Run AWS IoT Greengrass in a Docker container with manual resource provisioning
This tutorial shows you how to install and run AWS IoT Greengrass Core software in Docker container with manually provisioned AWS resources.
- Prerequisites
- Retrieve AWS IoT endpoints
- Create an AWS IoT thing
- Create the thing certificate
- Configure the thing certificate
- Create a token exchange role
- Download certificates to the device
- Create a configuration file
- Create an environment file
- Run the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software in a container
- Next steps
To complete this tutorial, you need the following:
An AWS account. If you don't have one, see Set up an AWS account.
An AWS IoT Greengrass Docker image. You can build an image from the AWS IoT Greengrass Dockerfile.
The host computer where you run the Docker container must meet the following requirements:
A Linux-based operating system with an internet connection.
Docker Engine
version 18.09 or later. -
(Optional) Docker Compose
version 1.22 or later. Docker Compose is required only if you want to use the Docker Compose CLI to run your Docker images.
Retrieve AWS IoT endpoints
Get the AWS IoT endpoints for your AWS account, and save them to use later. Your device uses these endpoints to connect to AWS IoT. Do the following:
Get the AWS IoT data endpoint for your AWS account.
aws iot describe-endpoint --endpoint-type iot:Data-ATS
The response looks similar to the following example, if the request succeeds.
{ "endpointAddress": "
device-data-prefix" } -
Get the AWS IoT credentials endpoint for your AWS account.
aws iot describe-endpoint --endpoint-type iot:CredentialProvider
The response looks similar to the following example, if the request succeeds.
{ "endpointAddress": "
device-credentials-prefix" }
Create an AWS IoT thing
AWS IoT things represent devices and logical entities that connect to AWS IoT. Greengrass core devices are AWS IoT things. When you register a device as an AWS IoT thing, that device can use a digital certificate to authenticate with AWS.
In this section, you create an AWS IoT thing that represents your device.
To create an AWS IoT thing
Create an AWS IoT thing for your device. On your development computer, run the following command.
with the thing name to use. This name is also the name of your Greengrass core device.Note
The thing name can't contain colon (
) characters.
aws iot create-thing --thing-name
The response looks similar to the following example, if the request succeeds.
{ "thingName": "MyGreengrassCore", "thingArn": "arn:aws:iot:us-west-2:123456789012:thing/MyGreengrassCore", "thingId": "8cb4b6cd-268e-495d-b5b9-1713d71dbf42" }
(Optional) Add the AWS IoT thing to a new or existing thing group. You use thing groups to manage fleets of Greengrass core devices. When you deploy software components to your devices, you can target individual devices or groups of devices. You can add a device to a thing group with an active Greengrass deployment to deploy that thing group's software components to the device. Do the following:
(Optional) Create an AWS IoT thing group.
with the name of the thing group to create.Note
The thing group name can't contain colon (
) characters.
aws iot create-thing-group --thing-group-name
The response looks similar to the following example, if the request succeeds.
{ "thingGroupName": "MyGreengrassCoreGroup", "thingGroupArn": "arn:aws:iot:us-west-2:123456789012:thinggroup/MyGreengrassCoreGroup", "thingGroupId": "4df721e1-ff9f-4f97-92dd-02db4e3f03aa" }
Add the AWS IoT thing to a thing group.
with the name of your AWS IoT thing. -
with the name of the thing group.
aws iot add-thing-to-thing-group --thing-name
The command doesn't have any output if the request succeeds.
Create the thing certificate
When you register a device as an AWS IoT thing, that device can use a digital certificate to authenticate with AWS. This certificate allows the device to communicate with AWS IoT and AWS IoT Greengrass.
In this section, you create and download certificates that your device can use to connect to AWS.
To create the thing certificate
Create a folder where you download the certificates for the AWS IoT thing.
mkdir greengrass-v2-certs
Create and download the certificates for the AWS IoT thing.
aws iot create-keys-and-certificate --set-as-active --certificate-pem-outfile greengrass-v2-certs/device.pem.crt --public-key-outfile greengrass-v2-certs/public.pem.key --private-key-outfile greengrass-v2-certs/private.pem.key
The response looks similar to the following example, if the request succeeds.
