Search parameters for HealthLake integrated NLP - AWS HealthLake

Search parameters for HealthLake integrated NLP

The following table lists the searchable attributes for HealthLake integrated NLP.

Search parameters for HealthLake NLP
Search parameters Finds matches for
detectEntities-entity-category Entity Category within the DetectEntities subextension within the AWS CM Extension
detectEntities-entity-text Entity Text within the DetectEntities subextension within the AWS CM Extension
detectEntities-entity-type Entity Type within the DetectEntities subextension within the AWS CM Extension
detectEntities-entity-score Entity Score within the DetectEntities subextension within the AWS CM Extension
infer-icd10cm-entity-text Entity Text within the InferICD10CM subextension within the AWS CM Extension
infer-icd10cm-entity-score Entity Score within the InferICD10CM subextension within the AWS CM Extension
infer-icd10cm-entity-concept-code Entity Concept Code within the InferICD10CM subextension within the AWS CM Extension
infer-icd10cm-entity-concept-description Entity Concept Description within the InferICD10CM subextension within the AWS CM Extension
infer-icd10cm-entity-concept-score Entity Concept Score within the InferICD10CM subextension within the AWS CM Extension
infer-rxnorm-entity-score Entity Score within the InferRxNorm subextension within the AWS CM Extension
infer-rxnorm-entity-text Entity Text within the InferRxNorm subextension within the AWS CM Extension
infer-rxnorm-entity-concept-code Entity Concept Code within the InferRxNorm subextension within the AWS CM Extension
infer-rxnorm-entity-concept-description Entity Concept Description within the InferRxNorm subextension within the AWS CM Extension

Entity Concept Score within the InferRxNorm subextension within the AWS CM Extension

HealthLake provides a special search to match the criteria where EntityText and EntityCategory are part of the same entity. The following table describes the special search parameters supported by HealthLake.

Search parameters
Search parameters Matches returned
detectEntities-entity-text-category If there is at least one entity in the DetectEntities subextension that matches both the entityText and entityCategory.
detectEntities-entity-type-score If there is at least one entity in the DetectEntities subextension that matches both the entityType and entityScore.
detectEntities-entity-text-score If there is at least one entity in the DetectEntities subextension that matches both the entityText and entityScore.
detectEntities-entity-text-type If there is at least one entity in the DetectEntities subextension that matches both the entityText and entityType.
detectEntities-entity-category-score If there is at least one entity that matches both the entityCategory and entityScore.
infer-icd10cm-entity-text-concept-code If there is at least one entity in the InferICD10CM sub-extension that matches the entityText and there is at least one conceptCode for that entity that matches the code.
infer-icd10cm-entity-text-concept-score If there is at least one entity in the InferICD10CM sub-extension that matches the entityText and there is at least one conceptScore for that entity that matches the score.
infer-icd10cm-entity-concept-description-concept-score If there is at least one concept within the entity in the InferICD10CM sub-extension that matches the concept description and the conceptScore.
infer-rxnorm-entity-text-concept-code If there is at least one entity in the InferRxNorm sub-extension that matches the entityText and there is at least one conceptCode for that entity that matches the code.
infer-rxnorm-entity-text-concept-score If there is at least one entity in the InferRxNorm sub-extension that matches the entityText and there is at least one conceptScore for that entity that matches the score.

If there is at least one concept within the entity in the InferRxNorm sub-extension that matches the concept description and the conceptScore.