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EventBridge Contoh penjadwal menggunakan SDK untuk Python (Boto3)
Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara melakukan tindakan dan mengimplementasikan skenario umum dengan menggunakan AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) with EventBridge Scheduler.
Tindakan adalah kutipan kode dari program yang lebih besar dan harus dijalankan dalam konteks. Sementara tindakan menunjukkan cara memanggil fungsi layanan individual, Anda dapat melihat tindakan dalam konteks dalam skenario terkait.
Skenario adalah contoh kode yang menunjukkan kepada Anda bagaimana menyelesaikan tugas tertentu dengan memanggil beberapa fungsi dalam layanan atau dikombinasikan dengan yang lain Layanan AWS.
Setiap contoh menyertakan tautan ke kode sumber lengkap, di mana Anda dapat menemukan instruksi tentang cara mengatur dan menjalankan kode dalam konteks.
Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara memulai menggunakan EventBridge Scheduler.
- SDKuntuk Python (Boto3)
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. import boto3 def hello_scheduler(scheduler_client): """ Use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to create an Amazon EventBridge Scheduler client and list the schedules in your account. This example uses the default settings specified in your shared credentials and config files. :param scheduler_client: A Boto3 Amazon EventBridge Scheduler Client object. This object wraps the low-level Amazon EventBridge Scheduler service API. """ print("Hello, Amazon EventBridge Scheduler! Let's list some of your schedules:\n") paginator = scheduler_client.get_paginator("list_schedules") page_iterator = paginator.paginate(PaginationConfig={"MaxItems": 10}) schedule_names: [str] = [] for page in page_iterator: for schedule in page["Schedules"]: schedule_names.append(schedule["Name"]) print(f"{len(schedule_names)} schedule(s) retrieved.") for schedule_name in schedule_names: print(f"\t{schedule_name}") if __name__ == "__main__": hello_scheduler(boto3.client("scheduler"))
Untuk API detailnya, lihat ListSchedules AWSSDKReferensi Python (Boto3). API
Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanCreateSchedule
- SDKuntuk Python (Boto3)
Ada lebih banyak tentang GitHub. Temukan contoh lengkapnya dan pelajari cara pengaturan dan menjalankannya di Repositori Contoh Kode AWS
. class SchedulerWrapper: def __init__(self, eventbridge_scheduler_client: client): self.scheduler_client = eventbridge_scheduler_client @classmethod def from_client(cls) -> "SchedulerWrapper": """ Creates a SchedulerWrapper instance with a default EventBridge Scheduler client. :return: An instance of SchedulerWrapper initialized with the default EventBridge Scheduler client. """ eventbridge_scheduler_client = boto3.client("scheduler") return cls(eventbridge_scheduler_client) def create_schedule( self, name: str, schedule_expression: str, schedule_group_name: str, target_arn: str, role_arn: str, input: str, delete_after_completion: bool = False, use_flexible_time_window: bool = False, ) -> str: """ Creates a new schedule with the specified parameters. :param name: The name of the schedule. :param schedule_expression: The expression that defines when the schedule runs. :param schedule_group_name: The name of the schedule group. :param target_arn: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the target. :param role_arn: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the execution IAM role. :param input: The input for the target. :param delete_after_completion: Whether to delete the schedule after it completes. :param use_flexible_time_window: Whether to use a flexible time window. :return The ARN of the created schedule. """ try: hours_to_run = 1 flexible_time_window_minutes = 10 parameters = { "Name": name, "ScheduleExpression": schedule_expression, "GroupName": schedule_group_name, "Target": {"Arn": target_arn, "RoleArn": role_arn, "Input": input}, "StartDate":, "EndDate": + timedelta(hours=hours_to_run), } if delete_after_completion: parameters["ActionAfterCompletion"] = "DELETE" if use_flexible_time_window: parameters["FlexibleTimeWindow"] = { "Mode": "FLEXIBLE", "MaximumWindowInMinutes": flexible_time_window_minutes, } else: parameters["FlexibleTimeWindow"] = {"Mode": "OFF"} response = self.scheduler_client.create_schedule(**parameters) return response["ScheduleArn"] except ClientError as err: if err.response["Error"]["Code"] == "ConflictException": logger.error( "Failed to create schedule '%s' due to a conflict. %s", name, err.response["Error"]["Message"], ) else: logger.error( "Error creating schedule: %s", err.response["Error"]["Message"] ) raise