{ "certificateArn": "arn:aws:iot:us-west-2:123456789012:cert/aa0b7958770878eabe251d8a7ddd547f4889c524c9b574ab9fbf65f32248b1d4", "certificateId": "aa0b7958770878eabe251d8a7ddd547f4889c524c9b574ab9fbf65f32248b1d4", "certificatePem": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIICiTCCAfICCQD6m7oRw0uXOjANBgkqhkiG9w 0BAQUFADCBiDELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxCzAJBgNVBAgTAldBMRAwDgYDVQQHEwdTZ WF0dGxlMQ8wDQYDVQQKEwZBbWF6b24xFDASBgNVBAsTC0lBTSBDb25zb2xlMRIw EAYDVQQDEwlUZXN0Q2lsYWMxHzAdBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWEG5vb25lQGFtYXpvbi5 jb20wHhcNMTEwNDI1MjA0NTIxWhcNMTIwNDI0MjA0NTIxWjCBiDELMAkGA1UEBh MCVVMxCzAJBgNVBAgTAldBMRAwDgYDVQQHEwdTZWF0dGxlMQ8wDQYDVQQKEwZBb WF6b24xFDASBgNVBAsTC0lBTSBDb25zb2xlMRIwEAYDVQQDEwlUZXN0Q2lsYWMx HzAdBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWEG5vb25lQGFtYXpvbi5jb20wgZ8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQE BBQADgY0AMIGJAoGBAMaK0dn+a4GmWIWJ21uUSfwfEvySWtC2XADZ4nB+BLYgVI k60CpiwsZ3G93vUEIO3IyNoH/f0wYK8m9TrDHudUZg3qX4waLG5M43q7Wgc/MbQ ITxOUSQv7c7ugFFDzQGBzZswY6786m86gpEIbb3OhjZnzcvQAaRHhdlQWIMm2nr AgMBAAEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQADgYEAtCu4nUhVVxYUntneD9+h8Mg9q6q+auN KyExzyLwaxlAoo7TJHidbtS4J5iNmZgXL0FkbFFBjvSfpJIlJ00zbhNYS5f6Guo EDmFJl0ZxBHjJnyp378OD8uTs7fLvjx79LjSTbNYiytVbZPQUQ5Yaxu2jXnimvw 3rrszlaEXAMPLE= -----END CERTIFICATE-----", "keyPair": { "PublicKey": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\ MIIBIjANBgkqhkEXAMPLEQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAEXAMPLE1nnyJwKSMHw4h\ MMEXAMPLEuuN/dMAS3fyce8DW/4+EXAMPLEyjmoF/YVF/gHr99VEEXAMPLE5VF13\ 59VK7cEXAMPLE67GK+y+jikqXOgHh/xJTwo+sGpWEXAMPLEDz18xOd2ka4tCzuWEXAMPLEahJbYkCPUBSU8opVkR7qkEXAMPLE1DR6sx2HocliOOLtu6Fkw91swQWEXAMPLE\\GB3ZPrNh0PzQYvjUStZeccyNCx2EXAMPLEvp9mQOUXP6plfgxwKRX2fEXAMPLEDa\ hJLXkX3rHU2xbxJSq7D+XEXAMPLEcw+LyFhI5mgFRl88eGdsAEXAMPLElnI9EesG\ FQIDAQAB\ -----END PUBLIC KEY-----\ ", "PrivateKey": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\ key omitted for security reasons\ -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\ " } }
Save the certificate's Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to use to configure the certificate later.
Configure the thing certificate
Attach the thing certificate to the AWS IoT thing that you created earlier, and add an AWS IoT policy to the certificate to define the AWS IoT permissions for the core device.
To configure the thing's certificate
Attach the certificate to the AWS IoT thing.
with the name of your AWS IoT thing. -
Replace the certificate Amazon Resource Name (ARN) with the ARN of the certificate that you created in the previous step.
aws iot attach-thing-principal --thing-name
The command doesn't have any output if the request succeeds.
Create and attach an AWS IoT policy that defines the AWS IoT permissions for your Greengrass core device. The following policy allows access to all MQTT topics and Greengrass operations, so your device works with custom applications and future changes that require new Greengrass operations. You can restrict this policy down based on your use case. For more information, see Minimal AWS IoT policy for AWS IoT Greengrass V2 core devices.
