get-debug-password - AWS IoT Greengrass

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Menggunakan perintah get-debug-password untuk mencetak sandi yang dihasilkan secara acak untuk komponen konsol debug lokal (aws.greengrass.LocalDebugConsole). Kata sandi kedaluwarsa 8 jam setelah dibuat.

greengrass-cli get-debug-password

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Contoh berikut menunjukkan output yang dihasilkan ketika Anda menjalankan perintah ini.

$ sudo greengrass-cli get-debug-password Username: debug Password: bEDp3MOHdj8ou2w5de_sCBI2XAaguy3a8XxREXAMPLE Password expires at: 2021-04-01T17:01:43.921999931-07:00 The local debug console is configured to use TLS security. The certificate is self-signed so you will need to bypass your web browser's security warnings to open the console. Before you bypass the security warning, verify that the certificate fingerprint matches the following fingerprints. SHA-256: 15 0B 2C E2 54 8B 22 DE 08 46 54 8A B1 2B 25 DE FB 02 7D 01 4E 4A 56 67 96 DA A6 CC B1 D2 C4 1B SHA-1: BC 3E 16 04 D3 80 70 DA E0 47 25 F9 90 FA D6 02 80 3E B5 C1