Contoh: Operasi Batch menggunakan level AWS SDK for .NET rendah API - Amazon DynamoDB

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Contoh: Operasi Batch menggunakan level AWS SDK for .NET rendah API

Bagian ini memberikan contoh operasi batch, batch write dan batch get, yang mendukung Amazon DynamoDB.

Contoh: Operasi penulisan Batch menggunakan level AWS SDK for .NET rendah API

Contoh kode C# berikut menggunakan metode BatchWriteItem untuk melakukan operasi put dan delete berikut:

  • Tempatkan satu item dalam tabel Forum.

  • Tempatkan satu item dan hapus satu item dari tabel Thread.

Anda dapat menentukan sejumlah permintaan put dan delete terhadap satu atau beberapa tabel saat membuat permintaan batch write Anda. Namun, BatchWriteItem DynamoDB membatasi ukuran permintaan penulisan batch dan jumlah operasi put dan delete dalam satu operasi penulisan batch. Untuk informasi selengkapnya, lihat BatchWriteItem. Jika permintaan Anda melebihi batas ini, permintaan Anda ditolak. Jika tabel Anda tidak memiliki cukup throughput yang disediakan untuk melayani permintaan ini, item permintaan yang belum diproses akan dikembalikan sebagai respons.

Contoh berikut memeriksa respons untuk melihat apakah ada item permintaan yang belum diproses. Jika ya, contoh tersebut akan mengulang kembali dan mengirim ulang permintaan BatchWriteItem dengan item yang belum diproses dalam permintaan tersebut. Anda juga dapat membuat tabel sampel ini dan mengunggah data sampel secara terprogram. Untuk informasi selengkapnya, lihat Membuat tabel contoh dan mengunggah data menggunakan AWS SDK for .NET.

Untuk step-by-step instruksi untuk menguji sampel berikut, lihat. NETcontoh kode.

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Amazon.DynamoDBv2; using Amazon.DynamoDBv2.Model; using Amazon.Runtime; namespace com.amazonaws.codesamples { class LowLevelBatchWrite { private static string table1Name = "Forum"; private static string table2Name = "Thread"; private static AmazonDynamoDBClient client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient(); static void Main(string[] args) { try { TestBatchWrite(); } catch (AmazonServiceException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } Console.WriteLine("To continue, press Enter"); Console.ReadLine(); } private static void TestBatchWrite() { var request = new BatchWriteItemRequest { ReturnConsumedCapacity = "TOTAL", RequestItems = new Dictionary<string, List<WriteRequest>> { { table1Name, new List<WriteRequest> { new WriteRequest { PutRequest = new PutRequest { Item = new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue> { { "Name", new AttributeValue { S = "S3 forum" } }, { "Threads", new AttributeValue { N = "0" }} } } } } }, { table2Name, new List<WriteRequest> { new WriteRequest { PutRequest = new PutRequest { Item = new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue> { { "ForumName", new AttributeValue { S = "S3 forum" } }, { "Subject", new AttributeValue { S = "My sample question" } }, { "Message", new AttributeValue { S = "Message Text." } }, { "KeywordTags", new AttributeValue { SS = new List<string> { "S3", "Bucket" } } } } } }, new WriteRequest { // For the operation to delete an item, if you provide a primary key value // that does not exist in the table, there is no error, it is just a no-op. DeleteRequest = new DeleteRequest { Key = new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue>() { { "ForumName", new AttributeValue { S = "Some partition key value" } }, { "Subject", new AttributeValue { S = "Some sort key value" } } } } } } } } }; CallBatchWriteTillCompletion(request); } private static void CallBatchWriteTillCompletion(BatchWriteItemRequest request) { BatchWriteItemResponse response; int callCount = 0; do { Console.WriteLine("Making request"); response = client.BatchWriteItem(request); callCount++; // Check the response. var tableConsumedCapacities = response.ConsumedCapacity; var unprocessed = response.UnprocessedItems; Console.WriteLine("Per-table consumed capacity"); foreach (var tableConsumedCapacity in tableConsumedCapacities) { Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", tableConsumedCapacity.TableName, tableConsumedCapacity.CapacityUnits); } Console.WriteLine("Unprocessed"); foreach (var unp in unprocessed) { Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", unp.Key, unp.Value.Count); } Console.WriteLine(); // For the next iteration, the request will have unprocessed items. request.RequestItems = unprocessed; } while (response.UnprocessedItems.Count > 0); Console.WriteLine("Total # of batch write API calls made: {0}", callCount); } } }

