An unusual cost pattern. This consists of the detailed metadata and the current status of the anomaly object.
- AnomalyId
The unique identifier for the anomaly.
Type: String
Length Constraints: Minimum length of 0. Maximum length of 1024.
Required: Yes
- AnomalyScore
The latest and maximum score for the anomaly.
Type: AnomalyScore object
Required: Yes
- Impact
The dollar impact for the anomaly.
Type: Impact object
Required: Yes
- MonitorArn
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the cost monitor that generated this anomaly.
Type: String
Length Constraints: Minimum length of 0. Maximum length of 1024.
Required: Yes
- AnomalyEndDate
The last day the anomaly is detected.
Type: String
Length Constraints: Minimum length of 0. Maximum length of 40.
Required: No
- AnomalyStartDate
The first day the anomaly is detected.
Type: String
Length Constraints: Minimum length of 0. Maximum length of 40.
Required: No
- DimensionValue
The dimension for the anomaly (for example, an AWS service in a service monitor).
Type: String
Length Constraints: Minimum length of 0. Maximum length of 1024.
Required: No
- Feedback
The feedback value.
Type: String
Valid Values:
Required: No
- RootCauses
The list of identified root causes for the anomaly.
Type: Array of RootCause objects
Required: No
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: