Remediating Runtime Monitoring findings - Amazon GuardDuty

Remediating Runtime Monitoring findings

When you enable Runtime Monitoring for your account, Amazon GuardDuty may generate Runtime Monitoring finding types that indicate potential security issues in your AWS environment. The potential security issues indicate either a compromised Amazon EC2 instance, container workload, an Amazon EKS cluster, or a set of compromised credentials in your AWS environment. The security agent monitors runtime events from multiple resource types. To identify the potentially compromised resource, view Resource type in the generated finding details in the GuardDuty console. The following section describes the recommended remediation steps for each resource type.


If the Resource type in the finding details is Instance, it indicates that either an EC2 instance or an EKS node is potentially compromised.


If the Resource type in the finding details is EKSCluster, it indicates that either a pod or a container inside an EKS cluster is potentially compromised.


If the Resource type in the finding details is ECSCluster, it indicates that either an ECS task or a container inside an ECS task is potentially compromised.

  1. Identify the affected ECS cluster

    The GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring finding provides the ECS cluster details in the finding's details panel or in the resource.ecsClusterDetails section in the finding JSON.

  2. Identify the affected ECS task

    The GuardDuty Runtime Monitoring finding provides the ECS task details in the finding's details panel or in the resource.ecsClusterDetails.taskDetails section in the finding JSON.

  3. Isolate the affected task

    Isolate the impacted task by denying all ingress and egress traffic to the task. A deny all traffic rule may help stop an attack that is already underway, by severing all connections to the task.

  4. Remediate the compromised task

    1. Identify the vulnerability that compromised the task.

    2. Implement the fix for that vulnerability and start new a replacement task.

    3. Stop the vulnerable task.


If the Resource type in the finding details is Container, it indicates that a standalone container is potentially compromised.

Remediating compromised container images

When a GuardDuty finding indicates a task compromise, the image used to launch the task could be malicious or compromised. GuardDuty findings identify the container image within the resource.ecsClusterDetails.taskDetails.containers.image field. You can determine whether or not the image is malicious by scanning it for malware.

To remediate a compromised container image
  1. Stop using the image immediately and remove it from your image repository.

  2. Identify all of the tasks that are using this image.

  3. Stop all of the tasks that are using the compromised image. Update their task definitions so that they stop using the compromised image.