Monitoring data transfers with Amazon CloudWatch Logs - AWS DataSync

Monitoring data transfers with Amazon CloudWatch Logs

You can monitor your AWS DataSync transfer by using CloudWatch Logs. We recommend that you configure your task to at least log basic information (such as transfer errors).

Allowing DataSync to upload logs to a CloudWatch log group

To configure logging for your DataSync task, you need a CloudWatch log group that DataSync has permission to send logs to. You set up this access through an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role. How this specifically works depends on your task mode.

Enhanced mode

With Enhanced mode, DataSync automatically sends task logs to a log group named /aws/datasync. If that log group doesn't exist in your AWS Region, DataSync creates the log group on your behalf by using an IAM service-linked role when you create your task.

Basic mode

There are a couple ways to set up a CloudWatch log group for a DataSync task using Basic mode. In the console, you can automatically create an IAM role that in most cases includes the permissions that DataSync requires to upload logs. Keep in mind that this automatically generated role might not meet your needs from a least-privilege standpoint.

If you want to use an existing CloudWatch log group or are creating your tasks programmatically, you must create the IAM role yourself.

The following example is an IAM policy that grants these permissions.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "DataSyncLogsToCloudWatchLogs", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "logs:PutLogEvents", "logs:CreateLogStream" ], "Principal": { "Service": "" }, "Condition": { "ArnLike": { "aws:SourceArn": [ "arn:aws:datasync:region:account-id:task/*" ] }, "StringEquals": { "aws:SourceAccount": "account-id" } }, "Resource": "arn:aws:logs:region:account-id:log-group:*:*" } ] }

The policy uses Condition statements to help ensure that only DataSync tasks from the specified account have access to the specified CloudWatch log group. We recommend using the aws:SourceArn and aws:SourceAccount global condition context keys in these Condition statements to protect against the confused deputy problem. For more information, see Cross-service confused deputy prevention.

To specify the DataSync task or tasks, replace region with the Region code for the AWS Region where the tasks are located (for example, us-west-2), and replace account-id with the AWS account ID of the account that contains the tasks. To specify the CloudWatch log group, replace the same values. You can also modify the Resource statement to target specific log groups. For more information about using SourceArn and SourceAccount, see Global condition keys in the IAM User Guide.

To apply the policy, save this policy statement to a file on your local computer. Then run the following AWS CLI command to apply the resource policy. To use this example command, replace full-path-to-policy-file with the path to the file that contains your policy statement.

aws logs put-resource-policy --policy-name trust-datasync --policy-document file://full-path-to-policy-file

Run this command by using the same AWS account and AWS Region where you activated your DataSync agent.

For more information, see the Amazon CloudWatch Logs User Guide.

Configuring logging for your DataSync task

We recommend that you configure at least some level of logging for your DataSync task.

Before you begin

DataSync needs permission to upload logs to a CloudWatch log group. For more information, see Allowing DataSync to upload logs to a CloudWatch log group.

The following instructions describe how to configure CloudWatch logging when creating a task. You also can configure logging when editing a task.

  1. Open the AWS DataSync console at

  2. In the left navigation pane, expand Data transfer, then choose Tasks, and then choose Create task.

  3. Configure your task's source and destination locations.

    For more information, see Where can I transfer my data with AWS DataSync?

  4. On the Configure settings page, choose a task mode and any other options.

    You might be interested in some of the following options:

  5. For Log level, choose one of the following options:

    • Log basic information such as transfer errors – Publish logs with only basic information (such as transfer errors).

    • Log all transferred objects and files – Publish logs for all files or objects that DataSync transfers and performs data-integrity checks on.

    • Don't generate logs

  6. Do one of the following depending on the task mode you're using to create or specify a CloudWatch log group:

    Enhanced mode

    When you choose Create task, DataSync automatically uses (or creates) a log group named /aws/datasync.

    Basic mode

    For CloudWatch log group, specify a log group that DataSync has permission to upload logs to by doing one of the following:

    • Choose Autogenerate to automatically create a log group that allows DataSync to upload logs to it.

    • Choose an existing log group in your current AWS Region.

      If you choose an existing log group, make sure that DataSync has permission to upload logs to that log group.

  7. Choose Create task.

You're ready to start your task.

  1. Copy the following create-task command:

    aws datasync create-task \ --source-location-arn "arn:aws:datasync:us-east-1:account-id:location/location-id" \ --destination-location-arn "arn:aws:datasync:us-east-1:account-id:location/location-id" \ --task-mode "ENHANCED-or-BASIC" \ --name "task-name" \ --options '{"LogLevel": "log-level"}' \ --cloudwatch-log-group-arn "arn:aws:logs:us-east-1:account-id:log-group:log-group-name:*"
  2. For --source-location-arn, specify the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of your source location.

  3. For --destination-location-arn, specify the ARN of your destination location.

    If you're transferring across AWS Regions or accounts, make sure that the ARN includes the other Region or account ID.

  4. For --task-mode, specify ENHANCED or BASIC.

  5. (Recommended) For --name, specify a name for your task that you can remember.

  6. For LogLevel, specify one of the following options:

    • BASIC – Publish logs with only basic information (such as transfer errors).

    • TRANSFER – Publish logs for all files or objects that DataSync transfers and performs data-integrity checks on.

    • NONE – Don't generate logs.

  7. For --cloudwatch-log-group-arn, specify the ARN of a CloudWatch log group.


    If your --task-mode is ENHANCED, you don't need to specify this option. For more information, see Allowing DataSync to upload logs to a CloudWatch log group.

  8. Run the create-task command.

    If the command is successful, you get a response that shows you the ARN of the task that you created. For example:

    { "TaskArn": "arn:aws:datasync:us-east-1:111222333444:task/task-08de6e6697796f026" }

You're ready to start your task.

You can configure CloudWatch logging for your task by using the CloudWatchLogGroupArn parameter with any of the following operations:

Viewing DataSync task logs

When you start your task, you can view the task execution's logs by using the CloudWatch console or AWS CLI (among other options). For more information, see the Amazon CloudWatch Logs User Guide.

DataSync provides JSON-structured logs for Enhanced mode tasks. Basic mode tasks have unstructured logs. The following examples show how verification errors display in Enhanced mode logs compared to Basic mode logs.

Enhanced mode log example
{ "Action": "VERIFY", "Source": { "LocationId": "loc-abcdef01234567890", "RelativePath": "directory1/directory2/file1.txt" }, "Destination": { "LocationId": "loc-05ab2fdc272204a5f", "RelativePath": "directory1/directory2/file1.txt", "Metadata": { "Type": "Object", "ContentSize": 66060288, "LastModified": "2024-10-03T20:46:58Z", "S3": { "SystemMetadata": { "ContentType": "binary/octet-stream", "ETag": "\"1234abcd5678efgh9012ijkl3456mnop\"", "ServerSideEncryption": "AES256" }, "UserMetadata": { "file-mtime": "1602647222/222919600" }, "Tags": {} } } }, "ErrorCode": "FileNotAtSource", "ErrorDetail": "Verification failed due to file being present at the destination but not at the source" }
Basic mode log example
[NOTICE] Verification failed > /directory1/directory2/file1.txt [NOTICE] /directory1/directory2/file1.txt dstMeta: type=R mode=0755 uid=65534 gid=65534 size=8972938 atime=1728657659/0 mtime=1728657659/0 extAttrsHash=0 [NOTICE] dstHash: f9c2cca900301d38b0930367d8d587153154af467da0fdcf1bebc0848ec72c0d