CloudWatch keluaran aliran metrik dalam format OpenTelemetry 1.0.0 - Amazon CloudWatch

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CloudWatch keluaran aliran metrik dalam format OpenTelemetry 1.0.0


Dengan format OpenTelemetry 1.0.0, atribut metrik dikodekan sebagai daftar KeyValue objek, bukan StringKeyValue tipe yang digunakan dalam format 0.7.0. Sebagai konsumen, ini merupakan satu-satunya perubahan besar yang terjadi antara format 0.7.0 dan 1.0.0. Pengurai yang dihasilkan dari file proto 0.7.0 tidak akan melakukan penguraian terhadap atribut-atribut metrik yang dikodekan dalam format 1.0.0. Hal yang sama berlaku secara terbalik, pengurai yang dihasilkan dari file proto 1.0.0 tidak akan melakukan penguraian terhadap atribut-atribut metrik yang dikodekan dalam format 0.7.0.

OpenTelemetry adalah kumpulan alat,APIs, danSDKs. Anda dapat menggunakannya untuk instrumen, menghasilkan, mengumpulkan, dan mengekspor data telemetri (metrik, log, dan jejak) untuk analisis. OpenTelemetry adalah bagian dari Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, lihat OpenTelemetry.

Untuk informasi tentang spesifikasi OpenTelemetry 1.0.0 lengkap, lihat Rilis versi 1.0.0.

Catatan Kinesis dapat berisi satu atau lebih struktur ExportMetricsServiceRequest OpenTelemetry data. Setiap struktur data dimulai dengan header dengan sebuah UnsignedVarInt32 yang mengindikasikan panjang catatan dalam Byte. Setiap ExportMetricsServiceRequest dapat berisikan data dari beberapa metrik sekaligus.

Berikut ini adalah representasi string dari pesan struktur ExportMetricsServiceRequest OpenTelemetry data. OpenTelemetry membuat serial protokol biner Google Protocol Buffers, dan ini tidak dapat dibaca manusia.

resource_metrics { resource { attributes { key: "cloud.provider" value { string_value: "aws" } } attributes { key: "" value { string_value: "123456789012" } } attributes { key: "cloud.region" value { string_value: "us-east-1" } } attributes { key: "aws.exporter.arn" value { string_value: "arn:aws:cloudwatch:us-east-1:123456789012:metric-stream/MyMetricStream" } } } scope_metrics { metrics { name: "" unit: "NoneTranslated" summary { data_points { start_time_unix_nano: 60000000000 time_unix_nano: 120000000000 count: 1 sum: 1.0 quantile_values { value: 1.0 } quantile_values { quantile: 0.95 value: 1.0 } quantile_values { quantile: 0.99 value: 1.0 } quantile_values { quantile: 1.0 value: 1.0 } attributes { key: "Namespace" value { string_value: "AWS/DynamoDB" } } attributes { key: "MetricName" value { string_value: "ConsumedReadCapacityUnits" } } attributes { key: "Dimensions" value { kvlist_value { values { key: "TableName" value { string_value: "MyTable" } } } } } } data_points { start_time_unix_nano: 70000000000 time_unix_nano: 130000000000 count: 2 sum: 5.0 quantile_values { value: 2.0 } quantile_values { quantile: 1.0 value: 3.0 } attributes { key: "Namespace" value { string_value: "AWS/DynamoDB" } } attributes { key: "MetricName" value { string_value: "ConsumedReadCapacityUnits" } } attributes { key: "Dimensions" value { kvlist_value { values { key: "TableName" value { string_value: "MyTable" } } } } } } } } } }

Objek tingkat atas untuk membuat serial data metrik OpenTelemetry

ExportMetricsServiceRequestadalah pembungkus tingkat atas untuk membuat serial muatan eksportir. OpenTelemetry Itu berisikan satu atau beberapa ResourceMetrics.

message ExportMetricsServiceRequest { // An array of ResourceMetrics. // For data coming from a single resource this array will typically contain one // element. Intermediary nodes (such as OpenTelemetry Collector) that receive // data from multiple origins typically batch the data before forwarding further and // in that case this array will contain multiple elements. repeated opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.ResourceMetrics resource_metrics = 1; }

ResourceMetricsadalah objek tingkat atas untuk mewakili MetricData objek.