If you have set up a Greengrass core device before, you can attach its AWS IoT policy instead of creating a new one.
Do the following:
Create a file that contains the AWS IoT policy document that Greengrass core devices require.
For example, on a Linux-based system, you can run the following command to use GNU nano to create the file.
nano greengrass-v2-iot-policy.json
Copy the following JSON into the file.
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "iot:Publish", "iot:Subscribe", "iot:Receive", "iot:Connect", "greengrass:*" ], "Resource": [ "*" ] } ] }
Create an AWS IoT policy from the policy document.
with the name of the policy to create.
aws iot create-policy --policy-name
--policy-document file://greengrass-v2-iot-policy.jsonThe response looks similar to the following example, if the request succeeds.
{ "policyName": "GreengrassV2IoTThingPolicy", "policyArn": "arn:aws:iot:us-west-2:123456789012:policy/GreengrassV2IoTThingPolicy", "policyDocument": "{ \\"Version\\": \\"2012-10-17\\", \\"Statement\\": [ { \\"Effect\\": \\"Allow\\", \\"Action\\": [ \\"iot:Publish\\", \\"iot:Subscribe\\", \\"iot:Receive\\", \\"iot:Connect\\", \\"greengrass:*\\" ], \\"Resource\\": [ \\"*\\" ] } ] }", "policyVersionId": "1" }
Attach the AWS IoT policy to the AWS IoT thing's certificate.
with the name of the policy to attach. -
Replace the target ARN with the ARN of the certificate for your AWS IoT thing.
aws iot attach-policy --policy-name
The command doesn't have any output if the request succeeds.
Create a token exchange role
Greengrass core devices use an IAM service role, called the token exchange role, to authorize calls to AWS services. The device uses the AWS IoT credentials provider to get temporary AWS credentials for this role, which allows the device to interact with AWS IoT, send logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs, and download custom component artifacts from Amazon S3. For more information, see Authorize core devices to interact with AWS services.
You use an AWS IoT role alias to configure the token exchange role for Greengrass core devices. Role aliases enable you to change the token exchange role for a device but keep the device configuration the same. For more information, see Authorizing direct calls to AWS services in the AWS IoT Core Developer Guide.
In this section, you create a token exchange IAM role and an AWS IoT role alias that points to the role. If you have already set up a Greengrass core device, you can use its token exchange role and role alias instead of creating new ones. Then, you configure your device's AWS IoT thing to use that role and alias.
To create a token exchange IAM role
Create an IAM role that your device can use as a token exchange role. Do the following:
Create a file that contains the trust policy document that the token exchange role requires.
For example, on a Linux-based system, you can run the following command to use GNU nano to create the file.
nano device-role-trust-policy.json
Copy the following JSON into the file.
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" } ] }
Create the token exchange role with the trust policy document.
with the name of the IAM role to create.
aws iam create-role --role-name
--assume-role-policy-document file://device-role-trust-policy.jsonThe response looks similar to the following example, if the request succeeds.
{ "Role": { "Path": "/", "RoleName": "GreengrassV2TokenExchangeRole", "RoleId": "AROAZ2YMUHYHK5OKM77FB", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/GreengrassV2TokenExchangeRole", "CreateDate": "2021-02-06T00:13:29+00:00", "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" } ] } }
Create a file that contains the access policy document that the token exchange role requires.
For example, on a Linux-based system, you can run the following command to use GNU nano to create the file.
nano device-role-access-policy.json
Copy the following JSON into the file.
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "logs:CreateLogGroup", "logs:CreateLogStream", "logs:PutLogEvents", "logs:DescribeLogStreams", "s3:GetBucketLocation" ], "Resource": "*" } ] }
This access policy doesn't allow access to component artifacts in S3 buckets. To deploy custom components that define artifacts in Amazon S3, you must add permissions to the role to allow your core device to retrieve component artifacts. For more information, see Allow access to S3 buckets for component artifacts.
If you don't yet have an S3 bucket for component artifacts, you can add these permissions later after you create a bucket.
Create the IAM policy from the policy document.
with the name of the IAM policy to create.
aws iam create-policy --policy-name
--policy-document file://device-role-access-policy.jsonThe response looks similar to the following example, if the request succeeds.
