Contoh Aurora yang digunakan SDK untuk Kotlin - AWS SDKContoh Kode

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Contoh Aurora yang digunakan SDK untuk Kotlin

Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara melakukan tindakan dan menerapkan skenario umum dengan menggunakan AWS SDK for Kotlin dengan Aurora.

Dasar-dasar adalah contoh kode yang menunjukkan kepada Anda bagaimana melakukan operasi penting dalam suatu layanan.

Tindakan adalah kutipan kode dari program yang lebih besar dan harus dijalankan dalam konteks. Sementara tindakan menunjukkan cara memanggil fungsi layanan individual, Anda dapat melihat tindakan dalam konteks dalam skenario terkait.

Skenario adalah contoh kode yang menunjukkan kepada Anda bagaimana menyelesaikan tugas tertentu dengan memanggil beberapa fungsi dalam layanan atau dikombinasikan dengan yang lain Layanan AWS.

Setiap contoh menyertakan tautan ke kode sumber lengkap, di mana Anda dapat menemukan instruksi tentang cara mengatur dan menjalankan kode dalam konteks.

Hal-hal mendasar

Contoh kode berikut ini menunjukkan cara:

  • Membuat grup parameter klaster DB Aurora dan mengatur nilai parameter.

  • Membuat klaster DB yang menggunakan grup parameter.

  • Membuat instans DB yang berisi basis data.

  • Mengambil snapshot klaster DB, lalu membersihkan sumber daya.

