Troubleshooting publishing and sharing applications - AWS App Studio

AWS App Studio is in preview and is subject to change.

Troubleshooting publishing and sharing applications

This topic contains troubleshooting guidance for common issues when publishing or sharing App Studio applications.

I don't see newly created app roles in the Share dialog box

Newly created app-level roles will only show up in the Share dialog box after the app is re-published. Publish the app after the new roles are created to use them.

I didn't get an email when my app's publish was completed

Only the app owner receives an email when an app is published.

My app's end users are unable to access the published app

If your end users are unable to access your published app, and are getting a Forbidden message when trying to access it, it's likely that the published app is not shared with the users attempting to access it. Published apps must be shared with groups to grant access to the users in the groups.

To learn more about sharing applications, see Sharing published applications.