Viewing, editing, and deleting connectors - AWS App Studio

AWS App Studio is in preview and is subject to change.

Viewing, editing, and deleting connectors

To view, edit, or delete existing connectors
  1. In the navigation pane, choose Connectors in the Manage section. You will be taken to a page displaying a list of existing connectors with the following details for each connector:

    • Name: The name of the connector that was provided during creation.

    • Description: The description of the connector that was provided during creation.

    • Connected to: The service that the connector is connecting to App Studio. A value of API represents a connection to a third-party service.

    • Created by: The user that created the connector.

    • Date created: The date that the connector was created.

  2. To view more details about a connector, or edit or delete a connector, use the following instructions:

    • To see more information about a specific connector, choose View for that connector.

    • To edit a connector, choose the dropdown menu next to View and choose Edit.

    • To delete a connector, choose the dropdown menu next to View and choose Delete.