SDKuntuk Kotlin

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/** Before running this Kotlin code example, set up your development environment, including your credentials. For more information, see the following documentation topic: This example requires an AWS Secrets Manager secret that contains the database credentials. If you do not create a secret, this example will not work. For more details, see: This Kotlin example performs the following tasks: 1. Returns a list of the available DB engines. 2. Creates a custom DB parameter group. 3. Gets the parameter groups. 4. Gets the parameters in the group. 5. Modifies the auto_increment_increment parameter. 6. Displays the updated parameter value. 7. Gets a list of allowed engine versions. 8. Creates an Aurora DB cluster database. 9. Waits for DB instance to be ready. 10. Gets a list of instance classes available for the selected engine. 11. Creates a database instance in the cluster. 12. Waits for the database instance in the cluster to be ready. 13. Creates a snapshot. 14. Waits for DB snapshot to be ready. 15. Deletes the DB instance. 16. Deletes the DB cluster. 17. Deletes the DB cluster group. */ var slTime: Long = 20 suspend fun main(args: Array<String>) { val usage = """ Usage: <dbClusterGroupName> <dbParameterGroupFamily> <dbInstanceClusterIdentifier> <dbName> <dbSnapshotIdentifier> <secretName> Where: dbClusterGroupName - The database group name. dbParameterGroupFamily - The database parameter group name. dbInstanceClusterIdentifier - The database instance identifier. dbName - The database name. dbSnapshotIdentifier - The snapshot identifier. secretName - The name of the AWS Secrets Manager secret that contains the database credentials. """ if (args.size != 7) { println(usage) exitProcess(1) } val dbClusterGroupName = args[0] val dbParameterGroupFamily = args[1] val dbInstanceClusterIdentifier = args[2] val dbInstanceIdentifier = args[3] val dbName = args[4] val dbSnapshotIdentifier = args[5] val secretName = args[6] val gson = Gson() val user = gson.fromJson(getSecretValues(secretName).toString(), val username = user.username val userPassword = user.password println("1. Return a list of the available DB engines") describeAuroraDBEngines() println("2. Create a custom parameter group") createDBClusterParameterGroup(dbClusterGroupName, dbParameterGroupFamily) println("3. Get the parameter group") describeDbClusterParameterGroups(dbClusterGroupName) println("4. Get the parameters in the group") describeDbClusterParameters(dbClusterGroupName, 0) println("5. Modify the auto_increment_offset parameter") modifyDBClusterParas(dbClusterGroupName) println("6. Display the updated parameter value") describeDbClusterParameters(dbClusterGroupName, -1) println("7. Get a list of allowed engine versions") getAllowedClusterEngines(dbParameterGroupFamily) println("8. Create an Aurora DB cluster database") val arnClusterVal = createDBCluster(dbClusterGroupName, dbName, dbInstanceClusterIdentifier, username, userPassword) println("The ARN of the cluster is $arnClusterVal") println("9. Wait for DB instance to be ready") waitForClusterInstanceReady(dbInstanceClusterIdentifier) println("10. Get a list of instance classes available for the selected engine") val instanceClass = getListInstanceClasses() println("11. Create a database instance in the cluster.") val clusterDBARN = createDBInstanceCluster(dbInstanceIdentifier, dbInstanceClusterIdentifier, instanceClass) println("The ARN of the database is $clusterDBARN") println("12. Wait for DB instance to be ready") waitDBAuroraInstanceReady(dbInstanceIdentifier) println("13. Create a snapshot") createDBClusterSnapshot(dbInstanceClusterIdentifier, dbSnapshotIdentifier) println("14. Wait for DB snapshot to be ready") waitSnapshotReady(dbSnapshotIdentifier, dbInstanceClusterIdentifier) println("15. Delete the DB instance") deleteDBInstance(dbInstanceIdentifier) println("16. Delete the DB cluster") deleteCluster(dbInstanceClusterIdentifier) println("17. Delete the DB cluster group") if (clusterDBARN != null) { deleteDBClusterGroup(dbClusterGroupName, clusterDBARN) } println("The Scenario has successfully completed.") } @Throws(InterruptedException::class) suspend fun deleteDBClusterGroup( dbClusterGroupName: String, clusterDBARN: String, ) { var isDataDel = false var didFind: Boolean var instanceARN: String RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> // Make sure that the database has been deleted. while (!isDataDel) { val response = rdsClient.describeDbInstances() val instanceList = response.dbInstances val listSize = instanceList?.size isDataDel = false didFind = false var index = 1 if (instanceList != null) { for (instance in instanceList) { instanceARN = instance.dbInstanceArn.toString() if (instanceARN.compareTo(clusterDBARN) == 0) { println("$clusterDBARN still exists") didFind = true } if (index == listSize && !didFind) { // Went through the entire list and did not find the database ARN. isDataDel = true } delay(slTime * 1000) index++ } } } val clusterParameterGroupRequest = DeleteDbClusterParameterGroupRequest { dbClusterParameterGroupName = dbClusterGroupName } rdsClient.deleteDbClusterParameterGroup(clusterParameterGroupRequest) println("$dbClusterGroupName was deleted.") } } suspend fun deleteCluster(dbInstanceClusterIdentifier: String) { val deleteDbClusterRequest = DeleteDbClusterRequest { dbClusterIdentifier = dbInstanceClusterIdentifier skipFinalSnapshot = true } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> rdsClient.deleteDbCluster(deleteDbClusterRequest) println("$dbInstanceClusterIdentifier was deleted!") } } suspend fun deleteDBInstance(dbInstanceIdentifierVal: String) { val deleteDbInstanceRequest = DeleteDbInstanceRequest { dbInstanceIdentifier = dbInstanceIdentifierVal deleteAutomatedBackups = true skipFinalSnapshot = true } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.deleteDbInstance(deleteDbInstanceRequest) print("The status of the database is ${response.dbInstance?.dbInstanceStatus}") } } suspend fun waitSnapshotReady( dbSnapshotIdentifier: String?, dbInstanceClusterIdentifier: String?, ) { var snapshotReady = false var snapshotReadyStr: String println("Waiting for the snapshot to become available.") val snapshotsRequest = DescribeDbClusterSnapshotsRequest { dbClusterSnapshotIdentifier = dbSnapshotIdentifier dbClusterIdentifier = dbInstanceClusterIdentifier } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> while (!snapshotReady) { val response = rdsClient.describeDbClusterSnapshots(snapshotsRequest) val snapshotList = response.dbClusterSnapshots if (snapshotList != null) { for (snapshot in snapshotList) { snapshotReadyStr = snapshot.status.toString() if (snapshotReadyStr.contains("available")) { snapshotReady = true } else { println(".") delay(slTime * 5000) } } } } } println("The Snapshot is available!") } suspend fun createDBClusterSnapshot( dbInstanceClusterIdentifier: String?, dbSnapshotIdentifier: String?, ) { val snapshotRequest = CreateDbClusterSnapshotRequest { dbClusterIdentifier = dbInstanceClusterIdentifier dbClusterSnapshotIdentifier = dbSnapshotIdentifier } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.createDbClusterSnapshot(snapshotRequest) println("The Snapshot ARN is ${response.dbClusterSnapshot?.dbClusterSnapshotArn}") } } suspend fun waitDBAuroraInstanceReady(dbInstanceIdentifierVal: String?) { var instanceReady = false var instanceReadyStr: String println("Waiting for instance to become available.") val instanceRequest = DescribeDbInstancesRequest { dbInstanceIdentifier = dbInstanceIdentifierVal } var endpoint = "" RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> while (!instanceReady) { val response = rdsClient.describeDbInstances(instanceRequest) response.dbInstances?.forEach { instance -> instanceReadyStr = instance.dbInstanceStatus.toString() if (instanceReadyStr.contains("available")) { endpoint = instance.endpoint?.address.toString() instanceReady = true } else { print(".") delay(sleepTime * 1000) } } } } println("Database instance is available! The connection endpoint is $endpoint") } suspend fun createDBInstanceCluster( dbInstanceIdentifierVal: String?, dbInstanceClusterIdentifierVal: String?, instanceClassVal: String?, ): String? { val instanceRequest = CreateDbInstanceRequest { dbInstanceIdentifier = dbInstanceIdentifierVal dbClusterIdentifier = dbInstanceClusterIdentifierVal engine = "aurora-mysql" dbInstanceClass = instanceClassVal } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.createDbInstance(instanceRequest) print("The status is ${response.dbInstance?.dbInstanceStatus}") return response.dbInstance?.dbInstanceArn } } suspend fun getListInstanceClasses(): String { val optionsRequest = DescribeOrderableDbInstanceOptionsRequest { engine = "aurora-mysql" maxRecords = 20 } var instanceClass = "" RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.describeOrderableDbInstanceOptions(optionsRequest) response.orderableDbInstanceOptions?.forEach { instanceOption -> instanceClass = instanceOption.dbInstanceClass.toString() println("The instance class is ${instanceOption.dbInstanceClass}") println("The engine version is ${instanceOption.engineVersion}") } } return instanceClass } // Waits until the database instance is available. suspend fun waitForClusterInstanceReady(dbClusterIdentifierVal: String?) { var instanceReady = false var instanceReadyStr: String println("Waiting for instance to become available.") val instanceRequest = DescribeDbClustersRequest { dbClusterIdentifier = dbClusterIdentifierVal } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> while (!instanceReady) { val response = rdsClient.describeDbClusters(instanceRequest) response.dbClusters?.forEach { cluster -> instanceReadyStr = cluster.status.toString() if (instanceReadyStr.contains("available")) { instanceReady = true } else { print(".") delay(sleepTime * 1000) } } } } println("Database cluster is available!") } suspend fun createDBCluster( dbParameterGroupFamilyVal: String?, dbName: String?, dbClusterIdentifierVal: String?, userName: String?, password: String?, ): String? { val clusterRequest = CreateDbClusterRequest { databaseName = dbName dbClusterIdentifier = dbClusterIdentifierVal dbClusterParameterGroupName = dbParameterGroupFamilyVal engine = "aurora-mysql" masterUsername = userName masterUserPassword = password } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.createDbCluster(clusterRequest) return response.dbCluster?.dbClusterArn } } // Get a list of allowed engine versions. suspend fun getAllowedClusterEngines(dbParameterGroupFamilyVal: String?) { val versionsRequest = DescribeDbEngineVersionsRequest { dbParameterGroupFamily = dbParameterGroupFamilyVal engine = "aurora-mysql" } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.describeDbEngineVersions(versionsRequest) response.dbEngineVersions?.forEach { dbEngine -> println("The engine version is ${dbEngine.engineVersion}") println("The engine description is ${dbEngine.dbEngineDescription}") } } } // Modify the auto_increment_offset parameter. suspend fun modifyDBClusterParas(dClusterGroupName: String?) { val parameter1 = Parameter { parameterName = "auto_increment_offset" applyMethod = ApplyMethod.fromValue("immediate") parameterValue = "5" } val paraList = ArrayList<Parameter>() paraList.add(parameter1) val groupRequest = ModifyDbClusterParameterGroupRequest { dbClusterParameterGroupName = dClusterGroupName parameters = paraList } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.modifyDbClusterParameterGroup(groupRequest) println("The parameter group ${response.dbClusterParameterGroupName} was successfully modified") } } suspend fun describeDbClusterParameters( dbCLusterGroupName: String?, flag: Int, ) { val dbParameterGroupsRequest: DescribeDbClusterParametersRequest dbParameterGroupsRequest = if (flag == 0) { DescribeDbClusterParametersRequest { dbClusterParameterGroupName = dbCLusterGroupName } } else { DescribeDbClusterParametersRequest { dbClusterParameterGroupName = dbCLusterGroupName source = "user" } } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.describeDbClusterParameters(dbParameterGroupsRequest) response.parameters?.forEach { para -> // Only print out information about either auto_increment_offset or auto_increment_increment. val paraName = para.parameterName if (paraName != null) { if (paraName.compareTo("auto_increment_offset") == 0 || paraName.compareTo("auto_increment_increment ") == 0) { println("*** The parameter name is $paraName") println("*** The parameter value is ${para.parameterValue}") println("*** The parameter data type is ${para.dataType}") println("*** The parameter description is ${para.description}") println("*** The parameter allowed values is ${para.allowedValues}") } } } } } suspend fun describeDbClusterParameterGroups(dbClusterGroupName: String?) { val groupsRequest = DescribeDbClusterParameterGroupsRequest { dbClusterParameterGroupName = dbClusterGroupName maxRecords = 20 } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.describeDbClusterParameterGroups(groupsRequest) response.dbClusterParameterGroups?.forEach { group -> println("The group name is ${group.dbClusterParameterGroupName}") println("The group ARN is ${group.dbClusterParameterGroupArn}") } } } suspend fun createDBClusterParameterGroup( dbClusterGroupNameVal: String?, dbParameterGroupFamilyVal: String?, ) { val groupRequest = CreateDbClusterParameterGroupRequest { dbClusterParameterGroupName = dbClusterGroupNameVal dbParameterGroupFamily = dbParameterGroupFamilyVal description = "Created by using the AWS SDK for Kotlin" } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.createDbClusterParameterGroup(groupRequest) println("The group name is ${response.dbClusterParameterGroup?.dbClusterParameterGroupName}") } } suspend fun describeAuroraDBEngines() { val engineVersionsRequest = DescribeDbEngineVersionsRequest { engine = "aurora-mysql" defaultOnly = true maxRecords = 20 } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.describeDbEngineVersions(engineVersionsRequest) response.dbEngineVersions?.forEach { engineOb -> println("The name of the DB parameter group family for the database engine is ${engineOb.dbParameterGroupFamily}") println("The name of the database engine ${engineOb.engine}") println("The version number of the database engine ${engineOb.engineVersion}") } } }


Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanCreateDBCluster.

SDKuntuk Kotlin

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suspend fun createDBCluster( dbParameterGroupFamilyVal: String?, dbName: String?, dbClusterIdentifierVal: String?, userName: String?, password: String?, ): String? { val clusterRequest = CreateDbClusterRequest { databaseName = dbName dbClusterIdentifier = dbClusterIdentifierVal dbClusterParameterGroupName = dbParameterGroupFamilyVal engine = "aurora-mysql" masterUsername = userName masterUserPassword = password } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.createDbCluster(clusterRequest) return response.dbCluster?.dbClusterArn } }
  • Untuk API detailnya, lihat C reateDBCluster in AWS SDKuntuk API referensi Kotlin.

Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanCreateDBClusterParameterGroup.

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suspend fun createDBClusterParameterGroup( dbClusterGroupNameVal: String?, dbParameterGroupFamilyVal: String?, ) { val groupRequest = CreateDbClusterParameterGroupRequest { dbClusterParameterGroupName = dbClusterGroupNameVal dbParameterGroupFamily = dbParameterGroupFamilyVal description = "Created by using the AWS SDK for Kotlin" } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.createDbClusterParameterGroup(groupRequest) println("The group name is ${response.dbClusterParameterGroup?.dbClusterParameterGroupName}") } }

Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanCreateDBClusterSnapshot.

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suspend fun createDBClusterSnapshot( dbInstanceClusterIdentifier: String?, dbSnapshotIdentifier: String?, ) { val snapshotRequest = CreateDbClusterSnapshotRequest { dbClusterIdentifier = dbInstanceClusterIdentifier dbClusterSnapshotIdentifier = dbSnapshotIdentifier } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.createDbClusterSnapshot(snapshotRequest) println("The Snapshot ARN is ${response.dbClusterSnapshot?.dbClusterSnapshotArn}") } }

Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanCreateDBInstance.

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suspend fun createDBInstanceCluster( dbInstanceIdentifierVal: String?, dbInstanceClusterIdentifierVal: String?, instanceClassVal: String?, ): String? { val instanceRequest = CreateDbInstanceRequest { dbInstanceIdentifier = dbInstanceIdentifierVal dbClusterIdentifier = dbInstanceClusterIdentifierVal engine = "aurora-mysql" dbInstanceClass = instanceClassVal } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.createDbInstance(instanceRequest) print("The status is ${response.dbInstance?.dbInstanceStatus}") return response.dbInstance?.dbInstanceArn } }

Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanDeleteDBCluster.

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suspend fun deleteCluster(dbInstanceClusterIdentifier: String) { val deleteDbClusterRequest = DeleteDbClusterRequest { dbClusterIdentifier = dbInstanceClusterIdentifier skipFinalSnapshot = true } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> rdsClient.deleteDbCluster(deleteDbClusterRequest) println("$dbInstanceClusterIdentifier was deleted!") } }
  • Untuk API detailnya, lihat D eleteDBCluster in AWS SDKuntuk API referensi Kotlin.

Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanDeleteDBClusterParameterGroup.

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@Throws(InterruptedException::class) suspend fun deleteDBClusterGroup( dbClusterGroupName: String, clusterDBARN: String, ) { var isDataDel = false var didFind: Boolean var instanceARN: String RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> // Make sure that the database has been deleted. while (!isDataDel) { val response = rdsClient.describeDbInstances() val instanceList = response.dbInstances val listSize = instanceList?.size isDataDel = false didFind = false var index = 1 if (instanceList != null) { for (instance in instanceList) { instanceARN = instance.dbInstanceArn.toString() if (instanceARN.compareTo(clusterDBARN) == 0) { println("$clusterDBARN still exists") didFind = true } if (index == listSize && !didFind) { // Went through the entire list and did not find the database ARN. isDataDel = true } delay(slTime * 1000) index++ } } } val clusterParameterGroupRequest = DeleteDbClusterParameterGroupRequest { dbClusterParameterGroupName = dbClusterGroupName } rdsClient.deleteDbClusterParameterGroup(clusterParameterGroupRequest) println("$dbClusterGroupName was deleted.") } }

Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanDeleteDBInstance.

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suspend fun deleteDBInstance(dbInstanceIdentifierVal: String) { val deleteDbInstanceRequest = DeleteDbInstanceRequest { dbInstanceIdentifier = dbInstanceIdentifierVal deleteAutomatedBackups = true skipFinalSnapshot = true } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.deleteDbInstance(deleteDbInstanceRequest) print("The status of the database is ${response.dbInstance?.dbInstanceStatus}") } }

Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanDescribeDBClusterParameterGroups.

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suspend fun describeDbClusterParameterGroups(dbClusterGroupName: String?) { val groupsRequest = DescribeDbClusterParameterGroupsRequest { dbClusterParameterGroupName = dbClusterGroupName maxRecords = 20 } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.describeDbClusterParameterGroups(groupsRequest) response.dbClusterParameterGroups?.forEach { group -> println("The group name is ${group.dbClusterParameterGroupName}") println("The group ARN is ${group.dbClusterParameterGroupArn}") } } }

Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanDescribeDBClusterParameters.

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suspend fun describeDbClusterParameters( dbCLusterGroupName: String?, flag: Int, ) { val dbParameterGroupsRequest: DescribeDbClusterParametersRequest dbParameterGroupsRequest = if (flag == 0) { DescribeDbClusterParametersRequest { dbClusterParameterGroupName = dbCLusterGroupName } } else { DescribeDbClusterParametersRequest { dbClusterParameterGroupName = dbCLusterGroupName source = "user" } } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.describeDbClusterParameters(dbParameterGroupsRequest) response.parameters?.forEach { para -> // Only print out information about either auto_increment_offset or auto_increment_increment. val paraName = para.parameterName if (paraName != null) { if (paraName.compareTo("auto_increment_offset") == 0 || paraName.compareTo("auto_increment_increment ") == 0) { println("*** The parameter name is $paraName") println("*** The parameter value is ${para.parameterValue}") println("*** The parameter data type is ${para.dataType}") println("*** The parameter description is ${para.description}") println("*** The parameter allowed values is ${para.allowedValues}") } } } } }

Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanDescribeDBClusterSnapshots.

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suspend fun waitSnapshotReady( dbSnapshotIdentifier: String?, dbInstanceClusterIdentifier: String?, ) { var snapshotReady = false var snapshotReadyStr: String println("Waiting for the snapshot to become available.") val snapshotsRequest = DescribeDbClusterSnapshotsRequest { dbClusterSnapshotIdentifier = dbSnapshotIdentifier dbClusterIdentifier = dbInstanceClusterIdentifier } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> while (!snapshotReady) { val response = rdsClient.describeDbClusterSnapshots(snapshotsRequest) val snapshotList = response.dbClusterSnapshots if (snapshotList != null) { for (snapshot in snapshotList) { snapshotReadyStr = snapshot.status.toString() if (snapshotReadyStr.contains("available")) { snapshotReady = true } else { println(".") delay(slTime * 5000) } } } } } println("The Snapshot is available!") }

Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanDescribeDBClusters.

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suspend fun describeDbClusterParameters( dbCLusterGroupName: String?, flag: Int, ) { val dbParameterGroupsRequest: DescribeDbClusterParametersRequest dbParameterGroupsRequest = if (flag == 0) { DescribeDbClusterParametersRequest { dbClusterParameterGroupName = dbCLusterGroupName } } else { DescribeDbClusterParametersRequest { dbClusterParameterGroupName = dbCLusterGroupName source = "user" } } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.describeDbClusterParameters(dbParameterGroupsRequest) response.parameters?.forEach { para -> // Only print out information about either auto_increment_offset or auto_increment_increment. val paraName = para.parameterName if (paraName != null) { if (paraName.compareTo("auto_increment_offset") == 0 || paraName.compareTo("auto_increment_increment ") == 0) { println("*** The parameter name is $paraName") println("*** The parameter value is ${para.parameterValue}") println("*** The parameter data type is ${para.dataType}") println("*** The parameter description is ${para.description}") println("*** The parameter allowed values is ${para.allowedValues}") } } } } }

Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanDescribeDBEngineVersions.

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// Get a list of allowed engine versions. suspend fun getAllowedClusterEngines(dbParameterGroupFamilyVal: String?) { val versionsRequest = DescribeDbEngineVersionsRequest { dbParameterGroupFamily = dbParameterGroupFamilyVal engine = "aurora-mysql" } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.describeDbEngineVersions(versionsRequest) response.dbEngineVersions?.forEach { dbEngine -> println("The engine version is ${dbEngine.engineVersion}") println("The engine description is ${dbEngine.dbEngineDescription}") } } }

Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanDescribeDBInstances.

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suspend fun waitDBAuroraInstanceReady(dbInstanceIdentifierVal: String?) { var instanceReady = false var instanceReadyStr: String println("Waiting for instance to become available.") val instanceRequest = DescribeDbInstancesRequest { dbInstanceIdentifier = dbInstanceIdentifierVal } var endpoint = "" RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> while (!instanceReady) { val response = rdsClient.describeDbInstances(instanceRequest) response.dbInstances?.forEach { instance -> instanceReadyStr = instance.dbInstanceStatus.toString() if (instanceReadyStr.contains("available")) { endpoint = instance.endpoint?.address.toString() instanceReady = true } else { print(".") delay(sleepTime * 1000) } } } } println("Database instance is available! The connection endpoint is $endpoint") }

Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanModifyDBClusterParameterGroup.

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// Modify the auto_increment_offset parameter. suspend fun modifyDBClusterParas(dClusterGroupName: String?) { val parameter1 = Parameter { parameterName = "auto_increment_offset" applyMethod = ApplyMethod.fromValue("immediate") parameterValue = "5" } val paraList = ArrayList<Parameter>() paraList.add(parameter1) val groupRequest = ModifyDbClusterParameterGroupRequest { dbClusterParameterGroupName = dClusterGroupName parameters = paraList } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.modifyDbClusterParameterGroup(groupRequest) println("The parameter group ${response.dbClusterParameterGroupName} was successfully modified") } }


Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara membuat aplikasi web yang melacak item pekerjaan dalam database Amazon Aurora Tanpa Server dan menggunakan Amazon Simple Email Service (AmazonSES) untuk mengirim laporan.

SDKuntuk Kotlin

Menunjukkan cara membuat aplikasi web yang melacak dan melaporkan item pekerjaan yang disimpan dalam RDS database Amazon.

Untuk kode sumber lengkap dan petunjuk tentang cara menyiapkan Spring REST API yang menanyakan data Amazon Aurora Tanpa Server dan untuk digunakan oleh aplikasi React, lihat contoh lengkapnya di. GitHub

Layanan yang digunakan dalam contoh ini
  • Aurora

  • Amazon RDS

  • Layanan RDS Data Amazon

  • Amazon SES