The ID of the secret.

versionId (Python: version_id)

The ID of this version of the secret.

versionStage (Python: version_stage)

The list of staging labels attached to this version of the secret.

secretValue (Python: secret_value)

The value of this version of the secret. This object, SecretValue, contains the following information.

secretString (Python: secret_string)

The decrypted part of the protected secret information that you provided to Secrets Manager as a string.

secretBinary (Python: secret_binary)

(Optional) The decrypted part of the protected secret information that you provided to Secrets Manager as binary data in the form of a byte array. This property contains the binary data as a base64-encoded string.

This property isn't used if you created the secret in the Secrets Manager console.


The following examples demonstrate how to call this operation in custom component code.

Java (IPC client V1)
Example: Get a secret value

This example uses an IPCUtils class to create a connection to the AWS IoT Greengrass Core IPC service. For more information, see Connect to the AWS IoT Greengrass Core IPC service.

package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; public class GetSecretValue { public static final int TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 10; public static void main(String[] args) { String secretArn = args[0]; String versionStage = args[1]; try (EventStreamRPCConnection eventStreamRPCConnection = IPCUtils.getEventStreamRpcConnection()) { GreengrassCoreIPCClient ipcClient = new GreengrassCoreIPCClient(eventStreamRPCConnection); GetSecretValueResponseHandler responseHandler = GetSecretValue.getSecretValue(ipcClient, secretArn, versionStage); CompletableFuture<GetSecretValueResponse> futureResponse = responseHandler.getResponse(); try { GetSecretValueResponse response = futureResponse.get(TIMEOUT_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS); response.getSecretValue().postFromJson(); String secretString = response.getSecretValue().getSecretString(); System.out.println("Successfully retrieved secret value: " + secretString); } catch (TimeoutException e) { System.err.println("Timeout occurred while retrieving secret: " + secretArn); } catch (ExecutionException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof UnauthorizedError) { System.err.println("Unauthorized error while retrieving secret: " + secretArn); } else { throw e; } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.out.println("IPC interrupted."); } catch (ExecutionException e) { System.err.println("Exception occurred when using IPC."); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } } public static GetSecretValueResponseHandler getSecretValue(GreengrassCoreIPCClient greengrassCoreIPCClient, String secretArn, String versionStage) { GetSecretValueRequest getSecretValueRequest = new GetSecretValueRequest(); getSecretValueRequest.setSecretId(secretArn); getSecretValueRequest.setVersionStage(versionStage); return greengrassCoreIPCClient.getSecretValue(getSecretValueRequest, Optional.empty()); } }
Python (IPC client V1)
Example: Get a secret value

This example assumes that you are using version 1.5.4 or later of the AWS IoT Device SDK for Python v2.

import json import awsiot.greengrasscoreipc from awsiot.greengrasscoreipc.model import ( GetSecretValueRequest, GetSecretValueResponse, UnauthorizedError ) secret_id = 'arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:123456789012:secret:MyGreengrassSecret-abcdef' TIMEOUT = 10 ipc_client = awsiot.greengrasscoreipc.connect() request = GetSecretValueRequest() request.secret_id = secret_id request.version_stage = 'AWSCURRENT' operation = ipc_client.new_get_secret_value() operation.activate(request) future_response = operation.get_response() response = future_response.result(TIMEOUT) secret_json = json.loads(response.secret_value.secret_string) # Handle secret value.
Example: Get a secret value
import { GetSecretValueRequest, } from 'aws-iot-device-sdk-v2/dist/greengrasscoreipc/model'; import * as greengrasscoreipc from "aws-iot-device-sdk-v2/dist/greengrasscoreipc"; class GetSecretValue { private readonly secretId : string; private readonly versionStage : string; private ipcClient : greengrasscoreipc.Client constructor() { this.secretId = "<define_your_own_secretId>" this.versionStage = "<define_your_own_versionStage>" this.getSecretValue().then(r => console.log("Started workflow")); } private async getSecretValue() { try { this.ipcClient = await getIpcClient(); const getSecretValueRequest : GetSecretValueRequest = { secretId: this.secretId, versionStage: this.versionStage, }; const result = await this.ipcClient.getSecretValue(getSecretValueRequest); const secretString = result.secretValue.secretString; console.log("Successfully retrieved secret value: " + secretString) } catch (e) { // parse the error depending on your use cases throw e } } } export async function getIpcClient(){ try { const ipcClient = greengrasscoreipc.createClient(); await ipcClient.connect() .catch(error => { // parse the error depending on your use cases throw error; }); return ipcClient } catch (err) { // parse the error depending on your use cases throw err } } const getSecretValue = new GetSecretValue();


Use the following examples to learn how to use the secret manager IPC service in your components.

This example component prints the value of a secret that you deploy to the core device.


This example component prints the value of a secret, so use it only with secrets that store test data. Don't use this component to print the value of a secret that stores important information.


The following example recipe defines a secret ARN configuration parameter and allows the component to get the value of any secret on the core device.


We recommend that in a production environment, you reduce the scope of the authorization policy, so that the component retrieves only the secrets that it uses. You can change the * wildcard to a list of secret ARNs when you deploy the component.

