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Compliance validation for AWS HealthImaging

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Compliance validation for AWS HealthImaging - AWS HealthImaging

Third-party auditors assess the security and compliance of AWS HealthImaging as part of multiple AWS compliance programs. For HealthImaging, this includes HIPAA.

For a list of AWS services in scope of specific compliance programs, see AWS Services in Scope by Compliance Program. For general information, see AWS Compliance Programs.

You can download third-party audit reports using AWS Artifact. For more information, see Downloading Reports in AWS Artifact.

Your compliance responsibility when using AWS HealthImaging is determined by the sensitivity of your data, your company's compliance objectives, and applicable laws and regulations. AWS provides the following resources to help with compliance:

  • AWS Partner Solutions – The automated reference deployment guides for Security and Compliance discuss architectural considerations and provide steps for deploying security and compliance-focused baseline environments on AWS.

  • Architecting for HIPAA Security and Compliance Whitepaper – This whitepaper describes how companies can use AWS to create HIPAA-compliant applications.

  • GxP Systems on AWS – This whitepaper provides information on how AWS approaches GxP-related compliance and security and provides guidance on using AWS services in the context of GxP.

  • AWS Compliance Resources – This collection of workbooks and guides might apply to your industry and location.

  • Evaluating Resources with Rules – AWS Config assesses how well your resource configurations comply with internal practices, industry guidelines, and regulations.

  • AWS Security Hub – This AWS service provides a comprehensive view of your security state within AWS that helps you check your compliance with security industry standards and best practices.

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