{ "Policy": { "PolicyName": "GreengrassV2TokenExchangeRoleAccess", "PolicyId": "ANPAZ2YMUHYHACI7C5Z66", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/GreengrassV2TokenExchangeRoleAccess", "Path": "/", "DefaultVersionId": "v1", "AttachmentCount": 0, "PermissionsBoundaryUsageCount": 0, "IsAttachable": true, "CreateDate": "2021-02-06T00:37:17+00:00", "UpdateDate": "2021-02-06T00:37:17+00:00" } }
Attach the IAM policy to the token exchange role.
with the name of the IAM role. -
Replace the policy ARN with the ARN of the IAM policy that you created in the previous step.
aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name
The command doesn't have any output if the request succeeds.
Create an AWS IoT role alias that points to the token exchange role.
with the name of the role alias to create. -
Replace the role ARN with the ARN of the IAM role that you created in the previous step.
aws iot create-role-alias --role-alias
The response looks similar to the following example, if the request succeeds.
{ "roleAlias": "GreengrassCoreTokenExchangeRoleAlias", "roleAliasArn": "arn:aws:iot:us-west-2:123456789012:rolealias/GreengrassCoreTokenExchangeRoleAlias" }
To create a role alias, you must have permission to pass the token exchange IAM role to AWS IoT. If you receive an error message when you try to create a role alias, check that your AWS user has this permission. For more information, see Granting a user permissions to pass a role to an AWS service in the AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide.
Create and attach an AWS IoT policy that allows your Greengrass core device to use the role alias to assume the token exchange role. If you have set up a Greengrass core device before, you can attach its role alias AWS IoT policy instead of creating a new one. Do the following:
(Optional) Create a file that contains the AWS IoT policy document that the role alias requires.
For example, on a Linux-based system, you can run the following command to use GNU nano to create the file.
nano greengrass-v2-iot-role-alias-policy.json
Copy the following JSON into the file.
Replace the resource ARN with the ARN of your role alias.
{ "Version":"2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "iot:AssumeRoleWithCertificate", "Resource": "
" } ] } -
Create an AWS IoT policy from the policy document.
with the name of the AWS IoT policy to create.
aws iot create-policy --policy-name
--policy-document file://greengrass-v2-iot-role-alias-policy.jsonThe response looks similar to the following example, if the request succeeds.
{ "policyName": "GreengrassCoreTokenExchangeRoleAliasPolicy", "policyArn": "arn:aws:iot:us-west-2:123456789012:policy/GreengrassCoreTokenExchangeRoleAliasPolicy", "policyDocument": "{ \\"Version\\":\\"2012-10-17\\", \\"Statement\\": [ { \\"Effect\\": \\"Allow\\", \\"Action\\": \\"iot:AssumeRoleWithCertificate\\", \\"Resource\\": \\"arn:aws:iot:us-west-2:123456789012:rolealias/GreengrassCoreTokenExchangeRoleAlias\\" } ] }", "policyVersionId": "1" }
Attach the AWS IoT policy to the AWS IoT thing's certificate.
with the name of the role alias AWS IoT policy. -
Replace the target ARN with the ARN of the certificate for your AWS IoT thing.
aws iot attach-policy --policy-name
The command doesn't have any output if the request succeeds.
Download certificates to the device
Earlier, you downloaded your device's certificate to your development computer. In this section, you download the Amazon root certificate authority (CA) certificate. Then, if you plan to run the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software in Docker on a different computer than your development computer, you copy the certificates to that host computer. The AWS IoT Greengrass Core software uses these certificates to connect to the AWS IoT cloud service.
To download certificates to the device
On your development computer, download the Amazon root certificate authority (CA) certificate. AWS IoT certificates are associated with Amazon's root CA certificate by default.
If you plan to run the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software in Docker on a different device than your development computer, copy the certificates to the host computer. If SSH and SCP are enabled on the development computer and the host computer, you can use the
command on your development computer to transfer the certificates. Replacedevice-ip-address
with the IP address of your host computer.scp -r greengrass-v2-certs/
Create a configuration file
On the host computer, create a folder where you place your configuration file.
mkdir ./greengrass-v2-config
Use a text editor to create a configuration file named
in the./greengrass-v2-config
folder.For example, you can run the following command to use GNU nano to create the
.nano ./greengrass-v2-config/config.yaml
Copy the following YAML content into the file. This partial configuration file specifies system parameters and Greengrass nucleus parameters.