{ "RecipeFormatVersion": "2020-01-25", "ComponentName": "com.example.PrintSecret", "ComponentVersion": "1.0.0", "ComponentDescription": "Prints the value of an AWS Secrets Manager secret.", "ComponentPublisher": "Amazon", "ComponentDependencies": { "aws.greengrass.SecretManager": { "VersionRequirement": "^2.0.0", "DependencyType": "HARD" } }, "ComponentConfiguration": { "DefaultConfiguration": { "SecretArn": "", "accessControl": { "aws.greengrass.SecretManager": { "com.example.PrintSecret:secrets:1": { "policyDescription": "Allows access to a secret.", "operations": [ "aws.greengrass#GetSecretValue" ], "resources": [ "*" ] } } } } }, "Manifests": [ { "Platform": { "os": "linux" }, "Lifecycle": { "install": "python3 -m pip install --user awsiotsdk", "Run": "python3 -u {artifacts:path}/ \"{configuration:/SecretArn}\"" } }, { "Platform": { "os": "windows" }, "Lifecycle": { "install": "py -3 -m pip install --user awsiotsdk", "Run": "py -3 -u {artifacts:path}/ \"{configuration:/SecretArn}\"" } } ] }
--- RecipeFormatVersion: '2020-01-25' ComponentName: com.example.PrintSecret ComponentVersion: 1.0.0 ComponentDescription: Prints the value of a Secrets Manager secret. ComponentPublisher: Amazon ComponentDependencies: aws.greengrass.SecretManager: VersionRequirement: "^2.0.0" DependencyType: HARD ComponentConfiguration: DefaultConfiguration: SecretArn: '' accessControl: aws.greengrass.SecretManager: com.example.PrintSecret:secrets:1: policyDescription: Allows access to a secret. operations: - aws.greengrass#GetSecretValue resources: - "*" Manifests: - Platform: os: linux Lifecycle: install: python3 -m pip install --user awsiotsdk Run: python3 -u {artifacts:path}/ "{configuration:/SecretArn}" - Platform: os: windows Lifecycle: install: py -3 -m pip install --user awsiotsdk Run: py -3 -u {artifacts:path}/ "{configuration:/SecretArn}"


The following example Python application demonstrates how to use the secret manager IPC service to get the value of a secret on the core device.

import concurrent.futures import json import sys import traceback import awsiot.greengrasscoreipc from awsiot.greengrasscoreipc.model import ( GetSecretValueRequest, GetSecretValueResponse, UnauthorizedError ) TIMEOUT = 10 if len(sys.argv) == 1: print('Provide SecretArn in the component configuration.', file=sys.stdout) exit(1) secret_id = sys.argv[1] try: ipc_client = awsiot.greengrasscoreipc.connect() request = GetSecretValueRequest() request.secret_id = secret_id operation = ipc_client.new_get_secret_value() operation.activate(request) future_response = operation.get_response() try: response = future_response.result(TIMEOUT) secret_json = json.loads(response.secret_value.secret_string) print('Successfully got secret: ' + secret_id) print('Secret value: ' + str(secret_json)) except concurrent.futures.TimeoutError: print('Timeout occurred while getting secret: ' + secret_id, file=sys.stderr) except UnauthorizedError as e: print('Unauthorized error while getting secret: ' + secret_id, file=sys.stderr) raise e except Exception as e: print('Exception while getting secret: ' + secret_id, file=sys.stderr) raise e except Exception: print('Exception occurred when using IPC.', file=sys.stderr) traceback.print_exc() exit(1)


You can use this example component with the secret manager component to deploy and print the value of a secret on your core device.

To create, deploy, and print a test secret
  1. Create a Secrets Manager secret with test data.

    Linux or Unix
    aws secretsmanager create-secret \ --name MyTestGreengrassSecret \ --secret-string '{"my-secret-key": "my-secret-value"}'
    Windows Command Prompt (CMD)
    aws secretsmanager create-secret ^ --name MyTestGreengrassSecret ^ --secret-string '{"my-secret-key": "my-secret-value"}'
    aws secretsmanager create-secret ` --name MyTestGreengrassSecret ` --secret-string '{"my-secret-key": "my-secret-value"}'

    Save the ARN of the secret to use in the following steps.

    For more information, see Creating a secret in the AWS Secrets Manager User Guide.

  2. Deploy the secret manager component (aws.greengrass.SecretManager) with the following configuration merge update. Specify the ARN of the secret that you created earlier.

    { "cloudSecrets": [ { "arn": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:123456789012:secret:MyTestGreengrassSecret-abcdef" } ] }

    For more information, see Deploy AWS IoT Greengrass components to devices or the Greengrass CLI deployment command.

  3. Create and deploy the example component in this section with the following configuration merge update. Specify the ARN of the secret that you created earlier.

    { "SecretArn": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:123456789012:secret:MyTestGreengrassSecret", "accessControl": { "aws.greengrass.SecretManager": { "com.example.PrintSecret:secrets:1": { "policyDescription": "Allows access to a secret.", "operations": [ "aws.greengrass#GetSecretValue" ], "resources": [ "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:123456789012:secret:MyTestGreengrassSecret-abcdef" ] } } } }

    For more information, see Create AWS IoT Greengrass components

  4. View the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software logs to verify that the deployments succeed, and view the com.example.PrintSecret component log to see the secret value printed. For more information, see Monitor AWS IoT Greengrass logs.