Use StartFHIRExportJob with an AWS SDK or CLI - AWS HealthLake

Use StartFHIRExportJob with an AWS SDK or CLI

The following code examples show how to use StartFHIRExportJob.


To start a FHIR export job

The following start-fhir-export-job example shows how to start a FHIR export job using AWS HealthLake.

aws healthlake start-fhir-export-job \ --output-data-config '{"S3Configuration": {"S3Uri":"s3://(Bucket Name)/(Prefix Name)/","KmsKeyId":"arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:012345678910:key/d330e7fc-b56c-4216-a250-f4c43ef46e83"}}' \ --datastore-id (Data store ID) \ --data-access-role-arn arn:aws:iam::(AWS Account ID):role/(Role Name)


{ "DatastoreId": "(Data store ID)", "JobStatus": "SUBMITTED", "JobId": "9b9a51943afaedd0a8c0c26c49135a31" }

SDK for Python (Boto3)
@classmethod def from_client(cls) -> "HealthLakeWrapper": """ Creates a HealthLakeWrapper instance with a default AWS HealthLake client. :return: An instance of HealthLakeWrapper initialized with the default HealthLake client. """ health_lake_client = boto3.client("healthlake") return cls(health_lake_client) def start_fhir_export_job( self, job_name: str, datastore_id: str, output_s3_uri: str, kms_key_id: str, data_access_role_arn: str, ) -> dict[str, str]: """ Starts a HealthLake export job. :param job_name: The export job name. :param datastore_id: The data store ID. :param output_s3_uri: The output S3 URI. :param kms_key_id: The KMS key ID associated with the output S3 bucket. :param data_access_role_arn: The data access role ARN. :return: The export job. """ try: response = self.health_lake_client.start_fhir_export_job( OutputDataConfig={ "S3Configuration": {"S3Uri": output_s3_uri, "KmsKeyId": kms_key_id} }, DataAccessRoleArn=data_access_role_arn, DatastoreId=datastore_id, JobName=job_name, ) return response except ClientError as err: logger.exception( "Couldn't start export job. Here's why %s", err.response["Error"]["Message"], ) raise

There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the AWS Code Examples Repository.

For a complete list of AWS SDK developer guides and code examples, see Using HealthLake with an AWS SDK. This topic also includes information about getting started and details about previous SDK versions.