DescribeDeliveryStream - Amazon Data Firehose


Describes the specified Firehose stream and its status. For example, after your Firehose stream is created, call DescribeDeliveryStream to see whether the Firehose stream is ACTIVE and therefore ready for data to be sent to it.

If the status of a Firehose stream is CREATING_FAILED, this status doesn't change, and you can't invoke CreateDeliveryStream again on it. However, you can invoke the DeleteDeliveryStream operation to delete it. If the status is DELETING_FAILED, you can force deletion by invoking DeleteDeliveryStream again but with DeleteDeliveryStream:AllowForceDelete set to true.

Request Syntax

{ "DeliveryStreamName": "string", "ExclusiveStartDestinationId": "string", "Limit": number }

Request Parameters

The request accepts the following data in JSON format.


The name of the Firehose stream.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 64.

Pattern: [a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+

Required: Yes


The ID of the destination to start returning the destination information. Firehose supports one destination per Firehose stream.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 100.

Pattern: [a-zA-Z0-9-]+

Required: No


The limit on the number of destinations to return. You can have one destination per Firehose stream.

Type: Integer

Valid Range: Minimum value of 1. Maximum value of 10000.

Required: No

Response Syntax

{ "DeliveryStreamDescription": { "CreateTimestamp": number, "DeliveryStreamARN": "string", "DeliveryStreamEncryptionConfiguration": { "FailureDescription": { "Details": "string", "Type": "string" }, "KeyARN": "string", "KeyType": "string", "Status": "string" }, "DeliveryStreamName": "string", "DeliveryStreamStatus": "string", "DeliveryStreamType": "string", "Destinations": [ { "AmazonOpenSearchServerlessDestinationDescription": { "BufferingHints": { "IntervalInSeconds": number, "SizeInMBs": number }, "CloudWatchLoggingOptions": { "Enabled": boolean, "LogGroupName": "string", "LogStreamName": "string" }, "CollectionEndpoint": "string", "IndexName": "string", "ProcessingConfiguration": { "Enabled": boolean, "Processors": [ { "Parameters": [ { "ParameterName": "string", "ParameterValue": "string" } ], "Type": "string" } ] }, "RetryOptions": { "DurationInSeconds": number }, "RoleARN": "string", "S3BackupMode": "string", "S3DestinationDescription": { "BucketARN": "string", "BufferingHints": { "IntervalInSeconds": number, "SizeInMBs": number }, "CloudWatchLoggingOptions": { "Enabled": boolean, "LogGroupName": "string", "LogStreamName": "string" }, "CompressionFormat": "string", "EncryptionConfiguration": { "KMSEncryptionConfig": { "AWSKMSKeyARN": "string" }, "NoEncryptionConfig": "string" }, "ErrorOutputPrefix": "string", "Prefix": "string", "RoleARN": "string" }, "VpcConfigurationDescription": { "RoleARN": "string", "SecurityGroupIds": [ "string" ], "SubnetIds": [ "string" ], "VpcId": "string" } }, "AmazonopensearchserviceDestinationDescription": { "BufferingHints": { "IntervalInSeconds": number, "SizeInMBs": number }, "CloudWatchLoggingOptions": { "Enabled": boolean, "LogGroupName": "string", "LogStreamName": "string" }, "ClusterEndpoint": "string", "DocumentIdOptions": { "DefaultDocumentIdFormat": "string" }, "DomainARN": "string", "IndexName": "string", "IndexRotationPeriod": "string", "ProcessingConfiguration": { "Enabled": boolean, "Processors": [ { "Parameters": [ { "ParameterName": "string", "ParameterValue": "string" } ], "Type": "string" } ] }, "RetryOptions": { "DurationInSeconds": number }, "RoleARN": "string", "S3BackupMode": "string", "S3DestinationDescription": { "BucketARN": "string", "BufferingHints": { "IntervalInSeconds": number, "SizeInMBs": number }, "CloudWatchLoggingOptions": { "Enabled": boolean, "LogGroupName": "string", "LogStreamName": "string" }, "CompressionFormat": "string", "EncryptionConfiguration": { "KMSEncryptionConfig": { "AWSKMSKeyARN": "string" }, "NoEncryptionConfig": "string" }, "ErrorOutputPrefix": "string", "Prefix": "string", "RoleARN": "string" }, "TypeName": "string", "VpcConfigurationDescription": { "RoleARN": "string", "SecurityGroupIds": [ "string" ], "SubnetIds": [ "string" ], "VpcId": "string" } }, "DestinationId": "string", "ElasticsearchDestinationDescription": { "BufferingHints": { "IntervalInSeconds": number, "SizeInMBs": number }, "CloudWatchLoggingOptions": { "Enabled": boolean, "LogGroupName": "string", "LogStreamName": "string" }, "ClusterEndpoint": "string", "DocumentIdOptions": { "DefaultDocumentIdFormat": "string" }, "DomainARN": "string", "IndexName": "string", "IndexRotationPeriod": "string", "ProcessingConfiguration": { "Enabled": boolean, "Processors": [ { "Parameters": [ { "ParameterName": "string", "ParameterValue": "string" } ], "Type": "string" } ] }, "RetryOptions": { "DurationInSeconds": number }, "RoleARN": "string", "S3BackupMode": "string", "S3DestinationDescription": { "BucketARN": "string", "BufferingHints": { "IntervalInSeconds": number, "SizeInMBs": number }, "CloudWatchLoggingOptions": { "Enabled": boolean, "LogGroupName": "string", "LogStreamName": "string" }, "CompressionFormat": "string", "EncryptionConfiguration": { "KMSEncryptionConfig": { "AWSKMSKeyARN": "string" }, "NoEncryptionConfig": "string" }, "ErrorOutputPrefix": "string", "Prefix": "string", "RoleARN": "string" }, "TypeName": "string", "VpcConfigurationDescription": { "RoleARN": "string", "SecurityGroupIds": [ "string" ], "SubnetIds": [ "string" ], "VpcId": "string" } }, "ExtendedS3DestinationDescription": { "BucketARN": "string", "BufferingHints": { "IntervalInSeconds": number, "SizeInMBs": number }, "CloudWatchLoggingOptions": { "Enabled": boolean, "LogGroupName": "string", "LogStreamName": "string" }, "CompressionFormat": "string", "CustomTimeZone": "string", "DataFormatConversionConfiguration": { "Enabled": boolean, "InputFormatConfiguration": { "Deserializer": { "HiveJsonSerDe": { "TimestampFormats": [ "string" ] }, "OpenXJsonSerDe": { "CaseInsensitive": boolean, "ColumnToJsonKeyMappings": { "string" : "string" }, "ConvertDotsInJsonKeysToUnderscores": boolean } } }, "OutputFormatConfiguration": { "Serializer": { "OrcSerDe": { "BlockSizeBytes": number, "BloomFilterColumns": [ "string" ], "BloomFilterFalsePositiveProbability": number, "Compression": "string", "DictionaryKeyThreshold": number, "EnablePadding": boolean, "FormatVersion": "string", "PaddingTolerance": number, "RowIndexStride": number, "StripeSizeBytes": number }, "ParquetSerDe": { "BlockSizeBytes": number, "Compression": "string", "EnableDictionaryCompression": boolean, "MaxPaddingBytes": number, "PageSizeBytes": number, "WriterVersion": "string" } } }, "SchemaConfiguration": { "CatalogId": "string", "DatabaseName": "string", "Region": "string", "RoleARN": "string", "TableName": "string", "VersionId": "string" } }, "DynamicPartitioningConfiguration": { "Enabled": boolean, "RetryOptions": { "DurationInSeconds": number } }, "EncryptionConfiguration": { "KMSEncryptionConfig": { "AWSKMSKeyARN": "string" }, "NoEncryptionConfig": "string" }, "ErrorOutputPrefix": "string", "FileExtension": "string", "Prefix": "string", "ProcessingConfiguration": { "Enabled": boolean, "Processors": [ { "Parameters": [ { "ParameterName": "string", "ParameterValue": "string" } ], "Type": "string" } ] }, "RoleARN": "string", "S3BackupDescription": { "BucketARN": "string", "BufferingHints": { "IntervalInSeconds": number, "SizeInMBs": number }, "CloudWatchLoggingOptions": { "Enabled": boolean, "LogGroupName": "string", "LogStreamName": "string" }, "CompressionFormat": "string", "EncryptionConfiguration": { "KMSEncryptionConfig": { "AWSKMSKeyARN": "string" }, "NoEncryptionConfig": "string" }, "ErrorOutputPrefix": "string", "Prefix": "string", "RoleARN": "string" }, "S3BackupMode": "string" }, "HttpEndpointDestinationDescription": { "BufferingHints": { "IntervalInSeconds": number, "SizeInMBs": number }, "CloudWatchLoggingOptions": { "Enabled": boolean, "LogGroupName": "string", "LogStreamName": "string" }, "EndpointConfiguration": { "Name": "string", "Url": "string" }, "ProcessingConfiguration": { "Enabled": boolean, "Processors": [ { "Parameters": [ { "ParameterName": "string", "ParameterValue": "string" } ], "Type": "string" } ] }, "RequestConfiguration": { "CommonAttributes": [ { "AttributeName": "string", "AttributeValue": "string" } ], "ContentEncoding": "string" }, "RetryOptions": { "DurationInSeconds": number }, "RoleARN": "string", "S3BackupMode": "string", "S3DestinationDescription": { "BucketARN": "string", "BufferingHints": { "IntervalInSeconds": number, "SizeInMBs": number }, "CloudWatchLoggingOptions": { "Enabled": boolean, "LogGroupName": "string", "LogStreamName": "string" }, "CompressionFormat": "string", "EncryptionConfiguration": { "KMSEncryptionConfig": { "AWSKMSKeyARN": "string" }, "NoEncryptionConfig": "string" }, "ErrorOutputPrefix": "string", "Prefix": "string", "RoleARN": "string" }, "SecretsManagerConfiguration": { "Enabled": boolean, "RoleARN": "string", "SecretARN": "string" } }, "IcebergDestinationDescription": { "BufferingHints": { "IntervalInSeconds": number, "SizeInMBs": number }, "CatalogConfiguration": { "CatalogARN": "string" }, "CloudWatchLoggingOptions": { "Enabled": boolean, "LogGroupName": "string", "LogStreamName": "string" }, "DestinationTableConfigurationList": [ { "DestinationDatabaseName": "string", "DestinationTableName": "string", "S3ErrorOutputPrefix": "string", "UniqueKeys": [ "string" ] } ], "ProcessingConfiguration": { "Enabled": boolean, "Processors": [ { "Parameters": [ { "ParameterName": "string", "ParameterValue": "string" } ], "Type": "string" } ] }, "RetryOptions": { "DurationInSeconds": number }, "RoleARN": "string", "S3BackupMode": "string", "S3DestinationDescription": { "BucketARN": "string", "BufferingHints": { "IntervalInSeconds": number, "SizeInMBs": number }, "CloudWatchLoggingOptions": { "Enabled": boolean, "LogGroupName": "string", "LogStreamName": "string" }, "CompressionFormat": "string", "EncryptionConfiguration": { "KMSEncryptionConfig": { "AWSKMSKeyARN": "string" }, "NoEncryptionConfig": "string" }, "ErrorOutputPrefix": "string", "Prefix": "string", "RoleARN": "string" } }, "RedshiftDestinationDescription": { "CloudWatchLoggingOptions": { "Enabled": boolean, "LogGroupName": "string", "LogStreamName": "string" }, "ClusterJDBCURL": "string", "CopyCommand": { "CopyOptions": "string", "DataTableColumns": "string", "DataTableName": "string" }, "ProcessingConfiguration": { "Enabled": boolean, "Processors": [ { "Parameters": [ { "ParameterName": "string", "ParameterValue": "string" } ], "Type": "string" } ] }, "RetryOptions": { "DurationInSeconds": number }, "RoleARN": "string", "S3BackupDescription": { "BucketARN": "string", "BufferingHints": { "IntervalInSeconds": number, "SizeInMBs": number }, "CloudWatchLoggingOptions": { "Enabled": boolean, "LogGroupName": "string", "LogStreamName": "string" }, "CompressionFormat": "string", "EncryptionConfiguration": { "KMSEncryptionConfig": { "AWSKMSKeyARN": "string" }, "NoEncryptionConfig": "string" }, "ErrorOutputPrefix": "string", "Prefix": "string", "RoleARN": "string" }, "S3BackupMode": "string", "S3DestinationDescription": { "BucketARN": "string", "BufferingHints": { "IntervalInSeconds": number, "SizeInMBs": number }, "CloudWatchLoggingOptions": { "Enabled": boolean, "LogGroupName": "string", "LogStreamName": "string" }, "CompressionFormat": "string", "EncryptionConfiguration": { "KMSEncryptionConfig": { "AWSKMSKeyARN": "string" }, "NoEncryptionConfig": "string" }, "ErrorOutputPrefix": "string", "Prefix": "string", "RoleARN": "string" }, "SecretsManagerConfiguration": { "Enabled": boolean, "RoleARN": "string", "SecretARN": "string" }, "Username": "string" }, "S3DestinationDescription": { "BucketARN": "string", "BufferingHints": { "IntervalInSeconds": number, "SizeInMBs": number }, "CloudWatchLoggingOptions": { "Enabled": boolean, "LogGroupName": "string", "LogStreamName": "string" }, "CompressionFormat": "string", "EncryptionConfiguration": { "KMSEncryptionConfig": { "AWSKMSKeyARN": "string" }, "NoEncryptionConfig": "string" }, "ErrorOutputPrefix": "string", "Prefix": "string", "RoleARN": "string" }, "SnowflakeDestinationDescription": { "AccountUrl": "string", "BufferingHints": { "IntervalInSeconds": number, "SizeInMBs": number }, "CloudWatchLoggingOptions": { "Enabled": boolean, "LogGroupName": "string", "LogStreamName": "string" }, "ContentColumnName": "string", "Database": "string", "DataLoadingOption": "string", "MetaDataColumnName": "string", "ProcessingConfiguration": { "Enabled": boolean, "Processors": [ { "Parameters": [ { "ParameterName": "string", "ParameterValue": "string" } ], "Type": "string" } ] }, "RetryOptions": { "DurationInSeconds": number }, "RoleARN": "string", "S3BackupMode": "string", "S3DestinationDescription": { "BucketARN": "string", "BufferingHints": { "IntervalInSeconds": number, "SizeInMBs": number }, "CloudWatchLoggingOptions": { "Enabled": boolean, "LogGroupName": "string", "LogStreamName": "string" }, "CompressionFormat": "string", "EncryptionConfiguration": { "KMSEncryptionConfig": { "AWSKMSKeyARN": "string" }, "NoEncryptionConfig": "string" }, "ErrorOutputPrefix": "string", "Prefix": "string", "RoleARN": "string" }, "Schema": "string", "SecretsManagerConfiguration": { "Enabled": boolean, "RoleARN": "string", "SecretARN": "string" }, "SnowflakeRoleConfiguration": { "Enabled": boolean, "SnowflakeRole": "string" }, "SnowflakeVpcConfiguration": { "PrivateLinkVpceId": "string" }, "Table": "string", "User": "string" }, "SplunkDestinationDescription": { "BufferingHints": { "IntervalInSeconds": number, "SizeInMBs": number }, "CloudWatchLoggingOptions": { "Enabled": boolean, "LogGroupName": "string", "LogStreamName": "string" }, "HECAcknowledgmentTimeoutInSeconds": number, "HECEndpoint": "string", "HECEndpointType": "string", "HECToken": "string", "ProcessingConfiguration": { "Enabled": boolean, "Processors": [ { "Parameters": [ { "ParameterName": "string", "ParameterValue": "string" } ], "Type": "string" } ] }, "RetryOptions": { "DurationInSeconds": number }, "S3BackupMode": "string", "S3DestinationDescription": { "BucketARN": "string", "BufferingHints": { "IntervalInSeconds": number, "SizeInMBs": number }, "CloudWatchLoggingOptions": { "Enabled": boolean, "LogGroupName": "string", "LogStreamName": "string" }, "CompressionFormat": "string", "EncryptionConfiguration": { "KMSEncryptionConfig": { "AWSKMSKeyARN": "string" }, "NoEncryptionConfig": "string" }, "ErrorOutputPrefix": "string", "Prefix": "string", "RoleARN": "string" }, "SecretsManagerConfiguration": { "Enabled": boolean, "RoleARN": "string", "SecretARN": "string" } } } ], "FailureDescription": { "Details": "string", "Type": "string" }, "HasMoreDestinations": boolean, "LastUpdateTimestamp": number, "Source": { "KinesisStreamSourceDescription": { "DeliveryStartTimestamp": number, "KinesisStreamARN": "string", "RoleARN": "string" }, "MSKSourceDescription": { "AuthenticationConfiguration": { "Connectivity": "string", "RoleARN": "string" }, "DeliveryStartTimestamp": number, "MSKClusterARN": "string", "ReadFromTimestamp": number, "TopicName": "string" } }, "VersionId": "string" } }

Response Elements

If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in JSON format by the service.


Information about the Firehose stream.

Type: DeliveryStreamDescription object


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors.


The specified resource could not be found.

HTTP Status Code: 400



The following JSON example describes a Firehose stream.

Sample Request

POST / HTTP/1.1 Host: firehose.<region>.<domain> Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes> User-Agent: <UserAgentString> Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1 Authorization: <AuthParams> Connection: Keep-Alive X-Amz-Date: <Date> X-Amz-Target: Firehose_20150804.DescribeDeliveryStream { "DeliveryStreamName": "exampleStreamName" }

Sample Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK x-amzn-RequestId: <RequestId> Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1 Content-Length: <PayloadSizeBytes> Date: <Date> { "DeliveryStreamDescription": { "DeliveryStreamType": "DirectPut", "HasMoreDestinations": false, "VersionId": "1", "CreateTimestamp": 1517595920.596, "DeliveryStreamARN": "arn:aws:firehose:us-east-1:111222333444:deliverystream/exampleStreamName", "DeliveryStreamStatus": "ACTIVE", "DeliveryStreamName": "exampleStreamName", "DeliveryStreamEncryptionConfiguration": { "Status": "DISABLED" }, "Destinations": [ { "DestinationId": "destinationId-000000000001", "ExtendedS3DestinationDescription": { "RoleARN": "arn:aws:iam::111222333444:role/exampleStreamName", "Prefix": "", "BufferingHints": { "IntervalInSeconds": 60, "SizeInMBs": 1 }, "EncryptionConfiguration": { "NoEncryptionConfig": "NoEncryption" }, "CompressionFormat": "UNCOMPRESSED", "S3BackupMode": "Disabled", "CloudWatchLoggingOptions": { "Enabled": true, "LogStreamName": "S3Delivery", "LogGroupName": "/aws/kinesisfirehose/exampleStreamName" }, "BucketARN": "arn:aws:s3:::somebucket", "ProcessingConfiguration": { "Enabled": false, "Processors": [] } }, "S3DestinationDescription": { "RoleARN": "arn:aws:iam::111222333444:role/exampleStreamName", "Prefix": "", "BufferingHints": { "IntervalInSeconds": 60, "SizeInMBs": 1 }, "EncryptionConfiguration": { "NoEncryptionConfig": "NoEncryption" }, "CompressionFormat": "UNCOMPRESSED", "CloudWatchLoggingOptions": { "Enabled": true, "LogStreamName": "S3Delivery", "LogGroupName": "/aws/kinesisfirehose/exampleStreamName" }, "BucketARN": "arn:aws:s3:::somebucket" } } ] } }

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: