AWS-provided components
AWS IoT Greengrass provides and maintains prebuilt components that you can deploy to your devices. These components include features (such as stream manager), AWS IoT Greengrass V1 connectors (such as CloudWatch metrics), and local development tools (such as the AWS IoT Greengrass CLI). You can deploy these components to your devices for their standalone functionality, or you can use them as dependencies in your custom Greengrass components.
Several AWS-provided components depend on specific minor versions of the Greengrass nucleus. Because of this dependency, you need to update these components when you update the Greengrass nucleus to a new minor version. For information about the specific versions of the nucleus that each component depends on, see the corresponding component topic. For more information about updating the nucleus, see Update the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software (OTA).
When a component has a component type of both generic and Lambda, the current version of the component is the generic type and a previous version of the component is the Lambda type.
Component | Description | Component type | Supported OS | Open source | Nucleus lite compatible |
Greengrass nucleus | The nucleus of the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software. Use this component to configure and update the software on your core devices. | Nucleus | Linux, Windows | Yes |
No |
Greengrass nucleus lite | A lightweight nucleus for resource-constrained devices optimized for low-cost, edge devices and high-volume applications | NucleusLite | Linux | Yes |
No |
Client device auth | Enables local IoT devices, called client devices, to connect to the core device. | Plugin | Linux, Windows | Yes |
No |
CloudWatch metrics | Publishes custom metrics to Amazon CloudWatch. | Generic, Lambda | Linux, Windows | Yes |
Yes |
AWS IoT Device Defender | Notifies administrators of changes in the state of the Greengrass core device to identify unusual behavior. | Generic, Lambda | Linux, Windows | Yes |
No |
Disk spooler | Enables a persistent storage option for messages spooled from Greengrass core devices to AWS IoT Core. This component will store these outbound messages on disk. | Plugin | Linux, Windows | Yes |
No |
Docker application manager | Enables AWS IoT Greengrass to download Docker images from Docker Hub and Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR). | Generic | Linux, Windows | No | No |
Edge connector for Kinesis Video Streams | Reads video feeds from local cameras, publishes the streams to Kinesis Video Streams, and displays the streams in Grafana dashboards with AWS IoT TwinMaker. | Generic | Linux | No | No |
Greengrass CLI | Provides a command-line interface that you can use to create local deployments and interact with the Greengrass core device and its components. | Plugin | Linux, Windows | Yes |
No |
IP detector | Reports MQTT broker connectivity information to AWS IoT Greengrass, so client devices can discover how to connect. | Plugin | Linux, Windows | Yes |
No |
Firehose | Publishes data through Amazon Data Firehose delivery streams to destinations in the AWS Cloud. | Lambda | Linux | No | No |
Lambda launcher | Handles processes and environment configuration for Lambda functions. | Generic | Linux | No | No |
Lambda manager | Handles interprocess communication and scaling for Lambda functions. | Plugin | Linux | No | No |
Lambda runtimes | Provides artifacts for each Lambda runtime. | Generic | Linux | No | No |
Legacy subscription router | Manages subscriptions for Lambda functions that run on AWS IoT Greengrass V1. | Generic | Linux | No | No |
Local debug console | Provides a local console that you can use to debug and manage the Greengrass core device and its components. | Plugin | Linux, Windows | Yes |
No |
Log manager | Collects and uploads logs on the Greengrass core device. | Plugin | Linux, Windows | Yes |
No |
Machine learning components | Provides machine learning models and sample inference code that you can use to perform machine learning inference on Greengrass core devices. | See Machine learning components. | No | ||
Modbus-RTU protocol adapter | Polls information from local Modbus RTU devices. | Lambda | Linux | No | No |
Nucleus telemetry emitter | Publishes system health telemetry data gathered from the nucleus to a local topic or to an AWS IoT Core MQTT topic. | Plugin | Linux, Windows | Yes |
No |
MQTT bridge | Relays MQTT messages between client devices, local AWS IoT Greengrass publish/subscribe, and AWS IoT Core. | Plugin | Linux, Windows | Yes |
No |
MQTT 3.1.1 broker (Moquette) | Runs an MQTT 3.1.1 broker that handles messages between client devices and the core device. | Plugin | Linux, Windows | Yes |
No |
MQTT 5 broker (EMQX) | Runs an MQTT 5 broker that handles messages between client devices and the core device. | Generic | Linux, Windows | No | No |
PKCS#11 provider | Enables Greengrass components to to access a private key and certificate that you securely store in a hardware security module (HSM). | Plugin | Linux | Yes |
No |
Secret manager | Deploys secrets from AWS Secrets Manager secrets so that you can securely use credentials, such as passwords, in custom components on the Greengrass core device. | Plugin | Linux, Windows | Yes |
No |
Secure tunneling | Enables AWS IoT secure tunneling connections that you can use to establish bidrectional communications with Greengrass core devices that are behind restricted firewalls. | Generic | Linux | No | Yes |
Shadow manager | Enables interaction with shadows on the core device. It manages shadow document storage and also the synchronization of local shadow states with the AWS IoT Device Shadow service. | Plugin | Linux, Windows | Yes |
No |
Amazon SNS | Publishes messages to Amazon SNS topics. | Lambda | Linux | No | No |
Stream manager | Streams high-volume data from local sources to the AWS Cloud. | Generic | Linux, Windows | No | Yes |
Systems Manager Agent | Manage the core device with AWS Systems Manager, which enables you to patch devices, run commands, and more. | Generic | Linux | Yes |
No |
Token exchange service | Provides AWS credentials that you can use to interact with AWS services. | Generic | Linux, Windows | No | No |
IoT SiteWise OPC UA collector | Collects data from OPC-UA servers. | Generic | Linux, Windows | No | No |
IoT SiteWise OPC UA data source simulator | Runs a local OPC-UA server that generates sample data. | Generic | Linux, Windows | No | No |
IoT SiteWise publisher | Publishes data to the AWS Cloud. | Generic | Linux, Windows | No | No |
IoT SiteWise processor | Processes data on the Greengrass core devices. | Generic | Linux, Windows | No | No |