Use UploadPart
with an AWS SDK or CLI
The following code examples show how to use UploadPart
Action examples are code excerpts from larger programs and must be run in context. You can see this action in context in the following code examples:
- C++
- SDK for C++
There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the AWS Code Examples Repository
. //! Upload a part to an S3 bucket. /*! \param bucket: The name of the S3 bucket where the object will be uploaded. \param key: The unique identifier (key) for the object within the S3 bucket. \param uploadID: An upload ID string. \param partNumber: \param checksumAlgorithm: Checksum algorithm, ignored when NOT_SET. \param calculatedHash: A data integrity hash to set, depending on the checksum algorithm, ignored when it is an empty string. \param body: An shared_ptr IOStream of the data to be uploaded. \param client: The S3 client instance used to perform the upload operation. \return UploadPartOutcome: The outcome. */ Aws::S3::Model::UploadPartOutcome AwsDoc::S3::uploadPart(const Aws::String &bucket, const Aws::String &key, const Aws::String &uploadID, int partNumber, Aws::S3::Model::ChecksumAlgorithm checksumAlgorithm, const Aws::String &calculatedHash, const std::shared_ptr<Aws::IOStream> &body, const Aws::S3::S3Client &client) { Aws::S3::Model::UploadPartRequest request; request.SetBucket(bucket); request.SetKey(key); request.SetUploadId(uploadID); request.SetPartNumber(partNumber); if (checksumAlgorithm != Aws::S3::Model::ChecksumAlgorithm::NOT_SET) { request.SetChecksumAlgorithm(checksumAlgorithm); } request.SetBody(body); if (!calculatedHash.empty()) { switch (checksumAlgorithm) { case Aws::S3::Model::ChecksumAlgorithm::NOT_SET: request.SetContentMD5(calculatedHash); break; case Aws::S3::Model::ChecksumAlgorithm::CRC32: request.SetChecksumCRC32(calculatedHash); break; case Aws::S3::Model::ChecksumAlgorithm::CRC32C: request.SetChecksumCRC32C(calculatedHash); break; case Aws::S3::Model::ChecksumAlgorithm::SHA1: request.SetChecksumSHA1(calculatedHash); break; case Aws::S3::Model::ChecksumAlgorithm::SHA256: request.SetChecksumSHA256(calculatedHash); break; } } return client.UploadPart(request); }
For API details, see UploadPart in AWS SDK for C++ API Reference.
The following command uploads the first part in a multipart upload initiated with the
command:aws s3api upload-part --bucket
--key 'multipart/01
' --part-number1
option takes the name or path of a local file for upload (do not use the file:// prefix). The minimum part size is 5 MB. Upload ID is returned bycreate-multipart-upload
and can also be retrieved withlist-multipart-uploads
. Bucket and key are specified when you create the multipart upload.Output:
{ "ETag": "\"e868e0f4719e394144ef36531ee6824c\"" }
Save the ETag value of each part for later. They are required to complete the multipart upload.
For API details, see UploadPart
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
- Rust
- SDK for Rust
There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the AWS Code Examples Repository
. let mut upload_parts: Vec<aws_sdk_s3::types::CompletedPart> = Vec::new(); for chunk_index in 0..chunk_count { let this_chunk = if chunk_count - 1 == chunk_index { size_of_last_chunk } else { CHUNK_SIZE }; let stream = ByteStream::read_from() .path(path) .offset(chunk_index * CHUNK_SIZE) .length(Length::Exact(this_chunk)) .build() .await .unwrap(); // Chunk index needs to start at 0, but part numbers start at 1. let part_number = (chunk_index as i32) + 1; let upload_part_res = client .upload_part() .key(&key) .bucket(&bucket_name) .upload_id(upload_id) .body(stream) .part_number(part_number) .send() .await?; upload_parts.push( CompletedPart::builder() .e_tag(upload_part_res.e_tag.unwrap_or_default()) .part_number(part_number) .build(), ); }
// Create a multipart upload. Use UploadPart and CompleteMultipartUpload to // upload the file. let multipart_upload_res: CreateMultipartUploadOutput = client .create_multipart_upload() .bucket(&bucket_name) .key(&key) .send() .await?; let upload_id = multipart_upload_res.upload_id().ok_or(S3ExampleError::new( "Missing upload_id after CreateMultipartUpload", ))?;
// upload_parts: Vec<aws_sdk_s3::types::CompletedPart> let completed_multipart_upload: CompletedMultipartUpload = CompletedMultipartUpload::builder() .set_parts(Some(upload_parts)) .build(); let _complete_multipart_upload_res = client .complete_multipart_upload() .bucket(&bucket_name) .key(&key) .multipart_upload(completed_multipart_upload) .upload_id(upload_id) .send() .await?;
For API details, see UploadPart
in AWS SDK for Rust API reference.
For a complete list of AWS SDK developer guides and code examples, see Developing with Amazon S3 using the AWS SDKs. This topic also includes information about getting started and details about previous SDK versions.