Untuk API detailnya, lihat CreateSchedule AWSSDKReferensi Python (Boto3). API
Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanCreateScheduleGroup
- SDKuntuk Python (Boto3)
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. class SchedulerWrapper: def __init__(self, eventbridge_scheduler_client: client): self.scheduler_client = eventbridge_scheduler_client @classmethod def from_client(cls) -> "SchedulerWrapper": """ Creates a SchedulerWrapper instance with a default EventBridge Scheduler client. :return: An instance of SchedulerWrapper initialized with the default EventBridge Scheduler client. """ eventbridge_scheduler_client = boto3.client("scheduler") return cls(eventbridge_scheduler_client) def create_schedule_group(self, name: str) -> str: """ Creates a new schedule group with the specified name and description. :param name: The name of the schedule group. :param description: The description of the schedule group. :return: The ARN of the created schedule group. """ try: response = self.scheduler_client.create_schedule_group(Name=name) return response["ScheduleGroupArn"] except ClientError as err: if err.response["Error"]["Code"] == "ConflictException": logger.error( "Failed to create schedule group '%s' due to a conflict. %s", name, err.response["Error"]["Message"], ) else: logger.error( "Error creating schedule group: %s", err.response["Error"]["Message"], ) raise
Untuk API detailnya, lihat CreateScheduleGroup AWSSDKReferensi Python (Boto3). API
Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanDeleteSchedule
- SDKuntuk Python (Boto3)
Ada lebih banyak tentang GitHub. Temukan contoh lengkapnya dan pelajari cara pengaturan dan menjalankannya di Repositori Contoh Kode AWS
. class SchedulerWrapper: def __init__(self, eventbridge_scheduler_client: client): self.scheduler_client = eventbridge_scheduler_client @classmethod def from_client(cls) -> "SchedulerWrapper": """ Creates a SchedulerWrapper instance with a default EventBridge Scheduler client. :return: An instance of SchedulerWrapper initialized with the default EventBridge Scheduler client. """ eventbridge_scheduler_client = boto3.client("scheduler") return cls(eventbridge_scheduler_client) def delete_schedule(self, name: str, schedule_group_name: str) -> None: """ Deletes the schedule with the specified name and schedule group. :param name: The name of the schedule. :param schedule_group_name: The name of the schedule group. """ try: self.scheduler_client.delete_schedule( Name=name, GroupName=schedule_group_name ) except ClientError as err: if err.response["Error"]["Code"] == "ResourceNotFoundException": logger.error( "Failed to delete schedule with ID '%s' because the resource was not found: %s", name, err.response["Error"]["Message"], ) else: logger.error( "Error deleting schedule: %s", err.response["Error"]["Message"] ) raise
Untuk API detailnya, lihat DeleteSchedule AWSSDKReferensi Python (Boto3). API
Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanDeleteScheduleGroup
- SDKuntuk Python (Boto3)
Ada lebih banyak tentang GitHub. Temukan contoh lengkapnya dan pelajari cara pengaturan dan menjalankannya di Repositori Contoh Kode AWS
. class SchedulerWrapper: def __init__(self, eventbridge_scheduler_client: client): self.scheduler_client = eventbridge_scheduler_client @classmethod def from_client(cls) -> "SchedulerWrapper": """ Creates a SchedulerWrapper instance with a default EventBridge Scheduler client. :return: An instance of SchedulerWrapper initialized with the default EventBridge Scheduler client. """ eventbridge_scheduler_client = boto3.client("scheduler") return cls(eventbridge_scheduler_client) def delete_schedule_group(self, name: str) -> None: """ Deletes the schedule group with the specified name. :param name: The name of the schedule group. """ try: self.scheduler_client.delete_schedule_group(Name=name)"Schedule group %s deleted successfully.", name) except ClientError as err: if err.response["Error"]["Code"] == "ResourceNotFoundException": logger.error( "Failed to delete schedule group with ID '%s' because the resource was not found: %s", name, err.response["Error"]["Message"], ) else: logger.error( "Error deleting schedule group: %s", err.response["Error"]["Message"], ) raise
Untuk API detailnya, lihat DeleteScheduleGroup AWSSDKReferensi Python (Boto3). API
Contoh kode berikut ini menunjukkan cara:
Menyebarkan AWS CloudFormation tumpukan dengan sumber daya yang diperlukan.
Buat grup EventBridge jadwal Scheduler.
Buat jadwal EventBridge Penjadwal satu kali dengan jendela waktu yang fleksibel.
Buat jadwal EventBridge Scheduler berulang dengan tarif tertentu.
Hapus EventBridge Scheduler jadwal dan jadwal grup.
Bersihkan sumber daya dan hapus tumpukan.
- SDKuntuk Python (Boto3)
Ada lebih banyak tentang GitHub. Temukan contoh lengkapnya dan pelajari cara pengaturan dan menjalankannya di Repositori Contoh Kode AWS
. Jalankan skenario interaktif di penggugah/prompt perintah.
class SchedulerScenario: """ A scenario that demonstrates how to use Boto3 to schedule and receive events using the Amazon EventBridge Scheduler. """ def __init__( self, scheduler_wrapper: SchedulerWrapper, cloud_formation_resource: ServiceResource, ): self.eventbridge_scheduler = scheduler_wrapper self.cloud_formation_resource = cloud_formation_resource self.stack: ServiceResource = None self.schedule_group_name = None self.sns_topic_arn = None self.role_arn = None def run(self) -> None: """ Runs the scenario. """ print(DASHES) print("Welcome to the Amazon EventBridge Scheduler Workflow.") print(DASHES) print(DASHES) self.prepare_application() print(DASHES) print(DASHES) self.create_one_time_schedule() print(DASHES) print(DASHES) self.create_recurring_schedule() print(DASHES) print(DASHES) if q.ask( "Do you want to delete all resources created by this workflow? (y/n) ", q.is_yesno, ): self.cleanup() print(DASHES) print("Amazon EventBridge Scheduler workflow completed.") def prepare_application(self) -> None: """ Prepares the application by prompting the user setup information, deploying a CloudFormation stack and creating a schedule group. """ print("Preparing the application...") print( "\nThis example creates resources in a CloudFormation stack, including an SNS topic" + "\nthat will be subscribed to the EventBridge Scheduler events. " + "\n\nYou will need to confirm the subscription in order to receive event emails. " ) email_address = q.ask("Enter an email address to use for event subscriptions: ") stack_name = q.ask("Enter a name for the AWS Cloud Formation Stack: ") template_file = SchedulerScenario.get_template_as_string() parameters = [{"ParameterKey": "email", "ParameterValue": email_address}] self.stack = self.deploy_cloudformation_stack( stack_name, template_file, parameters ) outputs = self.stack.outputs for output in outputs: if output.get("OutputKey") == "RoleARN": self.role_arn = output.get("OutputValue") elif output.get("OutputKey") == "SNStopicARN": self.sns_topic_arn = output.get("OutputValue") if not self.sns_topic_arn or not self.role_arn: error_string = f""" Failed to retrieve required outputs from CloudFormation stack. 'sns_topic_arn'={self.sns_topic_arn}, 'role_arn'={self.role_arn} """ logger.error(error_string) raise ValueError(error_string) print(f"Stack output RoleARN: {self.role_arn}") print(f"Stack output SNStopicARN: a") schedule_group_name = "workflow-schedules-group" schedule_group_arn = self.eventbridge_scheduler.create_schedule_group( schedule_group_name ) print( f"Successfully created schedule group '{self.schedule_group_name}': {schedule_group_arn}." ) self.schedule_group_name = schedule_group_name print("Application preparation complete.") def create_one_time_schedule(self) -> None: """ Creates a one-time schedule to send an initial event. """ schedule_name = q.ask("Enter a name for the one-time schedule:") scheduled_time = + timedelta(minutes=1) formatted_scheduled_time = scheduled_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") print( f"Creating a one-time schedule named '{schedule_name}' " + f"\nto send an initial event in 1 minute with a flexible time window..." ) schedule_arn = self.eventbridge_scheduler.create_schedule( schedule_name, f"at({formatted_scheduled_time})", self.schedule_group_name, self.sns_topic_arn, self.role_arn, f"One time scheduled event test from schedule {schedule_name}.", delete_after_completion=True, use_flexible_time_window=True, ) print( f"Successfully created schedule '{schedule_name}' in schedule group 'workflow-schedules-group': {schedule_arn}." ) print(f"Subscription email will receive an email from this event.") print(f"You must confirm your subscription to receive event emails.") print(f"One-time schedule '{schedule_name}' created successfully.") def create_recurring_schedule(self) -> None: """ Create a recurring schedule to send events at a specified rate in minutes. """ print("Creating a recurring schedule to send events for one hour...") schedule_name = q.ask("Enter a name for the recurring schedule: ") schedule_rate_in_minutes = q.ask( "Enter the desired schedule rate (in minutes): ", q.is_int ) schedule_arn = self.eventbridge_scheduler.create_schedule( schedule_name, f"rate({schedule_rate_in_minutes} minutes)", self.schedule_group_name, self.sns_topic_arn, self.role_arn, f"Recurrent event test from schedule {schedule_name}.", ) print( f"Successfully created schedule '{schedule_name}' in schedule group 'workflow-schedules-group': {schedule_arn}." ) print(f"Subscription email will receive an email from this event.") print(f"You must confirm your subscription to receive event emails.") if q.ask( f"Are you ready to delete the '{schedule_name}' schedule? (y/n)", q.is_yesno ): self.eventbridge_scheduler.delete_schedule( schedule_name, self.schedule_group_name ) def deploy_cloudformation_stack( self, stack_name: str, cfn_template: str, parameters: [dict[str, str]] ) -> ServiceResource: """ Deploys prerequisite resources used by the scenario. The resources are defined in the associated `cfn_template.yaml` AWS CloudFormation script and are deployed as a CloudFormation stack, so they can be easily managed and destroyed. :param stack_name: The name of the CloudFormation stack. :param cfn_template: The CloudFormation template as a string. :param parameters: The parameters for the CloudFormation stack. :return: The CloudFormation stack resource. """ print(f"Deploying CloudFormation stack: {stack_name}.") stack = self.cloud_formation_resource.create_stack( StackName=stack_name, TemplateBody=cfn_template, Capabilities=["CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM"], Parameters=parameters, ) print(f"CloudFormation stack creation started: {stack_name}") print("Waiting for CloudFormation stack creation to complete...") waiter = self.cloud_formation_resource.meta.client.get_waiter( "stack_create_complete" ) waiter.wait( stack.load() print("CloudFormation stack creation complete.") return stack def destroy_cloudformation_stack(self, stack: ServiceResource) -> None: """ Destroys the resources managed by the CloudFormation stack, and the CloudFormation stack itself. :param stack: The CloudFormation stack that manages the example resources. """ print( f"CloudFormation stack '{}' is being deleted. This may take a few minutes." ) stack.delete() waiter = self.cloud_formation_resource.meta.client.get_waiter( "stack_delete_complete" ) waiter.wait( print(f"CloudFormation stack '{}' has been deleted.") def cleanup(self) -> None: """ Deletes the CloudFormation stack and the resources created for the demo. """ if self.schedule_group_name: schedule_group_name = self.schedule_group_name self.schedule_group_name = None self.eventbridge_scheduler.delete_schedule_group(schedule_group_name) print(f"Successfully deleted schedule group '{schedule_group_name}'.") if self.stack is not None: stack = self.stack self.stack = None self.destroy_cloudformation_stack(stack) print("Stack deleted, demo complete.") @staticmethod def get_template_as_string() -> str: """ Returns a string containing this scenario's CloudFormation template. """ script_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) template_file_path = os.path.join(script_directory, "cfn_template.yaml") file = open(template_file_path, "r") return if __name__ == "__main__": demo: SchedulerScenario = None try: scheduler_wrapper = SchedulerWrapper.from_client() cloud_formation_resource = resource("cloudformation") demo = SchedulerScenario(scheduler_wrapper, cloud_formation_resource) except Exception as exception: logging.exception("Something went wrong with the demo!") if demo is not None: demo.cleanup()
SchedulerWrapper class yang membungkus tindakan Amazon EventBridge Scheduler.
class SchedulerWrapper: def __init__(self, eventbridge_scheduler_client: client): self.scheduler_client = eventbridge_scheduler_client @classmethod def from_client(cls) -> "SchedulerWrapper": """ Creates a SchedulerWrapper instance with a default EventBridge Scheduler client. :return: An instance of SchedulerWrapper initialized with the default EventBridge Scheduler client. """ eventbridge_scheduler_client = boto3.client("scheduler") return cls(eventbridge_scheduler_client) def create_schedule( self, name: str, schedule_expression: str, schedule_group_name: str, target_arn: str, role_arn: str, input: str, delete_after_completion: bool = False, use_flexible_time_window: bool = False, ) -> str: """ Creates a new schedule with the specified parameters. :param name: The name of the schedule. :param schedule_expression: The expression that defines when the schedule runs. :param schedule_group_name: The name of the schedule group. :param target_arn: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the target. :param role_arn: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the execution IAM role. :param input: The input for the target. :param delete_after_completion: Whether to delete the schedule after it completes. :param use_flexible_time_window: Whether to use a flexible time window. :return The ARN of the created schedule. """ try: hours_to_run = 1 flexible_time_window_minutes = 10 parameters = { "Name": name, "ScheduleExpression": schedule_expression, "GroupName": schedule_group_name, "Target": {"Arn": target_arn, "RoleArn": role_arn, "Input": input}, "StartDate":, "EndDate": + timedelta(hours=hours_to_run), } if delete_after_completion: parameters["ActionAfterCompletion"] = "DELETE" if use_flexible_time_window: parameters["FlexibleTimeWindow"] = { "Mode": "FLEXIBLE", "MaximumWindowInMinutes": flexible_time_window_minutes, } else: parameters["FlexibleTimeWindow"] = {"Mode": "OFF"} response = self.scheduler_client.create_schedule(**parameters) return response["ScheduleArn"] except ClientError as err: if err.response["Error"]["Code"] == "ConflictException": logger.error( "Failed to create schedule '%s' due to a conflict. %s", name, err.response["Error"]["Message"], ) else: logger.error( "Error creating schedule: %s", err.response["Error"]["Message"] ) raise def delete_schedule(self, name: str, schedule_group_name: str) -> None: """ Deletes the schedule with the specified name and schedule group. :param name: The name of the schedule. :param schedule_group_name: The name of the schedule group. """ try: self.scheduler_client.delete_schedule( Name=name, GroupName=schedule_group_name ) except ClientError as err: if err.response["Error"]["Code"] == "ResourceNotFoundException": logger.error( "Failed to delete schedule with ID '%s' because the resource was not found: %s", name, err.response["Error"]["Message"], ) else: logger.error( "Error deleting schedule: %s", err.response["Error"]["Message"] ) raise def create_schedule_group(self, name: str) -> str: """ Creates a new schedule group with the specified name and description. :param name: The name of the schedule group. :param description: The description of the schedule group. :return: The ARN of the created schedule group. """ try: response = self.scheduler_client.create_schedule_group(Name=name) return response["ScheduleGroupArn"] except ClientError as err: if err.response["Error"]["Code"] == "ConflictException": logger.error( "Failed to create schedule group '%s' due to a conflict. %s", name, err.response["Error"]["Message"], ) else: logger.error( "Error creating schedule group: %s", err.response["Error"]["Message"], ) raise def delete_schedule_group(self, name: str) -> None: """ Deletes the schedule group with the specified name. :param name: The name of the schedule group. """ try: self.scheduler_client.delete_schedule_group(Name=name)"Schedule group %s deleted successfully.", name) except ClientError as err: if err.response["Error"]["Code"] == "ResourceNotFoundException": logger.error( "Failed to delete schedule group with ID '%s' because the resource was not found: %s", name, err.response["Error"]["Message"], ) else: logger.error( "Error deleting schedule group: %s", err.response["Error"]["Message"], ) raise
Untuk API detailnya, lihat topik berikut AWS SDKuntuk Referensi Python (Boto3). API