Configure GuardDuty security agent (add-on) parameters for Amazon EKS - Amazon GuardDuty

Configure GuardDuty security agent (add-on) parameters for Amazon EKS

You can configure specific parameters of your GuardDuty security agent for Amazon EKS. This support is available for GuardDuty security agent version 1.5.0 and above. For information about latest add-on versions, see GuardDuty security agent for Amazon EKS clusters.

Why should I update the security agent configuration schema

Configuration schema for the GuardDuty security agent is the same across all containers within your Amazon EKS clusters. When the default values do not align with the associated workloads and instance size, consider configuring the CPU settings, memory settings, PriorityClass, and dnsPolicy settings. Regardless of how you manage the GuardDuty agent for your Amazon EKS clusters, you can configure or update the existing configuration of these parameters.

Automated agent configuration behavior with configured parameters

When GuardDuty manages the security agent (EKS add-on) on your behalf, it updates the add-on, as needed. GuardDuty will set the value of the configurable parameters to a default value. However, you can still update the parameters to a desired value. If this leads to a conflict, the default option to resolveConflicts is None.

Configurable parameters and values

For information about the steps to configure the add-on parameters, see:

The following tables provide the ranges and values that you can use to deploy the Amazon EKS add-on manually or update the existing add-on settings.

CPU settings


Default value

Configurable range



Between 200m and 10000m, both inclusive



Memory settings


Default value

Configurable range



Between 256Mi and 20000Mi, both inclusive



PriorityClass settings

When GuardDuty creates an Amazon EKS add-on for you, the assigned PriorityClass is aws-guardduty-agent.priorityclass. This means that no action will be taken based on the priority of the agent pod. You can configure this add-on parameter by choosing one of the following PriorityClass options:

Configurable PriorityClass

preemptionPolicy value

preemptionPolicy description

Pod value



No action




Assigning this value will preempt a pod running with the priority value lower than the agent pod value.








1 Kubernetes provides these two PriorityClass options – system-cluster-critical and system-node-critical. For more information, see PriorityClass in the Kubernetes documentation.

dnsPolicy settings

Choose one of the following DNS policy options that Kubernetes supports. When no configuration is specified, ClusterFirst is used as the default value.

  • ClusterFirst

  • ClusterFirstWithHostNet

  • Default

For information about these policies, see Pod's DNS Policy in the Kubernetes documentation.

Verifying configuration schema updates

After you have configured the parameters, perform the following steps to verify that the configuration schema has been updated:

  1. Open the Amazon EKS console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Clusters.

  3. On the Clusters page, select the Cluster name for which you want to verify the updates.

  4. Choose the Resources tab.

  5. From the Resource types pane, under Workloads, choose DaemonSets.

  6. Select aws-guardduty-agent.

  7. On the aws-guardduty-agent page, choose Raw view to view the unformatted JSON response. Verify that the configurable parameters display the value that you provided.

After you verify, switch to the GuardDuty console. Select the corresponding AWS Region and view the coverage status for your Amazon EKS clusters. For more information, see Runtime coverage and troubleshooting for Amazon EKS clusters.