Contoh: Konfigurasi selada untuk mode cluster dinonaktifkan, diaktifkan TLS - Amazon ElastiCache

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Contoh: Konfigurasi selada untuk mode cluster dinonaktifkan, diaktifkan TLS


Timeout dalam contoh berikut adalah untuk tes yang menjalankanSET/GETperintah dengan kunci dan nilai hingga 20 byte. Waktu pemrosesan bisa lebih lama jika perintahnya kompleks atau kunci dan nilainya lebih besar. Anda harus mengatur waktu habis berdasarkan kasus penggunaan aplikasi Anda.

// Set DNS cache TTL public void setJVMProperties() {"networkaddress.cache.ttl", "10"); } private static final Duration META_COMMAND_TIMEOUT = Duration.ofMillis(1000); private static final Duration DEFAULT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT = Duration.ofMillis(250); // Socket connect timeout should be lower than command timeout for Lettuce private static final Duration CONNECT_TIMEOUT = Duration.ofMillis(100); // Create RedisURI from the primary/reader endpoint clusterEndpoint = <primary/reader-endpoint> // TODO: add your node endpoint RedisURI redisUriStandalone = RedisURI.Builder.redis(clusterEndpoint).withPort(6379).withSsl(true).withDatabase(0).build(); ClientResources clientResources = DefaultClientResources.builder() .dnsResolver(new DirContextDnsResolver()) .reconnectDelay( Delay.fullJitter( Duration.ofMillis(100), // minimum 100 millisecond delay Duration.ofSeconds(10), // maximum 10 second delay 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) // 100 millisecond base .build(); // Use a dynamic timeout for commands, to avoid timeouts during // slow operations. class DynamicTimeout extends TimeoutSource { private static final Set<ProtocolKeyword> META_COMMAND_TYPES = ImmutableSet.<ProtocolKeyword>builder() .add(CommandType.FLUSHDB) .add(CommandType.FLUSHALL) .add(CommandType.INFO) .add(CommandType.KEYS) .build(); private final Duration metaCommandTimeout; private final Duration defaultCommandTimeout; DynamicTimeout(Duration defaultTimeout, Duration metaTimeout) { defaultCommandTimeout = defaultTimeout; metaCommandTimeout = metaTimeout; } @Override public long getTimeout(RedisCommand<?, ?, ?> command) { if (META_COMMAND_TYPES.contains(command.getType())) { return metaCommandTimeout.toMillis(); } return defaultCommandTimeout.toMillis(); } } TimeoutOptions timeoutOptions = TimeoutOptions.builder() .timeoutSource(new DynamicTimeout(DEFAULT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT, META_COMMAND_TIMEOUT)) .build(); final SocketOptions socketOptions = SocketOptions.builder().connectTimeout(CONNECT_TIMEOUT).keepAlive(true).build(); ClientOptions clientOptions = ClientOptions.builder().timeoutOptions(timeoutOptions).socketOptions(socketOptions).build(); RedisClient redisClient = RedisClient.create(clientResources, redisUriStandalone); redisClient.setOptions(clientOptions);