Deprovision the address range - AWS Global Accelerator

Deprovision the address range

To stop using your address range with AWS, you first must remove any accelerators that have static IP addresses that are allocated from the address pool and stop advertising your address range. After you complete those steps, you can deprovision the address range.

You must stop advertising and deprovision your address range using the CLI or Global Accelerator API operations. This functionality is not available in the AWS console.

Step 1: Delete any associated accelerators. To delete an accelerator using the console or using API operations, see Delete accelerator.

Step 2. Stop advertising the address range. To stop advertising the range, use the following WithdrawByoipCidr command.

aws globalaccelerator --region us-west-2 withdraw-byoip-cidr --cidr address-range

Step 3. Deprovision the address range. To deprovision the range, use the following DeprovisionByoipCidr command.

aws globalaccelerator --region us-west-2 deprovision-byoip-cidr --cidr address-range