CreateRepositoryLink - AWS CodeConnections


Creates a link to a specified external Git repository. A repository link allows Git sync to monitor and sync changes to files in a specified Git repository.

{ "ConnectionArn": "string", "EncryptionKeyArn": "string", "OwnerId": "string", "RepositoryName": "string", "Tags": [ { "Key": "string", "Value": "string" } ] }

For information about the parameters that are common to all actions, see Common Parameters.

The request accepts the following data in JSON format.

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the connection to be associated with the repository link.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 0. Maximum length of 256.

Pattern: arn:aws(-[\w]+)*:.+:.+:[0-9]{12}:.+

Required: Yes

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) encryption key for the repository to be associated with the repository link.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 1024.

Pattern: arn:aws(-[\w]+)*:kms:[a-z\-0-9]+:\d{12}:key/[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+

Required: No

The owner ID for the repository associated with a specific sync configuration, such as the owner ID in GitHub.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 255.

Pattern: ^.*$

Required: Yes

The name of the repository to be associated with the repository link.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 128.

Pattern: ^.*$

Required: Yes

The tags for the repository to be associated with the repository link.

Type: Array of Tag objects

Array Members: Minimum number of 0 items. Maximum number of 200 items.

Required: No

{ "RepositoryLinkInfo": { "ConnectionArn": "string", "EncryptionKeyArn": "string", "OwnerId": "string", "ProviderType": "string", "RepositoryLinkArn": "string", "RepositoryLinkId": "string", "RepositoryName": "string" } }

If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in JSON format by the service.

The returned information about the created repository link.

Type: RepositoryLinkInfo object

For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors.


You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.

HTTP Status Code: 400


Exception thrown as a result of concurrent modification to an application. For example, two individuals attempting to edit the same application at the same time.

HTTP Status Code: 400


Received an internal server exception. Try again later.

HTTP Status Code: 400


The input is not valid. Verify that the action is typed correctly.

HTTP Status Code: 400


Exceeded the maximum limit for connections.

HTTP Status Code: 400


Unable to create resource. Resource already exists.

HTTP Status Code: 400


The request was denied due to request throttling.

HTTP Status Code: 400

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: