FHIR R4 search parameters for HealthLake - AWS HealthLake

FHIR R4 search parameters for HealthLake

Use FHIR search interaction to search a set of FHIR resources in a HealthLake data store based on some filter criteria. The search interaction can be performed using either a GET or POST request. For searches that involve personally identifiable information (PII) or protected health information (PHI), it's recommended to use POST requests, as PII and PHI is added as part of the request body and is encrypted in transit.


The FHIR search interaction described in this chapter is built in conformance to the HL7 FHIR R4 standard for health care data exchange. Because it is a representation of a HL7 FHIR service, it is not offered through AWS CLI and AWS SDKs. For more information, see search in the FHIR R4 RESTful API documentation.

You can also query HealthLake data stores with SQL using Amazon Athena. For more information, see Integrating.

HealthLake supports the following subset of FHIR R4 search parameters. For more information, see FHIR R4 search parameters for HealthLake.

Supported search parameter types

The following table shows the supported search parameter types in HealthLake.

Supported search parameters types
Search parameter Description
_id Resource id (not a full URL)
_lastUpdated Date last updated. Server has discretion on the boundary precision.
_tag Search by a resource tag.
_profile Search for all resources tagged with a profile.
_security Search on security labels applied to this resource.
_source Search on where the resource comes from.
_text Search on the narrative of the resource.
createdAt Search on custom extension createdAt.

The following search parameters are only supported for datastores created after December 09, 2023 : _security, _source, _text, createdAt.

The following table shows examples of how to modify query strings based on specified data types for a given resource type. For clarity, special characters in the examples column have not been encoded. To make a successful query, ensure that the query string has been properly encoded.

Search parameter examples
Search Parameter Types Details Examples


Searches for a numerical value in a specified resource. Significant figures are observed. The number of significant digits are specific in by search parameter value, excluding leading zeros. Comparison prefixes are allowed.





Searches for a specific date or time. The expected format is yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss[Z|(+|-)hh:mm] but can vary.

Accepts the following data types: date, dateTime, instant, Period, and Timing. For more details using these data types in searches, see date in the FHIR R4 RESTful API documentation.

Comparison prefixes are allowed.





Searches for a sequence of characters in a case-sensitive manner.

Supports both HumanName and Address types. For more details, see the HumanName data type entry and the Address data type entries in the FHIR R4 documentation.

Advanced search is supported using :text modifiers.




Searches for a close-to-exact match against a string of characters, often compared to a pair of medical code values.

Case sensitivity is linked to the code system used when creating a query.Subsumption-based queries can help reduce issues linked to case sensitivity. For clarity the | has not been encoded.

[parameter]=[system]|[code]: Here [system] refers a coding system, and [code] refers to code value found within that specific system.

[parameter]=[code]: Here your input will match either a code or a system.

[parameter]=|[code]: Here your input will match a code, and the system property has no identifier.


Searches for multiple parameters within a single resource type, using the modifiers$ and , operation.

Comparison prefixes are allowed.





Searches for a number, system, and code as values. A number is required, but system and code are optional. Based on the Quantity data type. For more details, see Quantity in the FHIR R4 documentation.

Uses the following assumed syntax [parameter]=[prefix][number]|[system]|[code]






Searches for references to other resources.




Searches for a string of characters that unambiguously identifies a particular resource.



Searches based on integrated medical NLP extensions.

Advanced search parameters supported by HealthLake

HealthLake supports the following advanced search parameters.

Name Description Example Capability
_include Used to request that additional resources be returned in a search request. It returns resources which are referenced by the target resource instance. Encounter?_include=Encounter:subject
_revinclude Used to request that additional resources be returned in a search request. It returns resources that reference the primary resource instance. Patient?_id=patient-identifier&_revinclude=Encounter:patient
_summary Summary can be used to request a subset of the resource. Patient?_summary=text The following summary parameters are supported: _summary=true, _summary=false, _summary=text, _summary=data.
_elements Request a specific set of elements to be returned as part of a resource in the search results. Patient?_elements=identifier,active,link
_total Returns the number of resources that match the search parameters. Patient?_total=accurate Support _total=accurate, _total=none.
_sort Indicate the sort order of the returned search results using a comma-separated list. The - prefix can be used for any sort rule in the comma-separated list to indicate descending order. Observation?_sort=status,-date Support sort by fields with types Number, String, Quantity, Token, URI, Reference. Sort by Date is only supported for data stores created after December 09, 2023. Support up to 5 sort rules.
_count Control how many resources are returned per page of the search bundle. Patient?_count=100 Maximum page size is 100.
chaining Search elements of referenced resources. The . directs the chained search to the element within the referenced resource. DiagnosticReport?subject:Patient.name=peter
reverse chaining (_has) Search for a resource based on the elements of resources that refer to them. Patient?_has:Observation:patient:code=1234-5


Using _include in a search query allows for additional specified FHIR resources to also be returned. Use _include to include resources that are linked forward.

Example – To use _include to find the patients or the group of patients who have been diagnosed with a cough

You would search on the Condition resource type specifying the diagnostic code for cough, and then using _include specify that you want the subject of that diagnosis returned too. In the Condition resource type subject refers to either the patient resource type or the group resource type.

For clarity, special characters in the example have not been encoded. To make a successful query ensure that the query string has been properly encoded.

GET https://healthlake.region.amazonaws.com/datastore/datastoreId/r4/ Condition?code=49727002&_include=Condition:subject


Using _revinclude in a search query allows for additional specified FHIR resources to also be returned. Use _revinclude to include resources that are linked backwards.

Example – To use _revinclude to include related Encounter and Observation resource types linked to a specific Patient

To make this search, you would first define the individual Patient by specifying their identifier in the _id search parameter. Then you would specify additional FHIR resources using the structure Encounter:patient and Observation:patient.

