Pemberitahuan akhir dukungan: Pada 13 November 2025, AWS akan menghentikan dukungan untuk Amazon Elastic Transcoder. Setelah 13 November 2025, Anda tidak akan lagi dapat mengakses konsol Elastic Transcoder atau sumber daya Elastic Transcoder.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang transisi ke AWS Elemental MediaConvert, kunjungi posting blog
Terjemahan disediakan oleh mesin penerjemah. Jika konten terjemahan yang diberikan bertentangan dengan versi bahasa Inggris aslinya, utamakan versi bahasa Inggris.
Buat Tugas
Untuk membuat pekerjaan, kirim permintaan POST ke/2012-09-25/jobs
sumber daya. Pekerjaan dimulai segera setelah Anda membuatnya.
Anda dapat mengkonfigurasi Elastic Transcoder untuk memberi tahu Anda ketika status pekerjaan berubah, termasuk ketika Elastic Transcoder dimulai dan selesai memproses pekerjaan, dan ketika Elastic Transcoder menemukan peringatan atau kesalahan kondisi. Untuk informasi selengkapnya, lihat Membuat Saluran.
POST /2012-09-25/jobs HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 Accept: */* Host: elastictranscoder.
Elastic Transcoder endpoint x-amz-date: 20130114T174952Z Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=AccessKeyID
/Elastic Transcoder endpoint
/elastictranscoder/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-date;x-amz-target, Signature=calculated-signature
Content-Length:number of characters in the JSON string
{ "Inputs":[{ "Key":"name of the file to transcode
", "Encryption":{ "Mode":"aes-cbc-pkcs7|aes-ctr|aes-gcm", "Key":"encrypted and base64-encoded decryption key
", "KeyMd5":"base64-encoded key digest
", "InitializationVector":"base64-encoded initialization vector
" }, "TimeSpan":{ "StartTime":"starting place of the clip, in HH:mm:ss.SSS or sssss.SSS
", "Duration":"duration of the clip, in HH:mm:ss.SSS or sssss.SSS
" }, "FrameRate":"auto|10|15|23.97|24|25|29.97|30|50|60", "Resolution":"auto", "AspectRatio":"auto|1:1|4:3|3:2|16:9", "Interlaced":"auto|true|false", "Container":"auto|aac|asf|avi|divx|flv|m4a|mkv|mov|mp2|mp3| mp4|mpeg|mpeg-ps|mpeg-ts|mxf|ogg|vob|wav|webm", "InputCaptions":{ "MergePolicy":"MergeOverride|MergeRetain|Override", "CaptionSources":[ { "Key":"name of the input caption file
", "Encryption":{ "Mode":"aes-cbc-pkcs7|aes-ctr|aes-gcm", "Key":"encrypted and base64-encoded encryption key
", "KeyMd5":"base64-encoded key digest
", "InitializationVector":"base64-encoded initialization vector
" }, "Language":"language of the input caption file
", "TimeOffset":"starting place of the captions, in either [-+]SS.sss or [-+]
", "Label":"label for the caption
" }, {...} ] } }, {...} ] "OutputKeyPrefix":"prefix for file names in Amazon S3 bucket
", "Outputs":[{ "Key":"name of the transcoded file
", "Encryption":{ "Mode":"s3||aes-cbc-pkcs7|aes-ctr| aes-gcm", "Key":"encrypted and base64-encoded encryption key
", "KeyMd5":"base64-encoded key digest
", "InitializationVector":"base64-encoded initialization vector
" }, "ThumbnailPattern":""|"pattern
", "Rotate":"auto|0|90|180|270", "PresetId":"preset to use for the job
", "SegmentDuration":"[1,60]", "Watermarks":[ { "InputKey":"name of the .png or .jpg file
", "Encryption":{ "Mode":"s3||aes-cbc-pkcs7| aes-ctr|aes-gcm", "Key":"encrypted and base64-encoded encryption key
", "KeyMd5":"base64-encoded key digest
", "InitializationVector":"base64-encoded initialization vector
" }, "PresetWatermarkId":"value of Video:Watermarks:Id in preset
" }, {...} ], "AlbumArt":[ { "AlbumArtMerge":"Replace|Prepend|Append|Fallback", "AlbumArtArtwork":"can be empty, but not null
":[ { "AlbumArtInputKey":"name of the file to use as album art
", "Encryption":{ "Mode":"s3||aes-cbc-pkcs7| aes-ctr|aes-gcm", "Key":"encrypted and base64-encoded encryption key
", "KeyMd5":"base64-encoded key digest
", "InitializationVector":"base64-encoded initialization vector
" }, "AlbumArtMaxWidth":"maximum width of output album art in pixels
", "AlbumArtMaxHeight":"maximum height of output album art in pixels
", "AlbumArtSizingPolicy":"Fit|Fill|Stretch|Keep| ShrinkToFit|ShrinkToFill", "AlbumArtPaddingPolicy":"Pad|NoPad", "AlbumArtFormat":"jpg|png" }, {...} ] }, {...} ], "Captions":{ "CaptionFormats":[ { "Format":"cea-708|dfxp|mov-text|scc|srt|webvtt", "Pattern":"myCaption/file-language
", "Encryption":{ "Mode":"s3||aes-cbc-pkcs7| aes-ctr|aes-gcm", "Key":"encrypted and base64-encoded encryption key
", "KeyMd5":"base64-encoded key digest
", "InitializationVector":"base64-encoded initialization vector
" } }, {...} ] } }, {...}], "Playlists":[{ "Format":"HLSv3|HLSv4|MPEG-DASH|Smooth", "Name":"name
", "OutputKeys":[ "Outputs:Key to include in this playlist
", ... ], "HlsContentProtection":{ "Method":"aes-128", "Key":"encrypted and base64-encoded protection key
", "KeyMd5":"base64-encoded key digest
", "InitializationVector":"base64-encoded initialization vector
", "LicenseAcquisitionUrl":"license acquisition url
", "KeyStoragePolicy":"NoStore|WithVariantPlaylists" }, "PlayReadyDrm":{ "Format":"microsoft|discretix-3.0", "Key":"encrypted and base64-encoded DRM key
", "KeyId":"id of the DRM key
", "KeyMd5":"base64-encoded key digest
", "InitializationVector":"base64-encoded initialization vector
", "LicenseAcquisitionUrl":"license acquisition url
" } }, {...}], "UserMetadata": { "Key":"Value", "Second user metadata key
":"Second user metadata value
" }, "PipelineId":"pipeline to use for transcoding
" }
Parameter Permintaan
Operasi ini tidak menggunakan parameter permintaan.
Header Permintaan
Operasi ini hanya menggunakan header permintaan yang umum untuk semua operasi. Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang header permintaan umum, lihat Konten Header HTTP.
Isi Permintaan
String JSON dalam isi permintaan berisi objek input untukCreateJob
operasi. Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang objek input, lihatPengaturan yang Anda Tentukan Saat Membuat Pekerjaan Transcoder Elastis.
Status: 201 Created x-amzn-RequestId: c321ec43-378e-11e2-8e4c-4d5b971203e9 Content-Type: application/json Content-Length:
number of characters in the response
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2013 06:01:47 GMT { "Job":{ "Id":"Id that Elastic Transcoder assigns to the job
", "Inputs":[{ "Key":"name of the file to transcode
", "Encryption":{ "Mode":"aes-cbc-pkcs7|aes-ctr|aes-gcm", "Key":"encrypted and base64-encoded decryption key
", "KeyMd5":"base64-encoded key digest
", "InitializationVector":"base64-encoded initialization vector
" }, "TimeSpan":{ "StartTime":"starting place of the clip, in HH:mm:ss.SSS or sssss.SSS
", "Duration":"duration of the clip, in HH:mm:ss.SSS or sssss.SSS
" }, "FrameRate":"auto|10|15|23.97|24|25|29.97|30|50|60", "Resolution":"auto|width in pixels
xheight in pixels
", "AspectRatio":"auto|1:1|4:3|3:2|16:9", "Interlaced":"auto|true|false", "Container":"auto|aac|asf|avi|divx|flv|m4a|mkv|mov|mp2|mp3| mp4|mpeg|mpeg-ps|mpeg-ts|mxf|ogg|vob|wav|webm", "InputCaptions":{ "MergePolicy":"MergeOverride|MergeRetain|Override", "CaptionSources":[ { "Key":"name of the input caption file
", "Language":"language of the input caption file
", "TimeOffset":"starting place of the captions, in either [-+]SS.sss or [-+]
", "Label":"label for the caption
" "Encryption":{ "Mode":"aes-cbc-pkcs7|aes-ctr|aes-gcm", "Key":"encrypted and base64-encoded decryption key
", "KeyMd5":"base64-encoded key digest
", "InitializationVector":"base64-encoded initialization vector
" }, }, {...} ] } }, {...}], "OutputKeyPrefix":"prefix for file names in Amazon S3 bucket
", "Outputs":[{ "Id":"sequential counter
", "Key":"name of the transcoded file
", "Encryption":{ "Mode":"s3||aes-cbc-pkcs7|aes-ctr| aes-gcm", "Key":"encrypted and base64-encoded encryption key
", "KeyMd5":"base64-encoded key digest
", "InitializationVector":"base64-encoded initialization vector
" }, "ThumbnailPattern":""|"pattern
", "Rotate":"auto|0|90|180|270", "PresetId":"preset to use for the job
", "SegmentDuration":"[1,60]", "Watermarks":[ { "InputKey":"name of the .png or .jpg file
", "Encryption":{ "Mode":"s3||aes-cbc-pkcs7| aes-ctr|aes-gcm", "Key":"encrypted and base64-encoded encryption key
", "KeyMd5":"base64-encoded key digest
", "InitializationVector":"base64-encoded initialization vector
" }, "PresetWatermarkId":"value of Video:Watermarks:Id in preset
" }, {...} ], "AlbumArt":[ { "AlbumArtMerge":"Replace|Prepend|Append|Fallback", "AlbumArtArtwork":"can be empty, but not null
":[ { "AlbumArtInputKey":"name of the file to use as album art
", "Encryption":{ "Mode":"s3||aes-cbc-pkcs7| aes-ctr|aes-gcm", "Key":"encrypted and base64-encoded encryption key
", "KeyMd5":"base64-encoded key digest
", "InitializationVector":"base64-encoded initialization vector
" }, "AlbumArtMaxWidth":"maximum width of output album art in pixels
", "AlbumArtMaxHeight":"maximum height of output album art in pixels
", "AlbumArtSizingPolicy":"Fit|Fill|Stretch|Keep| ShrinkToFit|ShrinkToFill", "AlbumArtPaddingPolicy":"Pad|NoPad", "AlbumArtFormat":"jpg|png" }, {...} ] }, {...} ], "Duration":"duration in seconds
", "Width":"width in pixels
", "Height":"height in pixels
", "Status":"Submitted|Progressing|Complete|Canceled|Error", "StatusDetail":"additional information about job status
", "Captions":{ "CaptionFormats":[ { "Format":"cea-708|dfxp|mov-text|scc|srt|webvtt", "Pattern":"myCaption/file-language
", "Encryption":{ "Mode":"s3||aes-cbc-pkcs7| aes-ctr|aes-gcm", "Key":"encrypted and base64-encoded encryption key
", "KeyMd5":"base64-encoded key digest
", "InitializationVector":"base64-encoded initialization vector
" } }, {...} ] }, "AppliedColorSpaceConversion":"None|Bt601ToBt709| Bt709ToBt601" }, {...} ], "Playlists":[ { "Format":"HLSv3|HLSv4|MPEG-DASH|Smooth", "Name":"name
", "OutputKeys":[ "Outputs:Key to include in this playlist
", ... ], "HlsContentProtection":{ "Method":"aes-128", "Key":"encrypted and base64-encoded protection key
", "KeyMd5":"base64-encoded key digest
", "InitializationVector":"base64-encoded initialization vector
", "LicenseAcquisitionUrl":"license acquisition url
", "KeyStoragePolicy":"NoStore|WithVariantPlaylists" }, "PlayReadyDrm":{ "Format":"microsoft|discretix-3.0", "Key":"encrypted and base64-encoded DRM key
", "KeyId":"id of the DRM key
", "KeyMd5":"base64-encoded key digest
", "InitializationVector":"base64-encoded initialization vector
", "LicenseAcquisitionUrl":"license acquisition url
" } }, {...} ], "UserMetadata":{ "key1":"First user metadata value
", "key2":"Second user metadata value
" }, "PipelineId":"pipeline to add the job to
", "Status":"Submitted|Progressing|Complete|Canceled|Error" } }
Header Respons
Operasi ini hanya menggunakan header respons yang umum untuk sebagian besar respons. Untuk informasi tentang header permintaan umum, lihat Respons HTTP.
