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Step 2: Install the SQL Tools and AWS Schema Conversion Tool on Your Local Computer - Database Migration Guide
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Step 2: Install the SQL Tools and AWS Schema Conversion Tool on Your Local Computer

Next, you need to install a SQL client and AWS SCT on your local computer.

This walkthrough assumes you will use the SQL Workbench/J client to connect to the RDS instances for migration validation.

  1. Download SQL Workbench/J from the SQL Workbench/J website, and then install it on your local computer. This SQL client is free, open-source, and DBMS-independent.

  2. Download the JDBC driver for your Oracle database release. For more information, go to https://www.oracle.com/jdbc.

  3. Download the Amazon Redshift driver file, RedshiftJDBC41-, as described following.

    1. Find the Amazon S3 URL to the file in Previous JDBC Driver Versions of the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.

    2. Download the driver as described in Download the Amazon Redshift JDBC Driver of the same guide.

  4. Using SQL Workbench/J, configure JDBC drivers for Oracle and Amazon Redshift to set up connectivity, as described following.

    1. In SQL Workbench/J, choose File, then choose Manage Drivers.

    2. From the list of drivers, choose Oracle.

    3. Choose the Open icon, then choose the ojdbc.jar file that you downloaded in the previous step. Choose OK.

      driver management
    4. From the list of drivers, choose Redshift.

    5. Choose the Open icon, then choose the Amazon Redshift JDBC driver that you downloaded in the previous step. Choose OK.

      driver management

Next, install AWS SCT and the required JDBC drivers.

  1. Download AWS SCT from Installing, verifying, and updating the Schema Conversion Tool.

  2. Follow the instructions to install AWS SCT.

  3. Launch AWS SCT.

  4. In AWS SCT, choose Global settings from Settings.

  5. Choose Settings, Global settings, then choose Drivers, and then choose Browse for Oracle driver path. Locate the Oracle JDBC driver and choose OK.

  6. Choose Browse for Amazon Redshift driver path. Locate the Amazon Redshift JDBC driver and choose OK. Choose OK to close the dialog box.

    Connecting to the Oracle DB instance
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