Retrieving DICOM data from HealthImaging - AWS HealthImaging

Retrieving DICOM data from HealthImaging

AWS HealthImaging offers representations of DICOMweb WADO-RS APIs to retrieve a DICOM instance, DICOM instance metadata, and DICOM instance frames (pixel data) from a HealthImaging data store. HealthImaging's DICOMweb WADO-RS APIs offer flexibility in how you retrieve data stored in HealthImaging and provide interoperability with legacy applications.


HealthImaging stores DICOM data as image sets. Use HealthImaging cloud native actions to manage and retrieve image sets. HealthImaging's DICOMweb APIs can be used to return image set information with DICOMweb-conformant responses.

The APIs listed in this section are built in conformance to the DICOMweb (WADO-RS) standard for web-based medical imaging. Because they are representations of DICOMweb APIs, they are not offered through AWS CLI and AWS SDKs.

The following table describes all HealthImaging representations of DICOMweb WADO-RS APIs available for retrieving data from HealthImaging.

HealthImaging representations of DICOMweb WADO-RS APIs
Name Description
GetDICOMInstance Retrieve a DICOM instance (.dcm file) from a HealthImaging data store by specifying the Series, Study, and Instance UIDs associated with a resource. See Getting an instance.
GetDICOMInstanceMetadata Retrieve DICOM instance metadata (.json file) from a DICOM instance in a HealthImaging data store by specifying the Series, Study, and Instance UIDs associated with a resource. See Getting instance metadata.
GetDICOMInstanceFrames Retrieve single or batch image frames (multipart request) from a DICOM instance in a HealthImaging data store by specifying the Series UID, Study UID, Instance UIDs, and frame numbers associated with a resource. See Getting instance frames.