Isi Respons
Ketika Anda membuat pekerjaan, Elastic Transcoder mengembalikan nilai-nilai yang Anda tentukan dalam permintaan. Untuk informasi selengkapnya, lihat Pengaturan yang Anda Tentukan Saat Membuat Pekerjaan Transcoder Elastis.
Selain itu, Elastic Transcoder mengembalikan nilai berikut.
- (Otomatis) Id
Pengenal bahwa Elastic Transcoder ditugaskan untuk pekerjaan. Anda menggunakan nilai ini untuk mendapatkan pengaturan untuk pekerjaan atau untuk menghapus pekerjaan.
- (Otomatis) Output: Id
Penghitung berurutan, dimulai dengan 1, yang mengidentifikasi output di antara output dari pekerjaan saat ini. Di
sintaks, nilai ini selalu1
. - (Otomatis) Output: Durasi
Durasi file output dalam hitungan detik, dibulatkan.
- (Otomatis) Output: Lebar
Lebar file output, dalam piksel.
- (Otomatis) Output: Tinggi
Ketinggian file output, dalam piksel.
- (Otomatis) Output: Status
Status satu output dalam pekerjaan. Jika Anda menentukan hanya satu output untuk pekerjaan itu,
selalu sama denganJob:Status
. Jika Anda menentukan lebih dari satu output:Job:Status
untuk semua output adalahSubmitted
sampai Elastic Transcoder mulai memproses output pertama.Ketika Elastic Transcoder mulai memproses output pertama,
untuk output itu danJob:Status
keduanya berubah menjadiProgressing
. Untuk setiap output, nilaiOutputs:Status
sampai Elastic Transcoder mulai memproses output.Job:Status
sampai semua output mencapai status terminal, baikComplete
.Ketika semua output mencapai status terminal,
hanya jikaOutputs:Status
untuk semua output adalahComplete
. JikaOutputs:Status
untuk satu output atau lebihError
, status terminal untukJob:Status
Nilai dari
adalah salah satu langkah berikut:Submitted
, atauError
. - (Otomatis) Output: StatusDetail
Informasi yang lebih lanjut menjelaskan
. - (Otomatis) Output: AppliedColorSpaceConversion
Jika Elastic Transcoder menggunakan preset dengan
untuk transcode file output,AppliedColorSpaceConversion
parameter menunjukkan konversi yang digunakan. Jika tidakColorSpaceConversionMode
didefinisikan dalam preset, parameter ini tidak akan dimasukkan dalam respon pekerjaan. - Status (Otomatis)
Jika Anda menentukan lebih dari satu output untuk pekerjaan, status seluruh pekerjaan. Ketika Elastic Transcoder mulai memproses pekerjaan, nilai
dan tidak berubah sampai Elastic Transcoder telah selesai memproses semua output. Saat pemrosesan selesai,Job:Status
perubahan baik keComplete
atau, jika salah satu output gagal, untukError
.Jika Anda menentukan hanya satu output untuk pekerjaan itu,
sama denganOutputs:Status
.Nilai dari
adalah salah satu langkah berikut:Submitted
, atauError
Untuk informasi tentang pengecualian dan pesan kesalahan Elastic Transcoder, lihatPenanganan Kesalahan di Elastic Transcoder.
Jika pekerjaan gagal denganAccess Denied
kesalahan, kami menyarankan Anda untuk menjalankanTest Role
Aksi API untuk menentukan apa yang menyebabkan kesalahan. Untuk informasi selengkapnya, lihat Peran Uji.
Contoh permintaan berikut menciptakan pekerjaan yang memiliki dua output.
Sampel Permintaan
POST /2012-09-25/jobs HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 Accept: */* Host: elastictranscoder.
