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Buat kerangka kerja kustom Audit Manager dari AWS Config paket kesesuaian menggunakan AWS SDK
Contoh kode berikut ini menunjukkan cara:
Dapatkan daftar paket AWS Config kesesuaian.
Buat kontrol kustom Audit Manager untuk setiap aturan terkelola dalam paket kesesuaian.
Buat kerangka kerja khusus Audit Manager yang berisi kontrol.
- Python
- SDKuntuk Python (Boto3)
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. import logging import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ConformancePack: def __init__(self, config_client, auditmanager_client): self.config_client = config_client self.auditmanager_client = auditmanager_client def get_conformance_pack(self): """ Return a selected conformance pack from the list of conformance packs. :return: selected conformance pack """ try: conformance_packs = self.config_client.describe_conformance_packs() print( "Number of conformance packs fetched: ", len(conformance_packs.get("ConformancePackDetails")), ) print("Fetched the following conformance packs: ") all_cpack_names = { cp["ConformancePackName"] for cp in conformance_packs.get("ConformancePackDetails") } for pack in all_cpack_names: print(f"\t{pack}") cpack_name = input( "Provide ConformancePackName that you want to create a custom " "framework for: " ) if cpack_name not in all_cpack_names: print(f"{cpack_name} is not in the list of conformance packs!") print( "Provide a conformance pack name from the available list of " "conformance packs." ) raise Exception("Invalid conformance pack") print("-" * 88) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't select conformance pack.") raise else: return cpack_name def create_custom_controls(self, cpack_name): """ Create custom controls for all managed AWS Config rules in a conformance pack. :param cpack_name: The name of the conformance pack to create controls for. :return: The list of custom control IDs. """ try: rules_in_pack = self.config_client.describe_conformance_pack_compliance( ConformancePackName=cpack_name ) print( "Number of rules in the conformance pack: ", len(rules_in_pack.get("ConformancePackRuleComplianceList")), ) for rule in rules_in_pack.get("ConformancePackRuleComplianceList"): print(f"\t{rule.get('ConfigRuleName')}") print("-" * 88) print( "Creating a custom control for each rule and a custom framework " "consisting of these rules in Audit Manager." ) am_controls = [] for rule in rules_in_pack.get("ConformancePackRuleComplianceList"): config_rule = self.config_client.describe_config_rules( ConfigRuleNames=[rule.get("ConfigRuleName")] ) source_id = ( config_rule.get("ConfigRules")[0] .get("Source", {}) .get("SourceIdentifier") ) custom_control = self.auditmanager_client.create_control( name="Config-" + rule.get("ConfigRuleName"), controlMappingSources=[ { "sourceName": "ConfigRule", "sourceSetUpOption": "System_Controls_Mapping", "sourceType": "AWS_Config", "sourceKeyword": { "keywordInputType": "SELECT_FROM_LIST", "keywordValue": source_id, }, } ], ).get("control", {}) am_controls.append({"id": custom_control.get("id")}) print("Successfully created a control for each config rule.") print("-" * 88) except ClientError: logger.exception("Failed to create custom controls.") raise else: return am_controls def create_custom_framework(self, cpack_name, am_control_ids): """ Create a custom Audit Manager framework from a selected AWS Config conformance pack. :param cpack_name: The name of the conformance pack to create a framework from. :param am_control_ids: The IDs of the custom controls created from the conformance pack. """ try: print("Creating custom framework...") custom_framework = self.auditmanager_client.create_assessment_framework( name="Config-Conformance-pack-" + cpack_name, controlSets=[{"name": cpack_name, "controls": am_control_ids}], ) print( f"Successfully created the custom framework: ", f"{custom_framework.get('framework').get('name')}: ", f"{custom_framework.get('framework').get('id')}", ) print("-" * 88) except ClientError: logger.exception("Failed to create custom framework.") raise def run_demo(): print("-" * 88) print("Welcome to the AWS Audit Manager custom framework demo!") print("-" * 88) print( "You can use this sample to select a conformance pack from AWS Config and " "use AWS Audit Manager to create a custom control for all the managed " "rules under the conformance pack. A custom framework is also created " "with these controls." ) print("-" * 88) conf_pack = ConformancePack(boto3.client("config"), boto3.client("auditmanager")) cpack_name = conf_pack.get_conformance_pack() am_controls = conf_pack.create_custom_controls(cpack_name) conf_pack.create_custom_framework(cpack_name, am_controls) if __name__ == "__main__": run_demo()
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