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Gunakan DescribeDBClusterSnapshots
dengan AWS SDK atau CLI
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- .NET
- AWS SDK for .NET
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. /// <summary> /// Return a list of DB snapshots for a particular DB cluster. /// </summary> /// <param name="dbClusterIdentifier">DB cluster identifier.</param> /// <returns>List of DB snapshots.</returns> public async Task<List<DBClusterSnapshot>> DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsByIdentifierAsync(string dbClusterIdentifier) { var results = new List<DBClusterSnapshot>(); DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsResponse response; DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsRequest request = new DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsRequest { DBClusterIdentifier = dbClusterIdentifier }; // Get the full list if there are multiple pages. do { response = await _amazonRDS.DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsAsync(request); results.AddRange(response.DBClusterSnapshots); request.Marker = response.Marker; } while (response.Marker is not null); return results; }
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- C++
- SDKuntuk C ++
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. Aws::Client::ClientConfiguration clientConfig; // Optional: Set to the AWS Region (overrides config file). // clientConfig.region = "us-east-1"; Aws::RDS::RDSClient client(clientConfig); Aws::RDS::Model::DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsRequest request; request.SetDBClusterSnapshotIdentifier(snapshotID); Aws::RDS::Model::DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsOutcome outcome = client.DescribeDBClusterSnapshots(request); if (outcome.IsSuccess()) { snapshot = outcome.GetResult().GetDBClusterSnapshots()[0]; } else { std::cerr << "Error with Aurora::DescribeDBClusterSnapshots. " << outcome.GetError().GetMessage() << std::endl; cleanUpResources(CLUSTER_PARAMETER_GROUP_NAME, DB_CLUSTER_IDENTIFIER, DB_INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER, client); return false; }
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- Go
- SDKuntuk Go V2
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. type DbClusters struct { AuroraClient *rds.Client } // GetClusterSnapshot gets a DB cluster snapshot. func (clusters *DbClusters) GetClusterSnapshot(ctx context.Context, snapshotName string) (*types.DBClusterSnapshot, error) { output, err := clusters.AuroraClient.DescribeDBClusterSnapshots(ctx, &rds.DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsInput{ DBClusterSnapshotIdentifier: aws.String(snapshotName), }) if err != nil { log.Printf("Couldn't get snapshot %v: %v\n", snapshotName, err) return nil, err } else { return &output.DBClusterSnapshots[0], nil } }
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di AWS SDK for Go APIReferensi.
- Java
- SDKuntuk Java 2.x
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. public static void waitForSnapshotReady(RdsClient rdsClient, String dbSnapshotIdentifier, String dbInstanceClusterIdentifier) { try { boolean snapshotReady = false; String snapshotReadyStr; System.out.println("Waiting for the snapshot to become available."); DescribeDbClusterSnapshotsRequest snapshotsRequest = DescribeDbClusterSnapshotsRequest.builder() .dbClusterSnapshotIdentifier(dbSnapshotIdentifier) .dbClusterIdentifier(dbInstanceClusterIdentifier) .build(); while (!snapshotReady) { DescribeDbClusterSnapshotsResponse response = rdsClient.describeDBClusterSnapshots(snapshotsRequest); List<DBClusterSnapshot> snapshotList = response.dbClusterSnapshots(); for (DBClusterSnapshot snapshot : snapshotList) { snapshotReadyStr = snapshot.status(); if (snapshotReadyStr.contains("available")) { snapshotReady = true; } else { System.out.println("."); Thread.sleep(sleepTime * 5000); } } } System.out.println("The Snapshot is available!"); } catch (RdsException | InterruptedException e) { System.out.println(e.getLocalizedMessage()); System.exit(1); } }
Untuk API detailnya, lihat D escribeDBCluster Snapshots di AWS SDK for Java 2.x APIReferensi.
- Kotlin
- SDKuntuk Kotlin
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. suspend fun waitSnapshotReady( dbSnapshotIdentifier: String?, dbInstanceClusterIdentifier: String?, ) { var snapshotReady = false var snapshotReadyStr: String println("Waiting for the snapshot to become available.") val snapshotsRequest = DescribeDbClusterSnapshotsRequest { dbClusterSnapshotIdentifier = dbSnapshotIdentifier dbClusterIdentifier = dbInstanceClusterIdentifier } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> while (!snapshotReady) { val response = rdsClient.describeDbClusterSnapshots(snapshotsRequest) val snapshotList = response.dbClusterSnapshots if (snapshotList != null) { for (snapshot in snapshotList) { snapshotReadyStr = snapshot.status.toString() if (snapshotReadyStr.contains("available")) { snapshotReady = true } else { println(".") delay(slTime * 5000) } } } } } println("The Snapshot is available!") }
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SDKuntuk referensi Kotlin API.
- Python
- SDKuntuk Python (Boto3)
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. class AuroraWrapper: """Encapsulates Aurora DB cluster actions.""" def __init__(self, rds_client): """ :param rds_client: A Boto3 Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) client. """ self.rds_client = rds_client @classmethod def from_client(cls): """ Instantiates this class from a Boto3 client. """ rds_client = boto3.client("rds") return cls(rds_client) def get_cluster_snapshot(self, snapshot_id): """ Gets a DB cluster snapshot. :param snapshot_id: The ID of the snapshot to retrieve. :return: The retrieved snapshot. """ try: response = self.rds_client.describe_db_cluster_snapshots( DBClusterSnapshotIdentifier=snapshot_id ) snapshot = response["DBClusterSnapshots"][0] except ClientError as err: logger.error( "Couldn't get DB cluster snapshot %s. Here's why: %s: %s", snapshot_id, err.response["Error"]["Code"], err.response["Error"]["Message"], ) raise else: return snapshot
Untuk API detailnya, lihat D escribeDBCluster Snapshots AWS SDKuntuk Referensi Python (APIBoto3).
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