Elastic Transcoder endpoint x-amz-date: 20130114T174952Z Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=AccessKeyID
/Elastic Transcoder endpoint
/elastictranscoder/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-date;x-amz-target, Signature=calculated-signature
Content-Length:number of characters in the JSON string
{ "Inputs":[{ "Key":"recipes/lasagna.mp4", "FrameRate":"auto", "Resolution":"auto", "AspectRatio":"auto", "Interlaced":"auto", "Container":"mp4", "InputCaptions":{ "MergePolicy":"MergeOverride", "CaptionSources":[ { "Key":"scc/lasagna-kindlefirehd.scc", "Language":"en", "Label":"English" }, { "Key":"srt/", "Language":"fr", "TimeOffset":"1:00:00", "Label":"French" } ] } }] "OutputKeyPrefix":"recipes/", "Outputs":[ { "Key":"mp4/lasagna-kindlefirehd.mp4", "ThumbnailPattern":"mp4/thumbnails/lasagna-{count}", "Rotate":"0", "PresetId":"1351620000000-100080", "Watermarks":[ { "InputKey":"logo/128x64.png", "PresetWatermarkId":"company logo 128x64" } ], "Captions":{ "CaptionFormats":[ { "Format":"scc", "Pattern":"scc/lasagna-{language}" }, { "Format":"srt", "Pattern":"srt/lasagna-{language}", } ] } }, { "Key":"iphone/lasagna-1024k", "ThumbnailPattern":"iphone/th1024k/lasagna-{count}", "Rotate":"0", "PresetId":"1351620000000-987654", "SegmentDuration":"5" }, { "Key":"iphone/lasagna-512k", "ThumbnailPattern":"iphone/th512k/lasagna-{count}", "Rotate":"0", "PresetId":"1351620000000-456789", "SegmentDuration":"5" }, ], "Playlists": [ { "Format": "HLSv3", "Name": "playlist-iPhone-lasagna.m3u8", "OutputKeys": [ "iphone/lasagna-1024k", "iphone/lasagna-512k" ] } ], "UserMetadata": { "Food type":"Italian", "Cook book":"recipe notebook" }, "PipelineId":"1111111111111-abcde1" }
Contoh Respons
Status: 201 Created x-amzn-RequestId: c321ec43-378e-11e2-8e4c-4d5b971203e9 Content-Type: application/json Content-Length:
number of characters in the response
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2013 06:01:47 GMT { "Job":{ "Id":"3333333333333-abcde3", "Inputs":[{ "Key":"recipes/lasagna.mp4", "FrameRate":"auto", "Resolution":"auto", "AspectRatio":"auto", "Interlaced":"auto", "Container":"mp4", "InputCaptions":{ "MergePolicy":"MergeOverride", "CaptionSources":[ { "Key":"scc/lasagna-kindlefirehd.scc", "Language":"en", "Label":"English" }, { "Key":"srt/", "Language":"fr", "TimeOffset":"1:00:00", "Label":"French" } ] } }], "Outputs":[ { "Id":"1", "Key":"mp4/lasagna-kindlefirehd.mp4", "ThumbnailPattern":"mp4/thumbnails/lasagna-{count}", "Rotate":"0", "PresetId":"1351620000000-100080", "Watermarks":[ { "InputKey":"logo/128x64.png", "PresetWatermarkId":"company logo 128x64", } ], "Duration":"1003", "Width":"1280", "Height":"720", "Status":"Progressing", "StatusDetail":"", "Captions":{ "CaptionFormats":[ { "Format":"scc", "Pattern":"scc/lasagna-{language}", }, { "Format":"srt", "Pattern":"srt/lasagna-{language}", }, { "Format":"mov-text" } ] } }, { "Id":"2", "Key":"iphone/lasagna-1024k", "ThumbnailPattern":"iphone/th1024k/lasagna-{count}", "Rotate":"0", "PresetId":"1351620000000-987654", "SegmentDuration":"5", "Duration":"1003", "Width":"1136", "Height":"640", "Status":"Progressing", "StatusDetail":"" }, { "Id":"3", "Key":"iphone/lasagna-512k", "ThumbnailPattern":"iphone/th512k/lasagna-{count}", "Rotate":"0", "PresetId":"1351620000000-456789", "SegmentDuration":"5", "Duration":"1003", "Width":"1136", "Height":"640", "Status":"Complete", "StatusDetail":"", "AppliedColorSpaceConversion":"None" } ], "Playlists":[ { "Format":"HLSv3", "Name":"playlist-iPhone-lasagna.m3u8", "OutputKeys": [ "iphone/lasagna-1024k", "iphone/lasagna-512k" ] } ], "UserMetadata": { "Food type":"Italian", "Cook book":"recipe notebook" }, "PipelineId":"1111111111111-abcde1", "Status":"Progressing" } }