Contoh: Batch mendapatkan operasi menggunakan level AWS SDK for .NET rendah API

Contoh kode C# berikut menggunakan metode BatchGetItem untuk mengambil beberapa item dari tabel Forum dan Thread dalam Amazon DynamoDB. BatchGetItemRequest menentukan nama tabel dan daftar kunci primer untuk setiap tabel. Contoh tersebut memproses respons dengan mencetak item yang diambil.

Untuk step-by-step instruksi untuk menguji sampel berikut, lihat. NETcontoh kode.

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Amazon.DynamoDBv2; using Amazon.DynamoDBv2.Model; using Amazon.Runtime; namespace com.amazonaws.codesamples { class LowLevelBatchGet { private static string table1Name = "Forum"; private static string table2Name = "Thread"; private static AmazonDynamoDBClient client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient(); static void Main(string[] args) { try { RetrieveMultipleItemsBatchGet(); Console.WriteLine("To continue, press Enter"); Console.ReadLine(); } catch (AmazonServiceException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } } private static void RetrieveMultipleItemsBatchGet() { var request = new BatchGetItemRequest { RequestItems = new Dictionary<string, KeysAndAttributes>() { { table1Name, new KeysAndAttributes { Keys = new List<Dictionary<string, AttributeValue> >() { new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue>() { { "Name", new AttributeValue { S = "Amazon DynamoDB" } } }, new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue>() { { "Name", new AttributeValue { S = "Amazon S3" } } } } }}, { table2Name, new KeysAndAttributes { Keys = new List<Dictionary<string, AttributeValue> >() { new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue>() { { "ForumName", new AttributeValue { S = "Amazon DynamoDB" } }, { "Subject", new AttributeValue { S = "DynamoDB Thread 1" } } }, new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue>() { { "ForumName", new AttributeValue { S = "Amazon DynamoDB" } }, { "Subject", new AttributeValue { S = "DynamoDB Thread 2" } } }, new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue>() { { "ForumName", new AttributeValue { S = "Amazon S3" } }, { "Subject", new AttributeValue { S = "S3 Thread 1" } } } } } } } }; BatchGetItemResponse response; do { Console.WriteLine("Making request"); response = client.BatchGetItem(request); // Check the response. var responses = response.Responses; // Attribute list in the response. foreach (var tableResponse in responses) { var tableResults = tableResponse.Value; Console.WriteLine("Items retrieved from table {0}", tableResponse.Key); foreach (var item1 in tableResults) { PrintItem(item1); } } // Any unprocessed keys? could happen if you exceed ProvisionedThroughput or some other error. Dictionary<string, KeysAndAttributes> unprocessedKeys = response.UnprocessedKeys; foreach (var unprocessedTableKeys in unprocessedKeys) { // Print table name. Console.WriteLine(unprocessedTableKeys.Key); // Print unprocessed primary keys. foreach (var key in unprocessedTableKeys.Value.Keys) { PrintItem(key); } } request.RequestItems = unprocessedKeys; } while (response.UnprocessedKeys.Count > 0); } private static void PrintItem(Dictionary<string, AttributeValue> attributeList) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, AttributeValue> kvp in attributeList) { string attributeName = kvp.Key; AttributeValue value = kvp.Value; Console.WriteLine( attributeName + " " + (value.S == null ? "" : "S=[" + value.S + "]") + (value.N == null ? "" : "N=[" + value.N + "]") + (value.SS == null ? "" : "SS=[" + string.Join(",", value.SS.ToArray()) + "]") + (value.NS == null ? "" : "NS=[" + string.Join(",", value.NS.ToArray()) + "]") ); } Console.WriteLine("************************************************"); } } }