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GetSavingsPlansUtilization - AWS Billing and Cost Management
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Retrieves the Savings Plans utilization for your account across date ranges with daily or monthly granularity. Management account in an organization have access to member accounts. You can use GetDimensionValues in SAVINGS_PLANS to determine the possible dimension values.


You can't group by any dimension values for GetSavingsPlansUtilization.

Request Syntax

{ "Filter": { "And": [ "Expression" ], "CostCategories": { "Key": "string", "MatchOptions": [ "string" ], "Values": [ "string" ] }, "Dimensions": { "Key": "string", "MatchOptions": [ "string" ], "Values": [ "string" ] }, "Not": "Expression", "Or": [ "Expression" ], "Tags": { "Key": "string", "MatchOptions": [ "string" ], "Values": [ "string" ] } }, "Granularity": "string", "SortBy": { "Key": "string", "SortOrder": "string" }, "TimePeriod": { "End": "string", "Start": "string" } }

Request Parameters

For information about the parameters that are common to all actions, see Common Parameters.

The request accepts the following data in JSON format.


Filters Savings Plans utilization coverage data for active Savings Plans dimensions. You can filter data with the following dimensions:







GetSavingsPlansUtilization uses the same Expression object as the other operations, but only AND is supported among each dimension.

Type: Expression object

Required: No


The granularity of the Amazon Web Services utillization data for your Savings Plans.

The GetSavingsPlansUtilization operation supports only DAILY and MONTHLY granularities.

Type: String


Required: No


The value that you want to sort the data by.

The following values are supported for Key:

  • UtilizationPercentage

  • TotalCommitment

  • UsedCommitment

  • UnusedCommitment

  • NetSavings

The supported values for SortOrder are ASCENDING and DESCENDING.

Type: SortDefinition object

Required: No


The time period that you want the usage and costs for. The Start date must be within 13 months. The End date must be after the Start date, and before the current date. Future dates can't be used as an End date.

Type: DateInterval object

Required: Yes

Response Syntax

{ "SavingsPlansUtilizationsByTime": [ { "AmortizedCommitment": { "AmortizedRecurringCommitment": "string", "AmortizedUpfrontCommitment": "string", "TotalAmortizedCommitment": "string" }, "Savings": { "NetSavings": "string", "OnDemandCostEquivalent": "string" }, "TimePeriod": { "End": "string", "Start": "string" }, "Utilization": { "TotalCommitment": "string", "UnusedCommitment": "string", "UsedCommitment": "string", "UtilizationPercentage": "string" } } ], "Total": { "AmortizedCommitment": { "AmortizedRecurringCommitment": "string", "AmortizedUpfrontCommitment": "string", "TotalAmortizedCommitment": "string" }, "Savings": { "NetSavings": "string", "OnDemandCostEquivalent": "string" }, "Utilization": { "TotalCommitment": "string", "UnusedCommitment": "string", "UsedCommitment": "string", "UtilizationPercentage": "string" } } }

Response Elements

If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in JSON format by the service.


The amount of cost/commitment that you used your Savings Plans. You can use it to specify date ranges.

Type: Array of SavingsPlansUtilizationByTime objects


The total amount of cost/commitment that you used your Savings Plans, regardless of date ranges.

Type: SavingsPlansUtilizationAggregates object


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors.


The requested data is unavailable.

HTTP Status Code: 400


You made too many calls in a short period of time. Try again later.

HTTP Status Code: 400

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:

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