// A collection of ScopeMetrics from a Resource. message ResourceMetrics { reserved 1000; // The resource for the metrics in this message. // If this field is not set then no resource info is known. opentelemetry.proto.resource.v1.Resource resource = 1; // A list of metrics that originate from a resource. repeated ScopeMetrics scope_metrics = 2; // This schema_url applies to the data in the "resource" field. It does not apply // to the data in the "scope_metrics" field which have their own schema_url field. string schema_url = 3; }

objek Sumber Daya

Objek Resource adalah sebuah objek pasangan-nilai yang berisikan beberapa informasi tentang sumber daya yang dihasilkan metrik. Untuk metrik yang dibuat oleh AWS, struktur data berisi Amazon Resource Name (ARN) sumber daya yang terkait dengan metrik, seperti EC2 instance atau bucket S3.

Objek Resource berisikan atribut yang disebut attributes, yang menyimpan daftar pasangan nilai-kunci.

  • berisi ID akun

  • cloud.region berisi Wilayah

  • aws.exporter.arnberisi aliran metrik ARN

  • cloud.provider selalu aws.

// Resource information. message Resource { // Set of attributes that describe the resource. // Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one // attribute with the same key). repeated opentelemetry.proto.common.v1.KeyValue attributes = 1; // dropped_attributes_count is the number of dropped attributes. If the value is 0, then // no attributes were dropped. uint32 dropped_attributes_count = 2; }

ScopeMetrics Objeknya

Bidang scope tidak akan diisi. Kami hanya akan mengisi bidang metrik yang kami ekspor.

// A collection of Metrics produced by an Scope. message ScopeMetrics { // The instrumentation scope information for the metrics in this message. // Semantically when InstrumentationScope isn't set, it is equivalent with // an empty instrumentation scope name (unknown). opentelemetry.proto.common.v1.InstrumentationScope scope = 1; // A list of metrics that originate from an instrumentation library. repeated Metric metrics = 2; // This schema_url applies to all metrics in the "metrics" field. string schema_url = 3; }

Objek metrik

Objek metrik berisikan beberapa metadata dan kolom data Summary yang berisi sebuah daftar SummaryDataPoint.

Untuk stream metrik, metadatanya adalah sebagai berikut:

message Metric { reserved 4, 6, 8; // name of the metric, including its DNS name prefix. It must be unique. string name = 1; // description of the metric, which can be used in documentation. string description = 2; // unit in which the metric value is reported. Follows the format // described by string unit = 3; // Data determines the aggregation type (if any) of the metric, what is the // reported value type for the data points, as well as the relatationship to // the time interval over which they are reported. oneof data { Gauge gauge = 5; Sum sum = 7; Histogram histogram = 9; ExponentialHistogram exponential_histogram = 10; Summary summary = 11; } } message Summary { repeated SummaryDataPoint data_points = 1; }

SummaryDataPoint Objeknya

SummaryDataPoint Objek berisi nilai titik data tunggal dalam deret waktu dalam DoubleSummary metrik.

// SummaryDataPoint is a single data point in a timeseries that describes the // time-varying values of a Summary metric. message SummaryDataPoint { reserved 1; // The set of key/value pairs that uniquely identify the timeseries from // where this point belongs. The list may be empty (may contain 0 elements). // Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one // attribute with the same key). repeated opentelemetry.proto.common.v1.KeyValue attributes = 7; // StartTimeUnixNano is optional but strongly encouraged, see the // the detailed comments above Metric. // // Value is UNIX Epoch time in nanoseconds since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January // 1970. fixed64 start_time_unix_nano = 2; // TimeUnixNano is required, see the detailed comments above Metric. // // Value is UNIX Epoch time in nanoseconds since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January // 1970. fixed64 time_unix_nano = 3; // count is the number of values in the population. Must be non-negative. fixed64 count = 4; // sum of the values in the population. If count is zero then this field // must be zero. // // Note: Sum should only be filled out when measuring non-negative discrete // events, and is assumed to be monotonic over the values of these events. // Negative events *can* be recorded, but sum should not be filled out when // doing so. This is specifically to enforce compatibility w/ OpenMetrics, // see: double sum = 5; // Represents the value at a given quantile of a distribution. // // To record Min and Max values following conventions are used: // - The 1.0 quantile is equivalent to the maximum value observed. // - The 0.0 quantile is equivalent to the minimum value observed. // // See the following issue for more context: // message ValueAtQuantile { // The quantile of a distribution. Must be in the interval // [0.0, 1.0]. double quantile = 1; // The value at the given quantile of a distribution. // // Quantile values must NOT be negative. double value = 2; } // (Optional) list of values at different quantiles of the distribution calculated // from the current snapshot. The quantiles must be strictly increasing. repeated ValueAtQuantile quantile_values = 6; // Flags that apply to this specific data point. See DataPointFlags // for the available flags and their meaning. uint32 flags = 8; }

Untuk informasi selengkapnya, lihat Terjemahan dengan format OpenTelemetry 1.0.0 di CloudWatch.