--- system: certificateFilePath: "
/device.pem.crt" privateKeyPath: "/tmp/certs
/private.pem.key" rootCaPath: "/tmp/certs
/AmazonRootCA1.pem" rootpath: "
" thingName: "/greengrass/v2
" services: aws.greengrass.Nucleus: componentType: "NUCLEUS" version: "nucleus-version
" configuration: awsRegion: "region
" iotRoleAlias: "GreengrassCoreTokenExchangeRoleAlias
" iotDataEndpoint: "device-data-prefix
-ats.iot.region" iotCredEndpoint: "device-credentials-prefix
.credentials.region"Then, replace the following values:
. The directory in the Docker container to which you mount the downloaded certificates when you start the container. -
. The Greengrass root folder that you want to use for installation. You use the/greengrass/v2
environment variable to set this value. -
. The name of the AWS IoT thing. -
. The version of the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software to install. This value must match the version of the Docker image or Dockerfile that you downloaded. If you downloaded the Greengrass Docker image with thelatest
tag, usedocker inspect
to see the image version.image-id
. The AWS Region where you created your AWS IoT resources. You must also specify the same value for theAWS_REGION
environment variable in your environment file. -
. The token exchange role alias. -
. The prefix for your AWS IoT data endpoint. -
. The prefix for your AWS IoT credentials endpoint.
Create an environment file
This tutorial uses an environment file to set the environment variables that will be
passed to the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software installer inside the Docker container. You can also use the -e
or --env
argumentdocker run
command to set environment variables in the Docker container or you can set the variables in
Use a text editor to create an environment file named
.For example, on a Linux-based system, you can run the following command to use GNU nano to create the
in the current directory.nano .env
Copy the following content into the file.
PROVISION=false COMPONENT_DEFAULT_USER=ggc_user:ggc_group INIT_CONFIG=/tmp/config/
config.yamlThen, replace the following values.
. The path to the root folder to use to install the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software./greengrass/v2
. The AWS Region where you created your AWS IoT resources. You must specify the same value for theawsRegion
configuration parameter in your configuration file. -
. The folder where you mount the configuration file when you start the Docker container.
You can set the
environment variable totrue
to deploy the Greengrass CLI component, which enables you to develop custom components inside of the Docker container. We recommend that you use this component in only development environments, not production environments. This component provides access to information and operations that you typically won't need in a production environment. Follow the principle of least privilege by deploying this component to only core devices where you need it. -
Run the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software in a container
This tutorial shows you how to start the Docker image that you built in a Docker container. You can use the Docker CLI or the Docker Compose CLI to run the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software image in a Docker container.
Next steps
AWS IoT Greengrass Core software is now running in a Docker container. Run the following command to retrieve the container ID for the currently running container.
docker ps
You can then run the following command to access the container and explore AWS IoT Greengrass Core software running inside the container.
docker exec -it
For information about creating a simple component, see Step 4: Develop and test a component on your device in Tutorial: Getting started with AWS IoT Greengrass V2
When you use docker exec
to run commands inside the Docker container, those
commands are not logged in the Docker logs. To log your commands in the Docker logs, attach
an interactive shell to the Docker container. For more information, see Attach an interactive shell to the Docker
The AWS IoT Greengrass Core log file is called greengrass.log
and is located in
. Component log files are also located in the same
directory. To copy Greengrass logs to a temporary directory on the host, run the following
docker cp
If you want to persist logs after a container exits or has been removed, we recommend that
you bind-mount only the
directory to the temporary logs
directory on the host instead of mounting the entire Greengrass directory. For more information, see
Persist Greengrass logs outside of the Docker
To stop a running AWS IoT Greengrass Docker container, run docker
or docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml stop
. This action sends
to the Greengrass process and shuts down all associated processes that were
started in the container. The Docker container is initialized with the
executable as process PID 1, which helps in removing any leftover
zombie processes. For more information, see the Specify an init
For information about troubleshooting issues with running AWS IoT Greengrass in a Docker container, see Troubleshooting AWS IoT Greengrass in a Docker container.