For clarity, special characters in the example have not been encoded. To make a successful query ensure that the query string has been properly encoded.

GET https://healthlake.region.amazonaws.com/datastore/datastoreId/r4/ Patient?_id=patient-identifier&_revinclude=Encounter:patient&_revinclude=Observation:patient


Using _summary in a search query allows user to request a subset of the FHIR resource. It can contain one of the following values: true, text, data, false. Any other values will be treated as invalid. The returned resources will be marked with 'SUBSETTED' in meta.tag, to indicate that resources are incomplete.

  • true: Return all supported elements that are marked as 'summary' in the base definition of the resource(s).

  • text: Return only the 'text', 'id', 'meta' elements, and only top-level mandatory elements.

  • data: Return all parts except the 'text' element.

  • false: Return all parts of the resource(s)

In a single search request, _summary=text cannot be combined with _include or _revinclude search parameters.

Example – Get “text” element of Patient resources in a data store.
GET https://healthlake.region.amazonaws.com/datastore/datastoreId/r4/Patient?_summary=text


Using _elements in a search query allows for specific FHIR resource elements to be requested. The returned resources will be marked with 'SUBSETTED' in meta.tag, to indicate that resources are incomplete.

The _elements parameter consists of a comma-separated list of base element names such as elements defined at the root level in the resource. Only elements that are listed are to be returned. If _elements parameter values contain invalid elements, server will ignore them and return mandatory elements and valid elements.

_elements will not be applicable to included resources(returned resources whose search mode is include).

In a single search request, _elements cannot be combined with _summary search parameters.

Example – Get “identifier”, “active”, “link” elements of Patient resources in your HealthLake data store.
GET https://healthlake.region.amazonaws.com/datastore/datastoreId/r4/Patient?_elements=identifier,active,link


Using _total in a search query will return number of resources that match the requested search parameters. HealthLake will return the total number of matched resources(returned resources whose search mode is match) in the Bundle.total of search response.

_total supports the accurate, none parameter values. _total=estimate is not supported. Any other values will be treated as invalid. _total is not applicable to the included resources(returned resources whose search mode is include).

Example – Get the total number of Patient resources in a data store:
GET https://healthlake.region.amazonaws.com/datastore/datastoreId/r4/Patient?_total=accurate


Using _sort in the search query arranges the results in a specific order. The results are ordered based on the comma-separated list of sort rules in priority order. The sort rules should be valid search parameters. Any other values will be treated as invalid.

In a single search request, you can use up to 5 sort search parameters. You can optionally use a - prefix to indicate descending order. Server will sort on ascending order by default.

The supported sort search parameter types are: Number, String, Date, Quantity, Token, URI, Reference. If a search parameter refers to an element that is nested, this search parameter is not supported for sort. For example, search on 'name' of resource type Patient refers to Patient.name element with HumanName data type is considered as nested. Thus, sort on Patient resources by 'name' is not supported.

Example – Get Patient resources in a data store and sort them by birthdate in ascending order:
GET https://healthlake.region.amazonaws.com/datastore/datastoreId/r4/Patient?_sort=birthdate


The parameter _count is defined as an instruction to the server regarding how many resources should be returned in a single page.

The maximum page size is 100. Any values greater than 100 is invalid. _count=0 is not supported.

Example – Search for the Patient resource and set search page size to 25:
GET https://healthlake.region.amazonaws.com/datastore/datastoreId/r4/Patient?_count=25

Chaining and Reverse Chaining(_has)

Chaining and reverse chaining in FHIR provide a more efficient and compact way to obtain interconnected data, reducing the need for multiple separate queries and making data retrieval more convenient for developers and users.

If any level of recursion return more than 100 results, HealthLake will return 4xx to protect data store from being overloaded and causing multiple paginations.

Example – Chaining - Gets all DiagnosticReport which refer to a Patient where Patient name is peter.
GET https://healthlake.region.amazonaws.com/datastore/datastoreId/r4/DiagnosticReport?subject:Patient.name=peter
Example – Reverse Chaining - Get Patient resources, where the patient resource is referred to by at least one Observation where the observation has a code of 1234, and where the Observation refers to the patient resource in the patient search parameter.

GET https://healthlake.region.amazonaws.com/datastore/datastoreId/r4/Patient?_has:Observation:patient:code=1234

Supported search modifiers

Search modifiers are used with string-based fields. All search modifiers in HealthLake use Boolean-based logic. For example, you could specify :contains to specify that larger string field should include a small string in order for it to be included in your search results.

Supported search modifiers
Search modifier Type
:missing All parameters except Composite
:exact String
:contains String
:not Token
:text Token
:identifier Reference

Supported search comparators

You can use search comparators to control the nature of the matching in a search. You can use comparators when searching on number, date, and quantity fields. The following table lists search comparators and their definitions that are supported by HealthLake.

Supported search comparators

Search comparator


eq The value for the parameter in the resource is equal to the provided value.
ne The value for the parameter in the resource is not equal to the provided value.
gt The value for the parameter in the resource is greater than the provided value.
lt The value for the parameter in the resource is less than the provided value.
ge The value for the parameter in the resource is greater or equal to the provided value.
le The value for the parameter in the resource is less or equal to the provided value.
sa The value for the parameter in the resource starts after the provided value.
eb The value for the parameter in the resource ends before the provided value.

FHIR search parameters not supported by HealthLake

HealthLake supports all FHIR search parameters with the exception of those listed in the following table. For a full list of FHIR search parameters, see the FHIR search parameter registry.

Unsupported search parameters
Bundle-composition Location-near
Bundle-identifier Consent-source-reference
Bundle-message Contract-patient
Bundle-type Resource-content
Bundle-timestamp Resource-query