GuardDuty malware detection scan engine - Amazon GuardDuty

GuardDuty malware detection scan engine

Amazon GuardDuty has an internally built and managed scan engine and a third-party vendor. Both use indicators of compromise (IoCs) sourced from various internal feeds that have visibility across different kinds of malware that may target AWS. GuardDuty also has detection definitions that are based on YARA rules added by our security engineers, and detections based on heuristic and machine learning (ML) models. When scanning Amazon S3 objects, GuardDuty Malware Protection produces consistent results when scanning the same object multiple times with the same scan definitions and engines. Signature-based detection not only includes matching of bytes but also a snippet of code that is potentially complex, and the scanner can parse content and make decisions.

The malware scan engine doesn't perform live behavioral analysis, where malware detonation monitors the sample as it executes in a real system. The GuardDuty solution is primarily a file-based detection. For detecting file-less malware, GuardDuty provides an agent-based solution, such as Runtime Monitoring for Amazon EKS, Amazon EC2, and Amazon ECS (including AWS Fargate).

With no restriction on the file formats that GuardDuty scans for malware, the scan engines that it uses can detect different types of malware, such as cryptominers, ransomware, and webshells. The fully managed GuardDuty scan engine continuously updates the list of malware signatures every 15 minutes.

The scan engine is a part of GuardDuty threat intelligence system that uses an internal malware detonation component. This generates new threat intelligence by independently collecting malware and benign samples from multiple sources. The file hash IoC type from the threat intelligence system further feeds into malware scan engine to detect malware based on known bad file hashes.